Fifth Years, Lesson Six

"I am very pleased with the results from most of your quizzes; I believe you all will do fine on your OWLs. I expect the best effort from each and every one of you."

He looked to the windows, and as planned, it was raining heavily outside. "Now, students, we will not be using a charm of a destructive nature today; rather, we will be using one that proves to be quite useful. Luckily, this spell can be used on anything; whether it be your face, your glasses, what have you."

"Today, after we cast this spell, you are going to be going outside into the rain, and I promise you will see the effects of this spell. The spell we are going to be learning today is Impervious."

Professor Haden paced as he pulled out a jacket, waving his wand and stating, "Impervius." A slight glow appeared around his jacket and then disappeared. "Now, students, cast this spell at an object, any object. If you are not confident in your abilities, I suggest you cast Impervious on an object or thing you are not afraid to get wet."

Once all of the students had cast the spell, or at least tried, Professor Haden led them out of the classroom, and in no time they were outside, the students somewhat tentative about bringing their things into the downpour. Without a worry, Misha stepped into the rain, his hair immediately becoming soaked. However, his jacket seemed to have a barrier around it; repelling the water perfectly and leaving the article of clothing perfectly dry.

He watched as the students examined their things, most of them remaining dry and repelling water also. Bellowing over the resounding downpour, Misha spoke, "You see, Impervious repels water. If you wish to keep an object dry, or yourself, for that matter, you need only cast this spell. I have heard it is quite useful in Quidditch matches with rather unfavorable weather conditions; also useful for keeping glasses dry or if you have forgotten an umbrella."

Leading his students back to the classroom, Misha's short hair was still sopping as the students gathered their things. "I wish you all the best on your OWLs. I cannot emphasize enough, study, study, study, practice, practice, practice. Have a lovely break, I hope to see you again next year as sixth year"

Attendance post is enough.

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