Feeling better

Damien Lachance

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Maple - Crystalized dragon blood, 12"
Damien had been home for two days, and now he was celebrating coming back by having Martine come over. He had set out a bottle of muggle wine, and was making steak, a classic American muggle meal. He smiled as he looked at the marinating meat. Tonight was going to be perfect. Martine deserved it.

He sighed, then stopped. He SIGHED. This was NEW. He grinned. He wore a black t-shirt under a gray black button down shirt. He knew he wasn't dressed for a date, but hey, it was his home and he was cooking. He kept working on the meal chuckling on how much of his soft side was being brought out by her.

His laptop dinged and he slid over to check it. He got an e-mail from his mother.

He grinned and started typing back. He ended it with words he hadn't often said.

I'm happy.

He smiled and kept working on dinner.
Martine stood in front of the mirror, fussing over her appearance. Come on, she reminded herself, rolling her eyes at her own folly. It's just his house, nothing too fancy. She smoothed down the black dress she was wearing, gave a small turn in the mirror and nodded at her reflection. "It will have to do," she muttered, before grabbing her bag and apparating to just outside of the place she'd been told to go.

Knocking on the door, she swallowed, nervously, and pushed her hair back in to place. It wasn't even very out of place to begin with, it just happened to be a nervous habit of hers. Martine may have exuded confidence as an auror, but her personal life was a different matter. Breathing deeply, Martine knocked on the door and waited to be let in, feeling like a nervous wreck.
"It's open!" he called to her. He felt his chest tighten a little. He was nervous, excited. He put the steaks on the griddle and the smell hit him... the spices, the meat... It smelled like home. It soothed him. To each their own, he supposed.
Martine smiled nervously to herself as she opened the door and allowed herself to enter his home. She could smell steak cooking, and smiled wider. It smelt good. Apparently, Damien was a good cook. Always a good thing in a man. Stop thinking like that, she told herself, as she followed her nose towards the kitchen.

Seeing him there, Martine folded her arms and leant against the wall with a smile. "You should be recovering, you know. I shouldn't be allowing you to do this." She wasn't going to stop him, though, he seemed to be quite comfortable. "It is good to see you quite alive and well, however."

((so tempted to have Martine say "I can't let you do that, Star Fox!" but no))
Damien smiled at her. "Yeah, well if you stopped me you wouldn't get any dinner." he said. "And I'm treating you to Chicago barbecue." He let the steaks simmer for a moment turning to Martine. "You look beautiful, tonight." he began. "Well... You're always beautiful but..." He chuckled. "Sorry... I'm still new at this, I guess. You want something to drink?"

She WAS beautiful, Damien knew, and she probably had known what he'd meant. He mentally kicked himself again.

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