Fifth Years: Lesson One

Leaning against one of the benches, Angel looked up as his first new fifth years began arriving, pushing his sleeves up and giving them a casual wave as they entered. “Howdy, folks,” he said with a grin, “Welcome to fifth year herbology, I’m Professor Castillo. Hope you got a good rest over the holiday break, it’s gonna be a long year,” Angel said brightly. With several OWL years under his belt now, Angel had found most of his students were more than prepared to tackle these lessons without much prep than him. He'd never been that organized as a student, that was for sure.

As you're no doubt aware, this is your OWL year, and I’ll do my best to teach you everything you need to know, though it’s important you remember to revise everything else you’ve learnt so far, because funnily enough that is important,” Angel said, resting his palm over his heart to impart how sincere he was. Though if they’d already forgotten their previous four years of classes, there wasn’t much he could do for them at this point. But confidence was key, he didn’t need any OWL related breakdowns in his class yet.

This year, we’ll be covering how to plant, grow, and cultivate a number of plants like bouncing bulb and puffapods. These handy plants are pretty essential to the Herbology community, Potions, and all the wizarding kind. A lot of are quite pretty, too,” Angel said, twirling his hand as he spoke, looking over his notes. “But let's take advantage of this first week and ease into things and keep things short,” Angel said, hoping to avoid setting himself any grading this semester until he absolutely had to. “Just remember you need at least an A to make it into sixth year classes and you're free to go,” Angel said, dismissing the class with a wave.

Post attendance and check out the Class Policy for info on grades and upper year prerequisites
Fraser had enjoyed going home, though now being back at school, and he had so many things to do, and he couldn’t let any of them go wrong. He didn’t want to let anyone down. He couldn’t let anyone down. It was vital that he do well, that he actually manage it. He needed to. Fraser was getting himself ready for the day, he had set some time aside in the mornings to train for quidditch and time in the afternoon to get things set up for accio. He grabbed the last few things he had to and then quickly headed out of the room.

Fraser walked into the herbology greenhouse, a little curious about what exactly they would be doing in this semester of the class. Herbology was interesting and he thought it could get more interesting the more senior a student he was. Fraser took his notes and books out as the professor began telling them what they’d be doing, but it wasn’t a very long lecture. They got a little information and then the professor wrapped things up and dismissed them.
The break was over again and June knew this second semester of her fifth year was very important. She had been staying at Hogwarts like she usually did. She just wanted to be prepared and it was amazing to have an library almost for herself sometimes when it was quiet. Misha let her do her thing and that was why June decided to be adopted by him for one of the reason, other than him being a professor here. This semester she would get him as her professor and she wondered how he would teach. Also Castillo would be her professor and she couldn't wait, perhaps she was gonna like Herbology after this semester after all. It would be better for sure since she didn't had to face Landon everytime at least.

The blonde made her way to the greenhouse with an big smile on her face, which was not normal back a few years when she arrived in this place. Perhaps her smile would fade, but she would fake to like this class out of her toes, since her head of house teached this. She was certain that he would do better than Landon. And smiled as he started speaking listening to every word he had to say. She made some quick notes of the plants he mentioned, which she already knew since she prepared every class. But it wasn't much information to write down. It was only an introduction and that June didn't mind. Touching the very first plant and dirt again would not make her happy. But thankfully she had her wand and hopefully her skill in magic would work well. After the class she went for an quick chat with her head of house and left afterwards.

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