Fifth Years, Lesson Three

"Good morning 5th year, I trust you are all doing well." He took a small sip of his hot coffee before continuing, "Like last week, you have a quiz to complete, it should be slightly more difficult than the last, but, I still would hope that you have very little problems with it. However, unlike last week this is not an open book quiz so, close all your books and put them to the side."

1. What is the charm you use to clean things?

2. Alohomora does what?

3. What charm do you use to repair things?

4. What charm repels an object?

5. Homenum revelio does what?

Once it appeared that all the students were done, Professor Haden raised his wand and summoned all the quizzes to once again make a neat pile upon his desk. He smiled at the class as he got to his feet and while sipping the tea went to stand in front of the desk, "Today, class, we will be learning, the very interesting spell, Duro" He looked at the students, attempting to see if they knew what he was talking about. "Duro is the latin for, 'To harden, or solidify', which I'm sure you all know already, since, I trust you all did the reading" He flashed a small smirk to the students, before continuing, "The spell basically means that you can turn whatever target you have in front of you into stone. I will warn you now, while you are in theory capable of preforming this spell on a living thing, it is strictly forbidden within school walls and pretty forbidden outside them too, especially if the living thing is a person. Should you be careless enough to not listen to me, when I say how strictly forbidden it is," He took a small sip of his tea, before continuing, this was a fairly boring point of the lesson, but it was crucial. "if a person is under duro for too long, it can kill them. It could take hours, or minutes. You have been warned" While Misha did not believe that any of the students would cast the spell on others, he had to say it. At least if they then did, he could not be put at fault. Since he had told them, with this said, he took a moment to take one last sip of his tea before placing it on the table.

"To cast Duro, you must point your wand at the object and say it firmly. To reverse the spell use Finite" To demonstrate, he produce a red cloth from his pocket, then threw it into the air, and with a flick of his wand he stated, "Duro." The cloth suddenly seized up, turning into grey stone and in no time had clunked to the floor, Misha had to step back slightly to avoid it hitting his feel. "I do not wish you all to throw your cloths up in the air as I have done- I don't want there to be any injuries- so" he waved his wand, and clothes of varies colours flew out, and landed in front of the students. One for each of them. "Practice upon the desk, and if you can, try not to turn your desks to stone" The professor paused, as he felt his voice wane slightly, he clear his throat before starting back up, "The point of focus is the cloth. You can leave once you have turned your cloth to stone and successfully reversed it. And before you all get very interested in practicing, remember to read the chapter on Reducto for next week. Begin!"

RP the lesson, Attendance length post is fine
It is not necessary to do the quiz, it is extra credit!

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