🌹 Rose Giving Final Flower

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
15 (12/2046)
Hugo was just about there. a single rose was left in his posession and he was heading down to dinner. surly this would be easy. to find someone here. he wondered why he hadnt thought of just staying here and asking around at each of the meals. that would have been a really easy way of doing things. this last person was a Slytherin. he made his way along the table. pausing when he saw someone who looked like they might be about a fifth year. "Excuse me. do you know where Caleb Thorne is." he asked hoping that they would be able to point him to the right person.

@Caleb Thorne
Caleb loved spending time in the great hall during rose deliveries and now that he was done with lessons for the moment he made sure to stop by. He was scanning for a spot at the table when a first year approached him. "I do know that actually." he said with a grin. "What do you want with him?" he asked and stroked his chin. The reason was obvious considering the chaos of the day but if he could mess with the kid for a bit maybe he could prolong the moment.
Hugo was glad when someone said that they knew where caleb was. Once he found him he would have succeeded in his quest all roses delivered. i have a rose delivery for him” he said. Wondering if one of the people at the table was Caleb or if he was going to have to go all the way accross the castle again. His legs were getting tired. He couldn’t remember the last time that he had walked so much and climbed so many stairs.
"Well in that case." Caleb said and held out his hand. "I would be happy to pass it on to him." He hoped the younger boy would play along. "I know you've probably had a long day of walking all around the castle and I'm sure you're tired. No need to make you do any more work." he said laying it on thick.
Hugo looked at the older boy as he made his offer exciitement on his face. could it be that easy would this other boy deliver the rose and have him finish. then he paused. no. if it was any other, rose it would smell as sweet. but with his final one he wanted to make sure he got it finished. "Thank you for offering. but this is my last one. i want to deliver it myself say i finished" he said. hoping that they boy wouldn't mind.
Caleb frowned when the boy wouldn't hand over the rose. He had a feeling this would happen and he sighed. "Well I can make this a short trip for you." he said and held out his hand. Now he just hoped the kid would believe him now. "I'm Caleb." he said dryly.
hugo wasnt sure if he trusted this boy. he hadnt immediately trusted xinyl and he hadnt changed his story part way through, how can i trust that when you just suggested you weren't?" he said. he didnt want to upset an older slytherin boy by not believing him but he also didnt want to upset an older slytherin boy by giving his rose to soemeone else.
Caleb rolled his eyes. This kid was no fun. "I was just messing with you." he groaned. "Trust me. I'm Caleb. That's what all my friends call me." he said sarcastically. It wasn't like everyone went around wearing name tags. How was anyone supposed to prove their identity? How many people could just lie? Suddenly he remembered the other notes in his pockets and he dug one out. "See I'm Caleb." he insisted and held out his note from Louis. The message was a little embarrassing to share with a stranger but he was just some first year and he was more annoyed at having to prove it at all.
Hugo watched as the boy produced another note with the name Caleb on it. okay Caleb. I have a rose for you he said handing over the last rose he was carrying a pretty yellow one and the note. He hadn’t thought about the flowers and how colourful it was making everything until he didn’t have any left. happy valentines he said

Happy Valentine's Day

@Rene Tofilau
Caleb ran a hand through his hair and took the note and rose with a bit more vigor than was called for but he was a little annoyed now even if he had done it to himself really. "Thank you." he said in a clipped tone and opened the note. He smiled faintly at Rene's name and he hoped his friend liked the one he had sent him. And hoped he hadn't mentioned the note to Louis or his strategy to compliment his friends would backfire. "Now you're done. Congratulations." he said when he was done and turned back to the boy to shoo him off.

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