Fifth Years: Lesson Two

The greenhouse was a riot of pink flowers today, which Angel felt was appropriate with all the Valentine’s cheer about the castle this week. He’d always enjoyed puffapods for what they were, which was mostly just pretty and fun over anything particularly challenging, but he hoped the students would at least be entertained by a new plant.

The puffapods were lined up along the benches, along with containers for seeds. Angel indicated for students to stand in front of the pots as they began to arrive.

Alright guys, pick a plant to stand with, today we’ll be learning about and harvesting puffapods.” Angel indicated to the large pink seedpods near the center of the plants. “See these pods? We’ll be collecting their seeds today, like so,” Angel said, giving a pod from the plant in front of him a quick sharp twist, gratified when it came away from the stem easily so he could hold it up. With some pressure from his thumb, Angel broke the pod open, revealing the shiny seeds inside. "After that just scoop 'em out into your bucket and you're set.

“When I give the okay, you’ll start harvesting your own puffapod, but try to be gentle with the seeds, they’re a bit volatile. For example, if you would?
” Angel said, walking around with his harvested seeds to show the class, and coming to stop in front of one of the students. “Go ahead and throw a few of these onto the table, would you?” He offered, eager for a fun demonstration. When the student dropped the seeds, they readily burst into large flowers. “It’s a lot of fun, but try to refrain from wasting too many if you can,” he said, nodding encouragingly to one of the students who reached out to investigate the newly flowered seeds.

Alright, go ahead and get harvesting. Once your plant’s all harvested, bring me the seeds and you’re free to go I’ll give a few extra points to whomever thinks they’ve gotten the most, but you’re welcome to take any flowers you end up with as well. Happy Valentine's,” Angel said, putting away his remaining seeds and settling at the front of the class to observe.

RP the lesson. Extra house points awarded to the first poster to claim they’ve harvested the most. First poster is also welcome to be the volunteer seed thrower.
Teddy made his way down to the greenhouses for the next Herbology lesson where they were working with puffapods. Teddy chose one to stand by. He took up the offer to throw down some seeds and loved watching them burst into flowers. Teddy thought that was so cool. Next he started harvesting the puffapods and was more careful with them now. He was almost certain he had the most by the time he was done, though he kept an eye on @Aurora Chase just to make sure he had more than her. At the end of the lesson, he took his harvest to Professor Castillo and said, "There you go, I think I have the most." He told him. It has been a pretty fun lesson and Teddy left feeling positive about how it had gone.
Anyone who knew Aura well, or had spent more than a couple of minutes talking to her would have known about her hatred of Puffapods. She sighed as she walked into the greenhouse and noticed the overwhelming pink of the stupid things all over the place - it was already setting her on edge. She hated these things - useless, messy and entirely too cheerful, which was fine in anything else but a plant. She reluctantly stepped up to one of the plants and grimaced as she twisted a pod off with more than the necessary force. The stupid thing nearly slipped from her grasp, and she scowled as she pried it open, carefully dumping the seeds into her bucket. That was it she was already done with this stupid lesson. She couldn’t stand all the seeds and pods and flowers hitting the tables and going everywhere. It was so pointless, what was the thing even for? She wanted to finish as quickly as possible and so she harvested what she needed to with stiff yet aggressive efficiency, barely even sparing @Teddy Pirrip a passing glance as uncomfortable as she was in this room right now. Happy Valentine’s Day, she supposed, as the class ended, she tried to think of the best way to get rid of the lingering seeds and flowers stuck in her hair.​
Lucy came to the greenhouse in a chipper mood. Valentines' had gone off perfectly - the deliveries, the roses she'd received (a certain pink one in particular) - it was all wonderful. Hence, the decorations in the greenhouse put her in a good mood. Puffapods looked interesting as well and Lucy enjoyed the more practical lessons (when they weren't about pus or dung). She watched as Teddy threw the seeds, entranced at the flowers that appeared but knowing that wasn't what they were here for. She did her best to try and harvest the seeds, trying to copy what the professor had done, but often forgot to be gentle putting them in the bucket. A little flustered, Lucy learnt her lesson eventually, though by this time she'd wasted quite a few seeds and definitely wasn't the one with the most. She was honestly impressed with Teddy. She'd really need a bit more practice if this turned out to be on the exam, she thought to herself.
Callie walked into the herbology greenhouse and took her usual spot in the room. She had picked a plant to be by, thankfully the one close to her seat. She loved the look of the plant, the pink seedpods were so cool. She watched as the professor demonstrated how they were to do it. Her focus was on his hand to ensure that she was going to get the right motion. She watched as he dropped one of the seeds. She then was able to get started on it. As much as the flowers were pretty she was pretty eager to not cause that to happen. She did manage most of it, only dropping one, but she worked much more slowly than others, being one of the last ones in the class by the end. She then packed up her things and headed out of the room.
Enoch walked into the herbology classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He looked up at the professor as the man got started and then watched as he demonstrated how they were to go about doing the harvesting. He didn’t much care about doing that. He knew it was easy enough and what the seeds would do if dropped. He then got to work, focusing on doing what he needed to harvest them but not too much more than that. He was careful enough to not drop any, but nearly dropped a couple. When he was done he packed up his things and headed out of the greenhouse.
Friday walked into the herbology classroom and took the same spot in the room. She glanced towards the professor at the front of the class as he talked about the plants that were in front of them. She watched the professor demonstrate how to get the seeds and then showed them what happened if they fell. She wondered how many you would need to drop before the professor took issue with it. She then got started. Friday wasn’t very good at it. She was at least trying and wasn’t intentionally being bad at it, but it required perhaps more patience than Friday had. She got frustrated with herself, which didn’t make things better and then eventually she was done. She packed up her things and then headed out of the room.

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