Final and Boyfriend!!

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Phoenix Smith

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Domino :)
Birch Wand 14 1/4"/ Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Hi guys! It's Domino! Well, Phoenix Smith here needs a final...and a boyfriend!! She's a nice girl on the inside and is very protect of her friends. She lives with her uncle who doesn't approve of boys so maybe a Romeo & Juliet theme, but maybensomeone tries to take Nixie away? This is only a plot idea!!

And the requirements are:

Boyfriend/ Final Requirements said:
Someone who likes kids
Cute PB
OOC online a lot!!

Anyways thankyou for reading this and an even bigger thanks if you reply!
Ok but Adalyn hates Phoenix so....
Haha she does. I hadn't thought about that oops
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