File on Raziel Black

Raziel Black

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
9 3/4", Oak, wood wand with Phoenix tail feather core

I am the angel of Death, Repent o Sinner for I am here to pass Judgement


Full Name: Raziel Orion Black
Nicknames: Ray, Raz
Current Age: 33
Bloodstatus: Mixed
Gender: Male
Hair color: Brown
Eyes color: Light blue
Height: 6’1
Weight: 185 lb.
Body Type: Muscular
Distinguishing Physical Features: A scar across his right peck from a quidditch accident
Tattoos/Body Jewelry: A tattoo on his left bicep with his sons name
Clothing: Raziel grew up in a business family and was forced to wear suits most of his life, as he has grown older his clothing style has not changed at all when he is not working he is often scene in high-class tailored suits of all choice. At home he relaxes down a little more by wearing jeans and form fitting t shirts. At work he wears a long black trench coat and a bullet proof vest with a wand holster on his right thigh a black leather belt and cargo like pants.


Place of Residence: New Zealand
Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois U.S.A
Citizenship: United states Citizen, New Zealand Citizen
Languages: English, Cantonese, Spanish, French, Goblin
Vocals: Raziel has an American accent

Career and Training

Current Occupations: Auror for the Ministry of Magic
Former Ministry Occupations: Unspeakable, Head for the Committee of Experimental Charms and Spells
Former Muggle Occupations: Officer for the USMC, Agent for the CIA,
Weapon Training: Raziel knows how to use guns, but does not care for them very much he is skilled with rifles and hand guns
Other Training: Raziel is also a skilled mixed martial artist who specializes in the styles of tae kwon do, Taichi, and Hapkido.
Wand: 9 3/4", Oak, wood wand with Phoenix tail feather core
Muggle Military Career: Raziel served in the United States Marine Core between the years of 2011 and 2016. He was awarded numerous awards for valor, and brave as well as in marksmanship and knowledge. He achieve gunnery Sergeant after just four years which was exceptional for some his age, but with his high IQ and amazing skill his superiors thought it only right to award him such a rank. He served one more year after which he was forced out due to a serious and life threatening injury. Raziel was taken to a magical hospital but was unable to return to the military do to the fact that he was fully recovered in one week from a wound that would take months to heal. After a small time off Raziel applied to join the United States Ministry of Magic as A muggle liaison with the Department of Secrecy, a special office that informed the President of any problems or magic related accidents while maintaining a strict need to know approach. Raziel served in this department from 2017 to 2020.​
Prpperty and Priceless possesions

Black manor- Home set aside For Link Black

Black Manor is the Black families New Zealand home, it was a gift from Jacob Black, Raziel's father as a congradulation gift. The home is expansive and has around twenty five different rooms most of which were turned into guest room while a few were turned into speciality rooms of the Black Brothers. Which include a potion lab, a work out room, and a dueling room and a few others. The yard is equipped with an olympic size pool, a tennis court, and a quidittch pitch. The home is also is equiped with a security vault and top of the line magical protection which Sebastien and Raziel both put over the grounds.

Heart Stone Manor- Current Home

When Raziel and Jac got married they decided to move in to a bigger home that would give space for their large family. The home is under construction currently do to an attack on the den by Link Black.
Family Memebers:

Sebastien Black- Brother Deceased

Sebastien Black is the Second oldest, and One of Raziel's closest friends. Sebastien is the voice of logic and reason in Raziel's life and is Currently the head of the familys business back in the states as well as Healer at St.mungo's. Sebastien lives with Raziel in the Black manor here in New zealand.

William Black- Brother Deceased

William is the second youngest in the family, William is Raziel bad influence and often time when the two are together they get into the most troublesome and dangerous situation. William is the hot head of the family and the most reckless, he sometimes stay with Sebastien and Raziel but for the most part he travels the world as an up and coming musician.

Corvin Blackwood- Cousin Deceased

Corvin is the youngest of the Family and for the most part the most calm of the whole family. Corvin is currently living on a ranch in Britian and from time to time he stops in to visit but he has been wrapped up in work since, he was promoted and is now working for the Ministry of Magic in New Zealand as Head of Magical Creature Regulation

Makato Black- Nephew

Makato was adopted into the Black family and put under the care of Sebastien. He is currently staying with his brother Corvin in london.

Link Wood- Adpoted Son Deceased

Link wood is Raziels foster son and is currently staying with him at Black Manor.
Link to Bio is Here

Jacquline Burke- Wife
Link to Bio is Here

Gabriel Black- Biological Son
Magical talents and Skills:


Raziel had come into his ability to see the future when he was coming into his magical gifts. His vision at thte time were wild and often times came in his dreams. He would see the future of random people that he had never met in his life. His vision almost drove the young boy insane if he did had not been taught to focus his mind which his father taught him to do, this has allow him to get a grip of his vision but he still does not have the skill to truely control them.

Raziel can foresee only the near future of people in close proximity. He can focus this to see one person future or multiple peoples future yet the more he tries less he can see in the end. He also can not see the future of those skilled at shielding there minds. Also the future is always changing so as choice are being made and change the future will change and those so would the outcome of his vision.

Non verbal Magic

Raziel was a natural with a wand in school and with the training his father gave him in focusing his mind, Non verbal magic came more easily to Raziel. Yet he found when he casted spell non verbal, they were less powerful then when he spoke them. So he much prefers verbal magic, over non verbal.


Raziel has the skill to cast a succesful patronus also he is able to communicate though his patronus. His patronus takes the form of a Silver back Ape.


Broom riding

Raziel was keeper for his houses quiditch team and so he is more than capable on a broom.
Educational Background and training:

At the tender age of 11 Raziel was sent to Salem's Magical Academy, at his mother's request. He quickly fit into the normal coming and goings of the school and in no time rose to be the top in his class. He was made headboy and also graduated with honors. His skill on the pitch boosted him to captain in his sophmore year at the academy. He was also skilled with a wand, which won him many awards in his time at Salem. Raziel was the only one in his class to get an O in all of his class , each year that he attened school.

After he graduated school he stayed on to study further with his school professors, which taught him the more finer points in there given studies. Raziel had a knack for Charms and Defensive spellmanship. His worse class was care for magical creature, which he opted out of taking post grauduation studies in of course. He was a talented wizard, yet he knew that he could always become better so after three years of extra education he traveled the world and pursued knowledge that is of course before he wound up in New Zealand.
N.E.W.T scores

Core Courses
Charms - Outstanding
Defence Against the Dark Arts- Outstanding
Transfiguration- Outstanding
Potions- Outstanding
Herbology- Outstanding

Divination- Outstanding

Won the Dangerous" Dai Commemorative Medal his last year at Salem

Won Barnabus Finkley Prize for Exceptional Spell-Casting
Update: July 5, 2008
Raziel had a job change for Unspeakable to Committee on Experimental Charms
Update: July 5,2008
Raziel has a foster son, Link Wood
Update: October 27, 2008
Raziel is now Head of the Committee on Experimental Charms
Update: March 8, 2009
Raziel is now an Auror
Update: July 31, 2010
Added a Bio link-
-Jac Burke
-Link Wood
Added a picture of the current family home.
Added to the family section-
-Jac Black- Wife
-Gabe Black- Son
Re-edit of the personal section (first post)

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