Finally Opening Up

Lillian Lockwood

Nature- Sweet- Shy- Baker
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Pear Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
3/3/2036 (25)
Lily had never been more surprised than she had been when Blake Irons had dropped into the stand and kissed Lars, her Lars. She was both surprised, excited, and eager to know everything and be supportive of one of her best friends ever. She had asked Lars to meet her up in an empty room in the towers, and had arrived much earlier to set up a bed of pillows, with a basket of Lar's favorite snacks, and she'd stayed up all night knitting Lars a Slytherclaw scarf, dark green and dark blue. She hummed, waiting happily for Lars to arrive, her legs folded beneath her.
Lars was still reeling a little from everything that had happened yesterday at the match, but mostly he felt like he was floating. Blake had shown the whole school he loved him, and Lars was proud of him as well as immensely happy. He knew their relationship would raise a lot of eyebrows, but yesterday in the stands Lars couldn't care about that at all. He'd thought he wouldn't care the next day either, but when he got Lily's note the doubt started to set in. She sounded kind of mad, and with Blake's past... Lars knew it was justified. He headed to the tower where Lily had said she would be waiting, walking over to her somewhat hesitantly. "Uh, hey."
Lily lit up as Lars appeared, giving him the widest smile and jumping up. "You! You are a lot better at secrets than I thought you were," she laughed happily, reaching for his hand to try and pull him to sit with her. "Come on, out with it then, tell me everything! I have all your favorite snacks, and here, I made you this," she chattered happily, taking the scarf and offering it to the boy. "It's green for Slytherin and blue for Ravenclaw," she told him, smiling brightly at him.
Lars blinked when Lily smiled at him, but then accused him of keeping secrets. He faltered, but let her pull him down to sit with her. "Lily, it wasn't my secret." He said, frowning. "It was something I couldn't tell anyone, for Blake's safety." He told her. But she didn't sem mad. He blinked when she said she had made a scarf for him, taking it hesitantly. "That's... fast." Was all he could think to say. "Lily, what is going on?"
Lily blinked at his question and giggled again. "I'm supporting you, silly." She informed him. "I know you and Blake have history, but I also know if you like him so much you're willing to protect him like that, well, he must really be a good guy. I trust you, therefore," she held up her basket of goodies. "I'll make him a scarf too, maybe, he's yours right? So he's one of us now," she nodded decisively, smiling brightly at Lars.
Lars shrugged a little as Lily talked about their history, but was touched she seemed to accept it so easily. Still, he wondered a little if she was pretending, if she was just trying to seem supportive. It seemed like such a big jump, and Lars knew that most of his other friends wouldn't think about it like this. "Are you sure?" He asked her, hesitantly. "I mean, I'm glad you're supporting me but... i thought you'd have more concerns." He blushed at the idea that Blake was his. "One of us?" He asked, tilting his head a bit. "Who is... us? Because I don't think Elliot is knitting him a scarf anytime soon." He said honestly.
Lily sighed, turning to face Lars better. "Alright, listen to me." she smiled. "I know Blake has a... reputation. But the only person I don't like is Tyler. I don't know if you remember that." She shook her head. "I have never actually spoken personally to Blake. I've heard things, sure, but you know I've never put much stock in rumors." She leaned over, moving to place her hand on his. "You like Blake. There must be something good in him if you like him. And if that isn't enough, well, I trust Jasper, too. He's one of my oldest friends, and if you trust Blake, and if Jasper speaks well of him, well, how can I really argue with that?" She smiled warmly at him. "Tell me, does he make you happy, Lars?"
Lars shrugged. "Well, Blake and Tyler were kind of a package deal for a long time." He told Lily. "And Blake was pretty awful at that time, those aren't rumors. He was a bully." He wasn't entirely sure why he was trying to convince Lily that Blake used to be bad, as he should be happy she was so accepting. But something about it felt weird, and he hoped Lily wasn't just doing this because she was afraid to lose his friendship otherwise. But as Lily asked him if Lars made him happy, he nodded. "He does." He said softly. "He's really changed. I love him."
Lily grimaced a little as Lars continued to insist that Blake had been horrible. She sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Lars, sweetie," she shifted, reaching to place her hand over his again. "I'm not interested in who this boy was. If you want someone to be mad at you, talk to your other friends. I have personally never spoken to this boy, or had any interactions with him. All I see, really, is that someone dropped into the stands and kissed you in front of the entire school. I see someone that makes one of my closest, dearest friends happy."

Lily shook her head, smiling warmly. "Lars, I know you expect me to be angry about your choice. But I'm not an angry person, Lars. Blake makes you happy. That's enough for me. I don't need to trust him, because I trust you. I don't think if he was still that awful boy that you would love him." She chided him gently.

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