Closed Feeding the owls

Dante Styx

just hyper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 14 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Dante Styx would have loved to send a letter to his parents, but he was keeping all contact to be rather limited. He did not want to let on what he was to them. Only Cassius and Daemyn knew, and both protected him. Dante could never be more thankful for his brothers. They were good to him, and he was determined to make sure that he did well, and that this affliction would not drag him down. He was still a pureblood, right? And it wasn't like that he could pass on the lycanthropy on to his kids, so it was not a big deal so long as he had his potion. But now, he decided to do something nice. Not to people because they sucked, but owls. He had a big bag of food. He poured a bit in his hand, and served it to the first owl he saw.
Elodie had a letter for Byron in her hand and was heading up to the owlery so she could send it off to him. Getting letters from her father figure was perhaps one of her favorite things. She opened the door to the owlery and saw a boy she recognized with Marshmellow eating out of his hand. She smiled brightly. "Aw, thank you!" She spoke to him, walking over. "Dante, right?" She asked, tucking her hair back. "Marshmallow loves treats!"
Dante could have jumped out of his skin when he heard someone come up from behind him, and thanked him. He glanced over to where the voice came from, and remembered that this was the girl with the candy. Elodie. She was quite nice, if he had to say so himself. "Yeah, that is my name," Dante nodded, and glanced at the owl that he was feeding. Wait, so was this her owl? The one that he was feeding? "You named your owl marshmallow? Wow, and people say I am addicted to sweets." Dante smiled softly though, as he used his other hand to feed another one.
Elodie giggled, holding out her arm for Marshmallow as the owl turned his attention to her, flying over and landing on her sleeve. She smiled. "Well, look at his colors, doesn't he look like a marshmallow just off the fire?" She asked, before cooing at her owl as she attached the letter to his leg. As her owl took off, she turned more to Dante. "Would you like help feeding the owls?" She offered, giving him an easy smile.
Dante could hardly believe the way that Elodie described her owl. But when she did, he could see the resemblence. He laughed softly, "I suppose so!" Dante watched as it flew out of the window, and she asked if he would need help to feed the owls. Truthfully, he did not need help necessarily since he was not struggling, but if she wanted to of her own free will, who was he to say no? "Hold out your hand and I'll put some treats in it." Dante definitely cared more about animals than people, that was for certain.

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