Fictional Fury

Sophie Wilson

📰 Snarky | 2050 grad | Daily Prophet Reporter 📰
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Gabriel)
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Rigid Mahogany Wand with Boomslang venom Core
1/2032 (30)
Even though the holidays were always a welcome break after the exams, Sophie was glad to be back at school. At least here there was enough space to find a spot to be alone and undisturbed, and she had no chores to do. The Ravenclaw always enjoyed the early days of the new semester, as they were still relatively free. Classes may have started, but the workload wasn't very heavy yet. The exams were still far away enough not to be a worry for even the most studious student. Despite being in Ravenclaw, Sophie wasn't the type of person to get good grades just for the sake of it. She put some effort into her schoolwork, but focused most of her attention on other stuff. Things like writing and drawing, expressing herself creatively. Her work on the paper was a source of pride for her, and she couldn't wait to pick up another story to write.

But now she still had some free time, and Sophie decided to use it well. She had brought a book from home, just a fictional novel to read. Lately, it felt like the only books she surrounded herself with were schoolbooks. Sophie had always loved reading, it was a good escape from everything boring in her life. She had settled under the shade of a tree with her book, reading peacefully by herself. At least, it was peaceful until she reached a particular plot twist in the book. She was very invested in the story, and her hands were gripping the book tightly as she read. But when suddenly two main characters were killed in the middle of an action scene, Sophie gasped and glared at the pages. This wasn't relaxing at all! She knew she was way too upset about something fake, but she couldn't help it. With a huff she closed the book and tossed it to the side, crossing her arms in front of her. Maybe she had to write that author a very angry letter, because this was just unacceptable.
Gabriel was all relaxed after the break. He was ready for the next games and he didn't worried at all about the classes. Quidditch was more important and he already knew what he wanted to become so why did the other classes matter that much? His father thought about it a little differently though. He was glad that his son had followed what he liked to do in life, but Gabriel needed to get better grades. But the blonde himself wasn't really bothering much. He wanted to make his dad proud for sure, but with Quidditch he could do that. Their mother and his wife played professionaly and she was a good chaser just like Gabriel was doing right now. He wanted to become the best and he needed so. And for that he needed to train a lot. So the blonde was going outside to talk a walk before he would train. The blonde Swedish boy walked past a few students and looked at what they were doing. He didn't really understood why people read when they where sitting next to eachother. He didn't understood why people read at all. It was a waste of time he figured. If you wanted to experiance something you had to do it yourself and by reading about it was just stupid. When he wasn't paying attention he saw something falling when he went to see what it was he noticed it was a book. And than he looked up and saw a face that always stood the same. Like there was a thunderstorm or something and he didn't thought it was getting better if the girl saw him. Gabriel grinned for a moment and noticed it was Sophie.
'' Have you seen the light? And are you finally done with books? '' He asked to Sophie with a grin on his face as he picked up the book.
Sophie's mind was so focused on the story she had been reading and the way she would have written it differently, that she didn't notice Gabriel until he was very close to her. Of course he was the one to interrupt her like this. Why not? Sophie sighed deeply, not really in the mood to argue with Gabriel right now. His comment made her snort derisively as she looked up at him. "I'm surprised you recognize it as a book." She said, though not with the usual venom. "You can read it if you want, might do you some good." She wondered if Gabriel ever read books just for fun, like this one. "It's not a schoolbook." She added. "It's a story. You know, for entertainment."

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