Fifth Year, Lesson Three

James had arranged his classroom a little differently in order to perform the demonstration required for the lesson that day. The desks has been pushed to the side and cushions had been laid out on the floor in front of his desk with enough for one per student. As they began to enter the classroom in droves he turned his attention to them, "Come in, everyone take a seat we're mixing things up today," So far they had been reviewing old concepts in preparation for their exams but today they would be learning something new and that required a demonstration, something he hoped they would enjoy even if it wasn't the most practical of spells.

"Today we will be learning the Gemino curse," James said once he had closed the classroom door and leaned against his desk. "This curse is slightly different to what you've learned about so far as it does not directly cause harm to a person or an object, when the spell is cast on an object it will duplicate when touched, the copies of the item are however useless," He paused before continuing. "It might not seem that useful to you however it is often used as a security measure for high value items in Gringotts, items duplicating endlessly in a confined space will certainly have consequences for anyone foolish enough to attempt a break in. This spell should not be confused with Geminio which duplicates the targeted object as Geminio is not a curse, and it makes a double in appearance, and any magical effects it contains will not be duplicated. The doubling charm has the same name, yet, how to make it into a curse is a special case." James took out his wand and from his desk took a plate which held a single cookie on it. He cast the Gemino curse on it and touched it so it duplicated and passed the plate to the first student. "As you can see after casting the curse and touching the cookie it duplicated, I want you each to touch the cookie and watch as it duplicated and pass the plate on once you've seen it," James stood with his wand ready in case things got out of hand, but he had made sure the demonstration would be entirely safe. One by one new cookies emerged and by the time the plate made its way back to him it was full. He tapped his wand on the cookie to stop it duplicating and set the plate on his desk.

"I think that's enough for one day, I'll let you go and enjoy your free time before your next class, don't say I never give you anything, and speaking of, for homework please write an essay about the curse we covered today and why it's dangerous due next lesson, class dismissed,"

RP the lesson. Do the homework for extra credit. First poster feel free to have your character be the first person to be handed the plate
Fraser walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom and took his usual spot in room. His gaze moved to the professor at the front of the classroom as the professor got started. They would be covering the gemino curse, which he knew nothing about. He took his parchment and quill and pulled both towards him intending to take notes, but the boy quickly just became far more interested in what the professor was saying and didn't get much of it it down. THough he did make a quick note about it being different from the Geminio curse, since he was sure he would be the one to mix the two things up. He touched the cookie when the professor invited them to, and smiled as it duplicated, it was a neat bit of magic bit he could tell how it would be dangerous, how it could end up being dangerous. With that the professor was wrapping up what they were doing and then dismissed them. Fraser happily packed up his things and left the room.

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Alicia walked into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, still feeling the bad about Gryffindor’s loss to Hufflepuff in the recent game. She took a seat on one of the cushions Professor Cade had laid out on the floor, her mood slightly sad.

Professor Cade started the lesson by introducing the Gemino curse. Alicia listened as he explained that the curse duplicates objects, making the copies useless but effective for security, like in Gringotts. She watched with interest as Professor Cade demonstrated the spell on a cookie, making it multiply endlessly. When the plate of cookies was passed around, Alicia eagerly touched one and saw it duplicate. After the demonstration, Professor Cade assigned an essay on the Gemino curse and its dangers. Alicia noted it down, planning to do the essay after class when she had a free moment.

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The first few weeks were on their way and June had her plan for this year rolled out for herself. The patrolling of being a prefect, doing her lessons and studying and next to that she had some plans to make her seen at the school and do something social which was actually to benefit herself obviously and hopefully her house too. June would always chose herself first, and didn't plan or do something without it doing something for herself. Even getting in touch with her youngest sister was not without reason. But in a way the blonde had hopes Camille could become her sister again and she would see how wrong it was being with the Carters and around Lauren.

The blonde made her way to the classroom. As she walked in she noticed the room was different than before. Cushions on the floor and June didn't really liked sitting on them, she thought it was still dirty to sit on. But she ignored her thoughts and did as she was told to do. She made sure to take some time to take notes of the stuff the professor told them about the gemino curse. June had read about it ofcourse already and was curious to it. June watched Professor Cade demonstrate with a cookie. As the plate with cookies came in her way she touched it slowly and saw it duplicate. June had hoped to perform it herself, so the lesson was kind of dissapointing. What was fun in seeing cookies duplicate. So when they had free time for the next lesson she started with her homework and left the class.

Homework DADA
June Davenport
Slytherin Fifth Year
Gemino Curse

Today in class we learned about the Gemino Curse. When this spell is cast on an object, than it will duplicate when being touched. The professor told us that this spell is used as security measure for important and high value items in Gringotts. For example in the time of Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort, this spell was used in the vault of Bellatrix Lestrange to duplicate the cup of Helga Hufflepuff, one of the Horcruxes. The spell creates an exact duplica of the object, so it will be hard to see which is the orginial after some time. But it is said that over time the copy's tended to rot or tarnish more than the original, which made it possible to identify the orginial. A kind of dangerous thing in my opinion is that only the orginial caster could stop the multiplication of the object. And as so people could actually get hurt when being trapped in a place with all these copy's.

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Mikael walked into the classroom and eyed the cushions with suspicion. It was a different setup than usual. When the professor announced they would be learning the Gemino curse, Mikael listened, intrigued, though he didn’t understand the point of changing the room’s setup. When the professor cast the Gemino curse on a cookie, he watched as the cookie multiplied, filling the plate. When the plate was passed to Mikael, he touched the cookie and watched it duplicate. It was maybe a shame that they were completely useless. He passed the plate along. Once done, he packed up his things and left.

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Gemma entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, surprised to see that the classroom was set up differently. Although, it didn't look like a dueling set up at all. There were cushions all over the floor. Gemma did not hide her uncertainty as she walked into the classroom a little more, not knowing what the professor expected of them. She stood there watching some students sit on the cushions. Did they really have to sit on the floor? Didn't the professor know how dirty that was? It could ruin her whole effect. Dust certainly wasn't her aesthetic.

She sighed dramatically as she saw no other way. Gemma found a cushion and wiped it off with her hand as if that would help. She sat down and tucked her legs to the side. She hoped this wouldn't be a long class. The professor waited a few moments before starting. Apparently there was a demonstration today and with cookies. That made her think of Teddy which instantly made her a little sad. But the Slytherin girl focused on the lesson and not the missed connection from a boy she hadn't spoken to in years now.

Gemma watched as the plate of cookies was passed around, duplicating each time. The plate was rather full when it reached her. She touched a single cookie and watched as a new one popped alongside it. She smiled wishing she could eat them all. But did have a sweet tooth. But she didn't. She passed the plate to the next person until it reached the professor again, full. That was the end of the lesson though. Gemma could hear her stomach grumble as she packed up her things upon dismissal. She needed to make a trip to the kitchen as soon as possible now.

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Hinata entered the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, hesitating for a moment at the sight of the cushions on the floor. She took a seat at the outskirts of the cluster of cushions. As Professor Cade explained the lesson, introducing them to the Gemino curse, Hinata tried to imagine it—precious items duplicating endlessly. It was fascinating, though she wondered how it was considered a curse. When the professor demonstrated the spell on a single cookie, Hinata watched in awe as the plate slowly filled up as it passed from one student to the next. When it was her turn, she gingerly touched the cookie. Instantly, a duplicate appeared beside it. She smiled a little at the sight, and might have considered trying to take one before she thought better of it and passed the plate along. As class wrapped up, she considered the professor’s words, debating on what to put on her homework.

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Loki Styx entered the classroom, noting the unusual arrangement of desks and cushions laid out on the floor. His eyes flicked briefly to Professor James Cade. He chose a cushion in the middle of the room, away from the more talkative students. As the rest of the class settled in, Loki listened as Professor Cade explained today's lesson. The Gemino Curse wasn't something Loki had anticipated covering since he didn't really care about it. It might not be a spell that caused direct harm, but as Professor Cade mentioned, its application as a security measure made it a fascinating piece of magic. Loki’s eyes glanced up at the mention of Gringotts - he’d heard stories about the complexities of its vault defenses from his father.

Loki watched intently as Professor Cade demonstrated the curse. The professor took out his wand and, with a flick, cast the Gemino Curse on a single cookie resting on a plate. Loki leaned forward slightly, eyes narrowing as the professor touched the cookie, causing it to duplicate instantly. As the plate was passed around, Loki could see the growing pile of cookies. When the plate reached him, Loki didn't hesitate. He passed the plate along. This curse could fill a room quickly if cast on something larger, and the ensuing chaos could serve as a formidable deterrent. The Gemino Curse was designed for defense, a trap for the unwary, while the charm was more practical, more benign. When Professor Cade dismissed the class, Loki stood up smoothly, grabbing his bag, and left.

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