Fifth Years, Lesson One

"Good morning fifth year, and welcome back, I'm Professor Misha Haden and I'll be your Charms professor from now until the end of your school careers. Feel free to call me Misha or Professor or Haden, whichever feels most comfortable for you" He said brightly with a smile at his students, "This is fifth year charms, as you know, and I'm sure that you all know what that means." He paused, glancing around at the room, "Trust in me, what I'm telling you and know I'm always happy to help, and I'm sure you'll have no problems getting an O in this class." Misha took the chalk sitting behind him on the table and walked over to the board, he quickly in his own writing, wrote out the spells that they would be covering that year. The spells were slightly more complex, but he was sure that all of the students in front of him would have no problems with them at all.


"These spells are the ones we will be learning during this term, as well as doing a bit of recaping of all the previous spells you've learned. That way you will be very prepared for the exam." Misha put the chalk down on the table once more and then rubbed his hands on his trousers. "It would be in your best interest Fifth years to create a study guide or something of that sort of the previous spells you have learned during the previous years. However, I went to the liberty of creating a very simple one for you," He took his wand from his pocket gave it a slight wave and then, sheets of paper flew out to all the students, on it, was the list of all the spells they had previous learned. In the order that they had learned them in.

Wingardium Leviosa
Banishing Charm
Alohomora Charm
Repairing Charm
Repelling Charm
Homenum Revelio
Cheering Charm
Locomotor Charm
Drought Charm
Bubblehead Charm

"Add to it, put your own notes. Spells are different for everyone, so if two sheets are the same, then one is lying." He took his cup of tea from the table and gave it a small sip, "Right everyone, that's all we have time for today, Enjoy the rest of this first week back," and with that, Misha finished the lesson.

Attendance post is just fine

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