Final Destination


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OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Walnut Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
By the time Elt reached the last recipient on her list, she was utterly exhausted. Her legs ached with the walking, her brain hurt with the talking, and she promptly decided that if Professor Summers was not present in his office, he could stuff his rose. Well, she would leave it by the door, anyway. With some effort she lifted her tired arm and knocked hard on the door, adding in case he missed it, "PROFESSOOORR!"
Summers glanced up from his desk as a knock came from the door, becoming more of a frequent occurrence nowadays. Kida was always barging in unannounced, and since the Slytherin boy had passed, Esme would come by every few days and just sit in silence. He didn't mind. She needed support, and they could talk when she was ready.

Rising to his feet, Aeon moved to open the door. For a second or two, he thought no one was there - a stupid knock and run prank, but as he was about to close it again, his eyes found the tiny girl waiting there. "Oh hello, Elk. What brings you here?"
"Elt, Professor Summers!" corrected she, giggling. The part-goblin checked the name of her recipient one more time, just in case - her reading skills were about as awful as her speaking ones. Then, satisfied she was not delivering a rose to the wrong person, she held up the yellow flower with its note and smiled. "I have got no flowers," Elt mused sadly after she'd passed Aeon's to him. "I don't know why..."

Hey dawg.
"Oops." Aeon chuckled as the small girl corrected him. It was difficult to remember all of their names. Some of them still had a problem getting his. "Sorry Elt. So these are for me?" He took the yellow rose she handed to him, curious as to who this one was from. As he turned the note over in his hand, it took him a moment to figure out the sender's initials - one of the newer professors he'd only met recently. He was surprised to get one from him, but he appreciated the thought. He'd have to make sure he sent something back. Looking back up, the man frowned as the girl told him she had no flowers. "The day isn't over yet, I'm sure someone has sent you something, it might just be late. But while you're here..." Aeon produced his wand, and gave it a quick flick through the air. "Orchideous." A bouquet of flowers were conjured out of thin air, which he promptly passed to the Ravenclaw. "Now you have more flowers than anybody else."
"That's OK!" Elt said kindly. "For you!" she confirmed with a nod, taking a polite step back as not to intrude on Professor Summers' personal space. He began to speak again, and Elt didn't really understand; however, upon his producing and offering her a beautiful bouquet of flowers, her entire face lit with delight, and she made a grabby motion with her hands to take them. Once in her possession, she stuck her nose right amongst the blooming stems and inhaled deeply. "Thank you," she said, nobody ever having given her something so beautiful before. Forgetting her cares about personal space, she sprung forward and threw a big hug around Aeon's legs. Then she squeaked happily, releasing the professor and running away to show Oona what she'd been given.

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