Open Final Pride

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Amethyst Michaels

Loner- Blunt- Dancer- Writer- Trying
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
10 inch knotted rigid Ash with a Hippogryff feather core
2/14/2034 (24)
Amaya had worked hard to be where she was right now. She still felt heartbroken, and upset, worrying that this really was all pointless. She had lost her love, after all. But she wasn't going to let that stop her. This was her last ball, possibly her last dance, and she intended to make the most of it. She took her time getting ready, wanting to look her best. True, she had bought this dress for Kace, wanting to look good for him and wanting him to swoon a bit over her. But he was gone now, and that was really his own fault, wasn't it? She walked into the ball, head held high. She looked amazing, she felt amazing, and she was going to dance tonight.
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