Table of Contents:
The Basics, Style, Appearance and Style: Page 1
Personality, Favourites, Languages, Goals, and Beliefs: Page 2
Family, Home Life, and Education: Page 3

Full Name: Fenton Jasper Fuller
Pronunciation: FEN-tuhn
Nickname/Alias: Fen, FT
Meaning: Fenton means marsh town. Jasper means treasurer. Fuller is a surname meaning Cloth Bleacher.
Origin: Fenton Jasper Fuller is a name of English Origin.

Gender: Boy
Sex: Male
Orientation: Unknown
Age: 11 years old
Birthday: April 20th
Birthplace: Westport, New Zealand
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Zodiac Description: Aries is a passionate, motivated, and confident leader who builds community with their cheerful disposition and relentless determination. Uncomplicated and direct in their approach, they often get frustrated by exhaustive details and unnecessary nuances.
Relationship Status: Single
Element: Fire
Element Description: As one would expect, those graced by Fire are fiery, indeed. They are enthusiastic and sometimes larger than life. A Fire sign is also an indicator of creativity. This element manifests itself in creative and unique ways, and those in its glow are wonderfully courageous and lively spirits. Those influenced by a Fire sign are self-sufficient, spontaneous and possess a tremendous zest for life. Fire signs are strong, self-assured, creative and fun. When they get too hot to touch, though, it may be a good idea to stand back!
Wand: Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Yew Wand with Veela Hair Core
Wand Description: Yew wands are extremely powerful in both the dark arts and in battling against the dark arts: good and evil, life and death - the wand's wood straddles the in-between carefully and it is the wielder that draws it to one side or the other. A Veela hair core is much like the creature that they come from, wands with veela hair are temperamental and volatile in nature. They are good for use in divination work and with charms. Wands with this core are usually inherited.

Ethnicity: Caucasian
Preferred Hand: Left Handed
Facial Type: Diamond Shaped
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color Light Brown, almost a very shandy blonde.
Hairstyle: Wore in a Side Fringe Style. Hair is medium length for men's hairstyles.
Skin Tone: Pale Ivory Skin Tone
Complexion: Fair
Build: Slender Build, A bit of a "string-bean"
Height: 5 foot
Weight: 41.5 kg
Birthmarks/scars: A two inch scar on the back of his left leg from a bike riding accident when he was younger.
Distinguishing Features: Fenton's eyes are a very light blue.Some people say they are "thrown off" by the color of his eyes, saying they seem "unnatural."
Health: Fenton is healthy. He is energetic and does not have any physical health problems to date. Auto-immune disorders run in his family genetics, but luckily Fenton does not show signs as of yet. This will change later on as he shows sign of the auto immune disorder that his mother and many members of his family have been diagnosed with.
Energy: Fenton is full of energy. He never really slows down, mentally or physically. He is almost always examining his surroundings and moving.
Memory: Fenton's memory is pretty good. He remembers details from things he enjoys and people he likes. He often forgets important dates.
Senses: Fenton is hearing-abled, however, his mother is deaf. He often wonders if he would ever lose his hearing. As of now, his left ear is slightly hard of hearing to certain frequencies.
Allergies: Peanuts
Medication: Has an Epipen for allergic reactions
Phobias: Rats. Fenton hates rats and does not understand why they are allowed at Hogwarts as pets.
Posture: Casual
Gait: Fenton moves with ease and confidence. He isn't hesitant in his movements.
Coordination: Surprisingly good coordination. He's reflexes are well developed. Fenton believes this is partly due to being fluent is sign language and using it every day.
Habits and Mannerisms: Fenton has a habit of pushing back his hair when he is nervous or excited. He also has a habit of signing words when he is talking, even to an individual who is hearing. Fenton also almost always has a smile on his face.
Play By Play: William Franklyn Miller

Overall Style: Fenton likes to dress casual yet put together. His favorite outfit is a pair of dark blue jeans, a tee-shirt, and a pleather jacket to go over the outfit. He always makes sure to look presentable in public, but when he is lounging at home, he loves wearing track pants and a hoodie. Recently his style has been his Gryffindor school uniform.
Grooming: Fenton keeps his hair messy, but he does try to stay well put together fashion wise.
Wardrobe: Casual
Tattoos: None as of yet
Trinkets: Fenton always wears a necklace that Declan gave him for Christmas one year. It has both Declan's and Fenton's name on it in small front. The chain is silver and thin. The charm itself is small and a simple round silver circle with their names engraved and "brothers" engraved in the middle.
Character Sheet © Character-Resource 2020 (EDITED AND ADAPTED @Sam 2020), All Quotes @Libba Bray, The Gemma Doyle Trilogy 2005, Name Meanings @Moss Gatherings LLC 2020 (babynames.com), Zodiac Information @ Faragher (Allure) 2018, Element Description @Walton (Astrology.com) 2017
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