Fenton Fuller

Fenton Fuller

OOC First Name


Table of Contents:
The Basics, Style, Appearance and Style: Page 1
Personality, Favourites, Languages, Goals, and Beliefs: Page 2
Family, Home Life, and Education:
Page 3


Full Name: Fenton Jasper Fuller
Pronunciation: FEN-tuhn
: Fen, FT
Meaning: Fenton means marsh town. Jasper means treasurer. Fuller is a surname meaning Cloth Bleacher.
Origin: Fenton Jasper Fuller is a name of English Origin.

Gender: Boy
Sex: Male
Orientation: Unknown
Age: 11 years old
Birthday: April 20th
Birthplace: Westport, New Zealand
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Zodiac Description: Aries is a passionate, motivated, and confident leader who builds community with their cheerful disposition and relentless determination. Uncomplicated and direct in their approach, they often get frustrated by exhaustive details and unnecessary nuances.
Relationship Status: Single
Element: Fire
Element Description: As one would expect, those graced by Fire are fiery, indeed. They are enthusiastic and sometimes larger than life. A Fire sign is also an indicator of creativity. This element manifests itself in creative and unique ways, and those in its glow are wonderfully courageous and lively spirits. Those influenced by a Fire sign are self-sufficient, spontaneous and possess a tremendous zest for life. Fire signs are strong, self-assured, creative and fun. When they get too hot to touch, though, it may be a good idea to stand back!
Wand: Straight 14 Inch Sturdy Yew Wand with Veela Hair Core
Wand Description: Yew wands are extremely powerful in both the dark arts and in battling against the dark arts: good and evil, life and death - the wand's wood straddles the in-between carefully and it is the wielder that draws it to one side or the other. A Veela hair core is much like the creature that they come from, wands with veela hair are temperamental and volatile in nature. They are good for use in divination work and with charms. Wands with this core are usually inherited.


Ethnicity: Caucasian
Preferred Hand: Left Handed
Facial Type: Diamond Shaped
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color Light Brown, almost a very shandy blonde.
Hairstyle: Wore in a Side Fringe Style. Hair is medium length for men's hairstyles.
Skin Tone: Pale Ivory Skin Tone
Complexion: Fair
Build: Slender Build, A bit of a "string-bean"
Height: 5 foot
Weight: 41.5 kg
Birthmarks/scars: A two inch scar on the back of his left leg from a bike riding accident when he was younger.
Distinguishing Features: Fenton's eyes are a very light blue.Some people say they are "thrown off" by the color of his eyes, saying they seem "unnatural."
Health: Fenton is healthy. He is energetic and does not have any physical health problems to date. Auto-immune disorders run in his family genetics, but luckily Fenton does not show signs as of yet. This will change later on as he shows sign of the auto immune disorder that his mother and many members of his family have been diagnosed with.
Energy: Fenton is full of energy. He never really slows down, mentally or physically. He is almost always examining his surroundings and moving.

Memory: Fenton's memory is pretty good. He remembers details from things he enjoys and people he likes. He often forgets important dates.
Senses: Fenton is hearing-abled, however, his mother is deaf. He often wonders if he would ever lose his hearing. As of now, his left ear is slightly hard of hearing to certain frequencies.
Allergies: Peanuts
Medication: Has an Epipen for allergic reactions
Phobias: Rats. Fenton hates rats and does not understand why they are allowed at Hogwarts as pets.
Posture: Casual
Gait: Fenton moves with ease and confidence. He isn't hesitant in his movements.
Coordination: Surprisingly good coordination. He's reflexes are well developed. Fenton believes this is partly due to being fluent is sign language and using it every day.
Habits and Mannerisms: Fenton has a habit of pushing back his hair when he is nervous or excited. He also has a habit of signing words when he is talking, even to an individual who is hearing. Fenton also almost always has a smile on his face.
Play By Play: William Franklyn Miller


Overall Style: Fenton likes to dress casual yet put together. His favorite outfit is a pair of dark blue jeans, a tee-shirt, and a pleather jacket to go over the outfit. He always makes sure to look presentable in public, but when he is lounging at home, he loves wearing track pants and a hoodie. Recently his style has been his Gryffindor school uniform.
Grooming: Fenton keeps his hair messy, but he does try to stay well put together fashion wise.
Wardrobe: Casual
Tattoos: None as of yet
Trinkets: Fenton always wears a necklace that Declan gave him for Christmas one year. It has both Declan's and Fenton's name on it in small front. The chain is silver and thin. The charm itself is small and a simple round silver circle with their names engraved and "brothers" engraved in the middle.


Character Sheet © Character-Resource 2020 (EDITED AND ADAPTED @Sam 2020), All Quotes @Libba Bray, The Gemma Doyle Trilogy 2005, Name Meanings @Moss Gatherings LLC 2020 (babynames.com), Zodiac Information @ Faragher (Allure) 2018, Element Description @Walton (Astrology.com) 2017
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Hobbies/Interests: Watch movies, Read Comics, Explore
Skills/Talents: Singing, Flying, Listening
Likes: Superhero movies and comics, exploring, spending time with friends and family, singing, enjoying the outdoors.
Dislikes: Liars, Waiting/Using Patience, Sitting Still for too long.
Sense of Humor: Fenton has an unlikely sense of humor. He loves to make 'dad' jokes but also just to mess around in any situation. He believes that being serious takes enjoyment out of life.
Pet Peeves: Liars, People who are mean towards their loved ones.
Superstitions/Beliefs: He will not break a mirror because it leads to 7 years bad luck. Fenton knows this is silly, but why risk it?
Quirks: Fenton often uses New Zealand Sign Language in everyday conversations as more of a habit than anything else.
Closet Hobby: Singing. Fenton loves to sing.
Guilty Pleasure: Superheros. Fenton loves the movies and the comics.
Strengths: Kind, Energetic, Family-Orientated, Funny
Flaws: Easily frustrated when told to be patient, Often forgets dates and important events, At times has difficulty focusing on one thing in particular.
Perception: Hyper Active, Amusing, Friendly, Sometimes "too much"
Lures: The Helpless, Happiness, "Purpose"
Soft Spot: Family
Cruel Streak: When people bully others or speak ill of good people, Fenton gets fired up. He also gets very frustrated when he is told he needs to be patient.


MBTI Personality Type: ENFP-A
MBTI Personality Type Description: "The Campaigner personality is a true free spirit. They are often the life of the party, but unlike types in other groups, Campaigners are less interested in the sheer excitement and the pleasure of the moment than they are in enjoying the social and emotional connections they make with others. Charming, independent, energetic, and compassionate are adjectives that describe this personality type.
Temperament: Sanguine
Temperament Description: The Sanguine temperament is fundamentally impulsive and pleasure-seeking. Sanguine’s are frequently referred to as “the talker.” They are expressive in personality, desire influence, and being enthusiastic with people, and being the center of attention. The Sanguine is sociable and charismatic, generally warm-hearted, pleasant, lively, optimistic, creative, compassionate, and outgoing; he is the life of the party, humorous, enthusiastic, and cheerful; he easily attracts others and makes friends; he inspires others to work and join in the fun. The Sanguine likes to talk a lot, is chronically late, and tends to forget his obligations. He bases his decisions primarily on feelings.
Enneagram: The Loyalist
Ego/Superego/Id: ID Driven
The Shadow: Fenton does not believe that he ever gets nervous or unsure about himself, in reality deep down he often wonders if he will ever be enough.
Persona/Mask: Fenton portrays himself as a careful, kind, and funny individual which is not completely untrue, but also not everything that he has to offer.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Vice: Impatience
Virtue: Kindness, Loyalty
Defining Moment: TBD
Tropes: Fenton is that adventurous Gryffindor that is very stereotypical to the House.
One Word: Goofball


Favourite Colors: Green and Purple
Favourite Animals: Dogs, Tigers, Birds
Favourite Magical Creatures: Hippogriffs and Nifflers
Favourite Place: Hokitika Gorge in his hometown.
Favourite Landmarks: the Oparara limestone arches at Karamea.
Favourite Flavors: Sour!
Favourite Foods: Burgers, Fries, Anything his mother makes.
Favourite Drinks: Soda Pop, Orange Juice
Favourite Books: Superhero Comics,
Favourite Movies: Superhero Movies
Favourite Games: Wizards Chess
Favourite Music: Pop Music from the early 2020s
Favorite Sports: Quidditch, Tennis, Rugby
Favorite Stores: Comic Book Stores
Favourite Subjects: Flying, Defense Against The Dark Arts, Charms
Favourite Numbers: 11, 20
Favourite Words: Mate, Awesome, Knackered
Favourite Quotations: "Don't take life too seriously."


First Impressions: Fenton is not very good at first impressions, even though his father continued to try to teach him how to make a good impression right off the bat. Fenton takes a little time to get used to all his energy and sometimes bad jokes. At first, this may not look good for the young Gryffindor.
Stranger Impressions: Hyper-Active, Too Loud, Funny
Friendly Impressions: He is a happy, hyper ball of energy.
Enemy Impressions: None as of yet
Familiar Impressions: His parents still consider Fenton their "baby." His brother believes he will do great things.
Compliments: Fenton is a good listener and a true friend
Insults: People often think Fenton is "too much", too hyper, and annoying


Mood: Overall Happy and Energetic
Attitude: Friendly, Welcoming, and Kind
Expressiveness: Open about his emotions
When Happy: Fenton sings when he is extremely happy. He always smiles when he is happy.
When Depressed: Listens to music and enjoys a good outdoor view.
When Angry: Yells. Fenton can get angry at times. He will yell and often leave the situation before it escalates.


Languages: English-Fluent, Sign Language-Fluent
Accent: New Zealand Accent, New Zealand Sign.
Voice: Still higher pitched, has not gone through puberty yet.
Speech Impediments: None.
Greetings and Farewells: Hey Mate! See Ya!
Laughter: Loud Vocal Laugh
Tag Line: "Awesome Mate!"
Signature Quote: "It's too difficult in life to be serious."


Main Goal: Fenton just wants happiness. He sees how happy his parents are and his brother. He wants this. Yes Fenton is happy, but he wants that driving purpose of life that helps his continue to stay happy.
Minor Goals/Ambitions: Fenton wants to be on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team like his brother. Fenton also wants to be able to find a group of close knit friends to keep him company. Fenton also loves to sing. He wants to be able to practice and tone up on this skill.
Career: Fenton does not know what he is "meant" to do yet, but he can't wait to figure it out.
Desires: Fenton wants to find what makes him happy, his purpose in life.
Wishlist: A music studio to work on his voice and maybe start writing songs.
Accomplishments: TBA
Greatest Achievement: Getting into Hogwarts! (2051)
Biggest Failure: Fenton has not yet experienced great failure. He has failed his maths class once, but nothing too life changing.
Secrets: Fenton secretly believes he will never be great enough to follow in his brothers footsteps. Although he acts confident, deep down it is in his unconscious,
Regrets: No major regrets yet
Worries: Deep down Fenton worries he will not be good enough to follow in his brother and families footsteps to true happiness.
Best Dream: Fenton dreams of finding his purpose, his talent in life.
Worst Nightmare: Losing his brother or any member of his family. Fenton is very family-orientated.
Best Memories: One of Fenton's best memories is going underground cave rafting with Declan right before Fenton left for school.
Worst Memories: None as of yet


Religion: Christian
Motivation: Family, Happiness
Priorities: 1)Family 2)Happiness 3)Friends and Relationships
Philosophy: Fenton believes life has purpose, but you need to enjoy every minute. He often makes jokes to lighten the mood and make people life. He loves to just enjoy time with family and friends. He believes that happiness in life is above everything else.
Political Party: Too Young To Care
Etiquette: Fenton has decent manners, especially dining manners. In general he is polite when he is not distracted.
Influences: Declan, Fenton's older brother. Fenton idolizes Declan and hopes to grow up to be just as happy as he is.
Traditions: Fenton has a family dinner every night with his mother and father. Now that Declan has graduated, Fenton enjoyed having him at this dinners as well. Fenton's family spends every Christmas together starting with Christmas Eve. During Christmas Eve, the family each opens a present that they can use for that night such as a movie.


Character Sheet © Character-Resource 2020 (EDITED AND ADAPTED @Sam 2020), All Quotes @Libba Bray, The Gemma Doyle Trilogy 2005, Temperament and Description @ Elkstrand 2012, Personality Test and Description @ NERIS Analytics Limited (16personalities.com) 2020
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Charlotte Rachael Fuller
Maiden Name: Charlotte Rachael Mason
Blood Status: Half Blood
House: Hufflepuff
Career: Teacher at School For the Deaf
Personality: Charlotte in a fun loving individual, but her silly side also has a serious side. She is very passionate about what she feels is important in life. At times this may come off at strict. Charlotte is a teacher and sometimes she brings her work home with her. She is a very organized person, obsessively making lists for Fenton before he left for school. She loves her children and wants them to succeed in every aspect, but more importantly wants what is best for them. Charlotte is very passionate about teaching, deaf rights, organization, and spending time outdoors with her family. Charlotte is deaf due to an autoimmune disease she started to show symptoms for in her early pre-teen years. Her primary languages are New Zealand Sign Language and English.
Play By Play: Marlee Matlin



Name: Ethan Daniel Fuller
Blood Status: Muggleborn
House: Slytherin
Career: News Anchor for Local News
Personality: Ethan is often described as bigger than life. He likes to entertain people and make them laugh. He often does silly accents around the house and helps Fenton pull some pranks here and there. Ethan is a News Anchor for a local news station and loves his job. He also enjoys cooking and bird watching. Although Fenton does not have the patience right now, he hopes one day he could go bird watching with his father without talking the entire time. Ethan loves his family and makes sure to try to teach them 'life lessons' whenever he can. Ethan is hearing-abled. His main languages are English and New Zealand Sign Language.
Play By Play: Ben Schwartz


Name: Declan Fuller
Blood Status: Half Blood
House: Gryffindor
Career: Restaurant Owner
Personality: Declan has always, to Fenton, had his life together. Declan is a very social person who knows what he wants in life. He has a great sense of humor and often likes to 'mess' with Fenton by telling him tall-tales. Declan did attend Hogwarts and played keeper for the Quidditch Team. He feels a lot of pressure being the perfect older brother, but takes his job very seriously. Declan is hard of hearing. His languages include English, New Zealand Sign Language, and Spanish. Declan is nine years older than Fenton.
Play By Play: Joe Keery




Floor Plan:
Fenton lives in a one story home with his mother and father. His brother Declan moved out after school a few months again. Although Declan is no longer there, his room stays in place if he ever wants to come visit.


Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Reaction: Fenton was proud to be sorted into Gryffindor like his brother. He had to admit he was surprised though. Fenton had never considered himself brave, per say. Adventurous and silly yes, but never brave.

Likes and Dislikes School Edition:
Favourite Class: Potions
Reasoning: Although Fenton did not think he was going to like Potions, the Professor has made it enjoyable so far. He finds the idea of different potions exciting.
Least Favourite Class: Defense Against The Dark Arts
Reasoning: Fenton does not like the feel of the classroom or really the topics. He thought would it be more action based and exciting, instead of dark and always full of warning.
Most Successful Class: Charms
Reasoning: Fenton is attempting to put a lot of work, for him, into this class. He finds it the most useful even though he really loves potions, sometimes he struggles with the patience needed.
Least Successful Class: Defense Against The Dark Arts
Reasoning: Without an interest, his grades are definitely struggling most in DADA

All Quotes @Libba Bray, The Gemma Doyle Trilogy 2005, House and Floor Plans @eplans 2020
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