Feeling Rebelious

Rapunzel Frost

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
Rapunzel snuck to the edge of the Forbidden Forest on a sweet-aired day. The scent blown through the trees reminded her of pie and roses. It seemed an odd combination but the smell was brilliantly mixed with a hint of brown sugar thrown in. It was so amazing it drew Rapunzel in almost against her will. She normally obeyed the rules but they were only safety guildlines, right? Rapunzel didn't seem to care if she got caught wandering through the Forest that was claimed to be dangerous, a health hazard to the cowards, and a thrill for the adventure seekers. Rapunzel waved away any thoughts that came to mind that were against going into the Forbidden Forest.

She stood on the edge with her back facing the castle. She sniffed at the air and let the wind blow her boring, straight, brown hair. She twirled into the Forest and closed her eyes, letting the smell guide her. She imagined all the wonderful, sweet memories she possessed. One in particular was of her practicing Val's ballet dances with her. She could almost see Val helping her keep her balance. She stood on her tiptoe and twirled in a big circle until finally falling to the ground. She sat there for a minute, trying to reimagine the whole thing, eventually giving up. She sighed and layed on her back. She sniffed at the air and relaxed her whole body. A twig snapped somewhere in the forest and Rapunzel silenced herself. She tried not to worry but fear was rising inside her; taking over her in a huge tsunami of horror. Another twig snapped beneath something and Rapunzel's eyes began to tear up. I knew I shouldn't have come here! What is your problem, Rapunzel? Why didn't you listen to your conscience? Rapunzel took in a deep breath and spoke, "Is anyone there?" Rapunzel figured this was a stupid thing to say, considering all the people in scary movies who said this died, but it was worth a shot.
Cleo was lazing around the forest when she heard foot steps. Cleo liked to wander the Forbidden forest playing the "Damsal In Distress' to try see if any boys would find her, she could flirt with them and play the 'Lost and Helpless' card to try get their attention.
Cleo waltzed through the forest not really paying attention to where she walked, occasionally she would stand on a big stick which would flick up and hit her in her shins but that was only very rarely.

The Girl turned around her long wavy brown hair moving in the wind when she heard someone's voice, it was a girls and she sighed, she was hoping for a boy but oh well.
Cleo walked out from behind a tree and saw a girl standing scared in the middle of the forest. Cleo looked at her and wondered why she looked like she was about to cry 'Don't Worry Silly' Cleo said kindly 'Its only Me' she said as she jumped over a log on the ground. 'I don't think we've met' Cleo said, her French accent hinting lightly 'I'm Cleo, Cleo Heaven, First year Gryffindor' She said with a smile, Cleo wasn't one to brag but she knew that she could look absolutely flawless most of the time, she was hoping that the girl didn't pick her off as an uptight prissy girl.
Rapunzel let out an almost silent sigh of relief as a first year came out from behind a tree. It could've been a dangerous creature of some sort and no one would've heard Rapunzel's cry for help. Since it was only a young Gryffindor girl, Rapunzel relaxed and sat, leaning backwards with her hands on the ground behind her. "A pleasure I'm sure," Rapunzel mumbled rudely, feeling as if it were betraying her house by talking with a Gryffindor, than she shook that thought off and tried to make it sound like it was an accident that she had said that, "I'm Rapunzel Frost. It's lovely to meet you!" She smiled, hoping she had pulled it off. She felt like it wasn't quite enough so she added in a compliment, "Wow! I really love your hair!"
Cleo smiled when the girl complimented her hair 'Thanks' She responded but her mind just ticked away i knew she'd pick me for the prissy type she thought to herself.
'You're Ravenclaw aren't you Rapunzel?, you look the type' she said curiously, as she flicked her hair back over her shoulder. Cleo didn't care about house rivalry, her father always told her to be good friends with everyone if she could. Cleo was trying her hardest to supress her soft french accent but it wasn't working, she had lived in New Zealand for so long since she got adopted she thought that she would've been able to pick up a different accent but it wasn't really working, it didn't help that her Father talked french at home aswell. 'I'm Gryffindor by the way' she said trying to hide the accent 'if you didn't guess' she smiled.

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