Fifth Years: Lesson 2

Professor Killian Borisyuk was pretty good at knowing about the houses and the founders now that he had some time to teach and to experience it himself. It seemed like basic knowledge, but it was stuff that would be found in the OWL regardless. The two houses that Killian was going over today - he knew that he belonged in neither of them. After all, he bore no qualities of either. His girlfriend, on the other hand, was possible. But, it was hard to see unless he had seen her sorted himself. Maybe he could take the hat and stick it on her head to see which house. But the likelihood that he would be allowed to do that would be very slim to none. Killian was behind his desk with his hands clasped together on the wooden top, waiting for the fifth years to arrive. He cleared his throat to gain the attention of the fifth years once they had entered and settled. He motioned toward the door and it closed. "Notes out if you want to take them. If not, then it is on you because this will be on your OWLs."

It was like Killian to get straight to the point. "I will be going over two founders this week. Godric Gryffindor and Helga Hufflepuff. So, let's start with Gryffindor. According to the history books, we actually know where Godric used to live, which was called 'wild moor', or to be more specific, in the West Country that is now known as Godric's Hollow. Gryffindor was an accomplished dueler during his life, and fought against muggle discrimination. His views were much more reasonable with the right of all that possessed magical abilities to attend Hogwarts. As some of you may know already, this created a power struggle among the four founders, and a set of dominoes were knocked over, which I will go over next lesson." Killian did not hide the fact that he disliked the founder that Gryffindor collided with. He was sure that he would need to hold his tongue as he spoke about Slytherin, but even he had a hard time controlling his mouth.

Killian leaned back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. "Gryffindor used to own the Sorting Hat, the very one that we see every year, as well as a sword that was goblin made decorated with rubies. The colors of Gryffindor are red and gold with the emblem of a lion, which many believe stand for bravery. I suppose that would be accurate because you'd have to be brave or foolish to go near one of those cats but I digress. Much like the Scotland counterpart, we also have house ghosts. While Nearly Headless Nick serves as the Gryffindor ghost for Scotland, we have Lady Helena the Brave. She looks like she is in her 20s and is a noble of some sort. If you want to know more about her and her history, you will likely find her roaming the castle."

Killian let the students that were taking notes to catch up before he moved on to the next founder. "So, the next one is Helga Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff, as you know, is represented by yellow and black, as well as a badger." Yet another animal that didn't match the values or seemed misleading. "Hufflepuff is known to be a caring woman, as it is reflected in the traits of kindness and willingness to work hard that are involved in her students. Although, I think this is misleading with her animal symbol because if anyone came across a badger, they are highly aggressive. Whether or not this is a hidden trait of Hufflepuffs, I am not sure since I never knew them personally." He went to Durmstrang so he truly didn't know any of the houses and their traits until he came here to teach.

"It is said that Hufflepuff came from 'valley abroad', which likely means Wales. She was also famous for her ability to charm food. Many of her recipes are used to this day in the kitchens that you eat every day. Hufflepuff was also kind enough to harbor house elves at Hogwarts, giving them a much better lifestyle than most have. This must have been unheard of back in her days. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw were also written down to be great friends. So, if you are a Hufflepuff with a best friend in Ravenclaw and vice versa, congratulations, you are repeating the past. Now, the Scotland school has a Hufflepuff ghost named 'Fat Friar'. Now, this school has a Hufflepuff ghost named Evan Faire. From what I know, he has a large heart, looks thin and meek. If you meet a ghost that resembles him, then that is our Hufflepuff House Ghost." Killian gave a small shrug of his shoulders. He snapped toward the door where it opened, signaling the end of the lecture. "Next time, we will be going over Ravenclaw and Slytherin, so get ready for another lengthy lecture. Homework is on the board. Class dismissed." He pulled out his wand and tapped the blackboard, where a piece of chalk wrote their assignments. Killian would be giving similar homework for both lessons but whatever. Students might want the higher grades, who knows.
Assignment: RP the lesson.
Extra credit: If you are in Gryffindor/Hufflepuff, then write a small essay if you think the hat made the right choice. If you are not, then you can write about either a person you know, or if you think you should have been in Gryffindor/Hufflepuff and why. Worth 5 EC points.
Fraser was living week to week, just thinking that once he got through that week things would be easier. That his life would get a little calmer, it just seemed to be a never ending cycle. Perhaps it was. Fraser was just trying to keep it together. He had a lot he needed to be getting on with and was just trying his best to do all of it. Fraser gathered the books and notes he needed and then headed out of the dorm room and to the first class of the day.

Fraser walked into the history of magic classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He took out his quill and parchment and then took the time to get down what the professor began telling them about the founders. He was glad that they got to learn about his founder and his brother’s founder. He took some notes from what the professor was saying but was quickly distracted from that, by just listening to what was being said. He didn’t catch up that easily, but was trying his best. The professor then wrapped up the lesson with him and others in his and hufflepuff house having homework to complete. He packed up his things and headed out of the room.

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