Feathers and Dire Secrets

Krystin Knight

Well-Known Member
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Krystin Saenger-Cromwell was on her way through the castle. The third year Slytherin had made her presence known, but ever since she was a first year, she had been rather loud, and gave people a piece of her mind. Things had changed slightly. Krystin had quieted down quite a bit. Krystin had noticed that she had stopped getting special treatment at home for unknown reasons. She would not have her body guards that she could boss around and her father seemed to be giving her the coldest looks that made her wonder if she had done something wrong. She was the type to want to do anything to please her father. Her step-mother, that was another story. She would never talk to her step-daughter, but she would love all over her son, Krystin's step-brother. She did not know what was going on, and when she demanded it from her father, weeks later, an owl came with a letter. She, right now, gripped the envelope in her hand, and she recognized her father's secretary's writing. He did not even bother to write her himself. He had someone else do it. That spoke for itself, but she had yet to read it. She put it in her purse and made her way into the corridors, before she managed to look at the trophies that many have won. None of them had her name on it, and she almost wished that she could have won something. Even her older brother had a trophy, and she did not know how he and that little Puff Prefect of a girlfriend won it. She thought that Damian had liked boys until she had come around, but now Krystin was believing. She let out a sigh, and her fingertips just barely touched the glass. How come one make themselves known in the school other than just the huge b*tch of the school? Krystin was not stupid, she was actually quite intelligent. She had received it from her father, and then there was that side of seduction that she had to her. The wants to make any man hers, but she just thought that she was manipulating, she had no idea it was the Veela charm that she was inflicting upon others. She did not even know that she had that ability.

The Slytherin had yet to land herself a boyfriend while here, and though she was getting to the age where she was really starting to look at boys, Krystin found herself thinking that none of them were quite as pretty and manly for her. Krystin needed a man, so to speak. She wanted someone that was not going to be a princess, and one that could put a leash on her. She liked that thought, a lot. The sense that she was not really in control. Krystin shook her head from the foolish thoughts. She just was in a hurry to graduate from this useless school. She found it a lot more troubling than it was worth. Her friends were not as tight as they had been when they were younger. Krystin had named herself the leader of their little gang of glamorous friends, but since she was sorted into Slytherin, she managed to isolate herself. Her friends must not have been as mean as she could be when she wanted to be. Right now, Krystin was just in her own world, where she was in control and nothing went wrong. It was her favorite place to be, and she did not even know that she was absently walking toward the stairs which were still a bit away. Her fingers stopped sliding against the glass when she noticed that there was a streak left on the clear class. She did not want to get on Professor Styx's bad side, so she whipped out her wand, and she cast, "Scourgify!" The streak that she had made magically vanished. She did not put her wand away though. She was a little bored, so she decided that she would play around with spells. She might get in some trouble for it, but it was not like she was cursing another student. She took a seat on the stone floor and with her wand, she started to draw in the air. What it looked like to her was a butterfly, before she waved her wand through it, and it vanished. She then proceeded to make a heart, and she looked through the empty outline just in time to see none other than the Ravenclaw Fourth Year that could make her so mad, and give her butterflies at the same time. 'Just great, he just saw me draw a heart, what now?' thought Krystin. 'Maybe he will just pass by and not even see me.' Her mouth murmured words in Italian, unknownst to her that he could understand Italian, "But Merlin, why is he so man pretty?" Krystin averted her miscolored eyes to the ground, the letter from her father burning a whole in her purse.
Doriano shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he slowly made his way down the empty halls of Hogwarts. He had no classes today and he was taking full advantage of his day off. Doriano actually hated school. To him, there was nothing more pointless and boring than being forced to listen to a Professor ramble on and on about pointless topics. Doriano was smart and fully capable of learning what he needed to learn from the books without the assistance of some nosy adult. He didn't need help from anyone or anything else. School was more of a social gathering for most of the student anyways. That is what Doriano felt at least. Besides the kids who were here to actually learn or find ways to gain power within the school, everyone else mostly cared about the fact that they had a social life. From day one it seemed like people were more concerned with finding friends or getting involved romantically. Doriano thought it was so stupid. From day one his goal had always been the same. Just be better than everyone else at everything he could be better at. Academics, looks, sports, you name it, he would try to find some way to be better. Never had he hidden that either. Doriano didn't see much of a point in making friends. His friends were never going to do much other than slow him down in his goals. They were very simple-minded creatures. Doriano even had little faith in his family at times. His cousins, the Snows, were a corrupt little bunch. He didn't see why Theodore bothered to actually bother with Alyssa when he could just force her. Having her come willingly was never going to work, obviously. Doriano figured that people like Theodore were going to spend their entire lives trying to prove to the world that they weren't a waste of space. Only to realize in the end that little ever was and ever would be accomplished. Theodore let the fact that he was different, inhuman, affect him too much. Same with his sister. Doriano didn't care though. He was what he was, there was no use crying over something he couldn't change. Doriano thought back to his sister for a moment. She ran away before she could Graduate. Doriano wondered why his sister would ever be that stupid. Maybe he should send Theodore after her. Surely he would love to deal with her.

Passing by the trophy room, Doriano heard someone talking. He paused in his walking and raised an eyebrow before he snorted softly. Who in the world talked to themselves like that? He thought he recognized the shrill voice so with a shake of his head he turned and peaked inside the trophy room. His tall frame learning against the frame of the door. "Are you honestly talking to yourself? Just when I thought you couldn't get any weirder." Doriano rolled his chocolate brown eyes. The ones so very different from his older sister's. The younger Ravenclaw was a huge pain in his butt so he was unsure as to why he was wasting his time talking to her right now. She was the same age as his younger cousin Aphrodite was. He was even sure that Aphrodite was her friend. Time and time again Doriano told her it wasn't worth it but she never seemed to listen.
Krystin dug into her purse and she pulled out the envelope, and she ripped it open. She set the letter down in her lap and she erased whatever she was drawing so that Doriano Knight could not see what she was doing. She did not even know why he was wasting his time, and hers too, because he hated her guts for acting the way she did. Her first year, she yelled at him, but to be fair he did hit her in the head with a quaffle. Krystin narrowed her miscolored eyes and placed that wall back up that she did not want people to venture into and find out things about her. Krystin didn't really care, but she also had thought of leaving the school on several occasions. Everything was losing interest, not like it was back in her first year. Collineus would refuse to teach her, but maybe she could attend a better school like Durmstrang or Beauxbatons. She was unsure, but her friends were not always together anymore. LeAnn was always doing something else, and Aphrodite seemed to be doing another thing. Aphrodite seemed to be getting nicer, and Krystin was getting left alone in the noble house of Slytherin. Krystin was not wanting to be alone anymore, but none of the Slytherin girls and her could even get along for more than five minutes. They must have been jealous because none of them looked like her. Krystin was starting to wonder why. Why did she end up looking the way she did, especially with her eyes. Her father had green eyes, but she had no idea what color her mother had. There were no pictures or anything with her. Krystin just had a step-mother.

With a roll of her miscolored eyes, she snapped in a hateful tone, "Why bother stopping to even address me? Freak." Krystin really did not know why he was bothering her. She was working on getting a boyfriend but she had given up by this point. They always seemed to be running away mysteriously, but she did not even know why. She could really act nice and play the part, but she did not know what made them see differently. Maybe they just did not like a girl that had some sort of immovability about her. She did not seem easily to be won over, and she wasn't. Krystin's thoughts went over her brother for a moment, thinking on how he was prefect and everything, and had so much power over the students. She did not understand why he did not use it to manipulate people. Then again, he was not the best one to be mean at all. Krystin continued, "At least I look like my gender, what are you, part-girl or something?" Krystin did not know what he was, and also in addition to it, she did not know that Aphrodite was Part-Veela and Doriano's cousin either. She would figure it out eventually though, so she looked down at the letter before she started to unfold it. Krystin could not even read it with the Ravendork around her. This could be something very important, and she did not want to share happy news with some guy that gave her Hell over and over again. Krystin figured that one of these days, he would get his just desserts, but for now, she would just carry on with her own business, insulting those that needed it. Like now when Doriano called her out on mumbling to herself, and called her weird.
<COLOR color="#000">Doriano rolled his eyes. He expected her to be like this. She seemed to be even more moody than his sister did and that was saying something. For someone as elegant as she appeared to be, she had an awful temper at times. 'Must be the inner bird squawking or something.' Doriano thought rudely as he crossed his arms over his chest and used his deep brown eyes to stare Krystin down. He wondered where she got her spunk from. There were things he noticed about her. Particularly of her looks and her behavior. They made him wonder if she shared the same blood affects that he and his sister did. He couldn't be one hundred sure but it seemed likely just by the way she looked and the way she acted. Maybe if Doriano observed her more carefully he would get an actual idea on whether she was something more than she let on. If so, why hide it? If she meant to hide it anyways. "Because I can." Doriano muttered with pride. He knew he could very-well do what he wanted and when he wanted to do it. So that made it that much more fun to reply to her previous statement. It was probably going to egg her on to get meaner but it wasn't like he cared. If he could deal with his sister when she was having one if her fits then he could deal with just about anyone. It would be funny if they met one day. Artemisia would certainly show that girl a thing or two about being a brat, and Krystin would likely chew Artemisia's ear off for it. Either way it was going to be enjoyable for Doriano to experience. His sister and a the girl he seriously considered to be the world's biggest pain in the ass at one another's throat, it would be like a movie! "What who you are calling a freak by the way, I'm not the one talking to myself now am I?" Doriano questioned with a chuckle right afterwards. This was kind of fun. It was a lot easier to win arguments against her than it was some of his family members. Theodore was well known for being stubborn when he wanted to get his way. Hell they were all bad. But Theodore was impulsive. Come to think of it, so was Aphrodite at times.

"Close, I have a very particular blood that makes me look this way. You shouldn't be so insensitive. Not that it's any of your business twerp." Doriano walked further into the trophy room and leaned against one of the cases. He didn't care what he was. He saw it as something positive within it. Mostly the fact that he was pretty and that made it that much easier to attract people. Beautiful people go tit better unfortunately. Sure it was wrong to thing, but everyone had to admit that those who are better looking often got more advantages than the ones who weren't as beautiful did. It was a sad fact. The world was obsessed with vanity. Sometimes it made him sick to just think about how much people revolved the world around how they looked or how successful they were. But hey, if they kept people going strong how was Doriano to really say anything against it? No one. So Doriano was going to keep his opinions on vanity to himself. Doriano glanced down and saw that she had something in her lap, a note. He kind of wondered what it was. But instead of asking he just stared down at it. Whatever it was, it appeared like she didn't want him around when she went to go read it. Doriano wondered if it was a note, who it was from. Or maybe it a letter? Doriano was tempted to ask her what it was but by his gaze he hoped she realized what he was wondering. Doriano would rather see her reaction first anyways.​
Rolling her eyes, Krystin figured that Doriano would be such an ass like he was, but then again, she seemed to egg him on at times, and he had egged her on as well. Even though she believed that he hated her, he still wanted to be around her, bothering her whenever possible? Seemed like something a boy would do, but she just let out a 'hmph' at his response. She muttered, "Merlin's beard, you are just so weird, Doriano." She shrugged once more before she looked down at the letter, and she was still as nervous as before, just dreading opening the letter. She had not heard from her father in some time, so all she knew was that it could very well be bad news. It was not something she wanted to endure at all. She tapped her fingers against her lap as she debated on just ignoring him, but there was something about him that she did not bother ignoring him because he would just be the annoying person that he is and continue to pester her for reasons unknown. Perhaps she was just fun to pick on or something, which she did find some enjoyment in picking on him from time to time. Krystin looked at him, and she smirked before she retorted with a snort, "Better to talk to myself than talking to someone like you." Putting empathize on the last word, Krystin rolled her miscolored eyes before she thought that his retort back to her after she had called him a freak was a good one. Krystin wondered who all Doriano was related to in the school. She had a half-brother and a few cousins that went here. The Romanes' were distant cousins. Her family was quite large, but she didn't know about her other brother that was living in New Zealand. Not even Damian knew about him. But she did not appreciate her half-brother dating her cousin, even though neither of them were related. Krystin's dad was Ostensia's uncle, but Damian and Krystin had the same mother, alas, different fathers. Krystin figured that she would have to come up with something even better for the remark that Doriano would gladly point out to her. And apparently Doriano had a particular blood in him that made him pretty like a girl. Krystin snorted again.

"Wow, a blood that makes you pretty? I guess Part-Veela then." She ended the subject at that. She knew about Part-Veelas, and she knew just what they were. Maybe that was why Krystin found him very attractive, perhaps she was working his charms on her despite male Part-Veelas lacked any sort of charming abilities at all. What surprised her was that she did not comment on it any further. She believed herself to be pure-blood because her uncle was one, but she didn't know any better. She looked back up at Doriano and noticed that he was looking at her lap with the letter on it. Was he curious or something? Krystin decided to go on ahead and read it. Opening up the letter, she read it without bothering to look up. Several sentences she found to be alarming. Her stomach started to churn, and she felt like she was going to be sick. Her father had her secretary writing to her, telling her that her mother was this disgusting Veela, and that she would grow up to be just like her because of her blood. Apparently she was Part-Veela as well. Just the fact that her own father found her to be this disgusting creature was enough to hurt her and cause tears to swell in her miscolored eyes. She used to be this princess around her house, but something changed. She was not even human. Her cold exterior broke down, and she dropped the letter. 'Oh Merlin, Doriano is going to see me cry. Fight! Fight!,' frantically thought the Slytherin. Krystin just couldn't believe it. Her dad was taking out his anger from her mother out on her. It wasn't her fault that she was born, that this cursed blood ran through her veins. She couldn't bring herself to even look at Doriano, but instead, she dropped the letter to the side, and buried her face in her hands, perhaps in hope of hiding. She didn't want him to see her in this weakened state. Nothing bad was ever supposed to bother her, nothing was supposed to hurt her.
<FONT font="Lucida"><COLOR color="#000">Doriano shrugged his broad shoulders. If that was the way she wanted to be, fine. He was used to dealing with bratty women. After all he had been dealing with his elder sister’s attitude for years now. If Krystin wasn’t as cute as she was, Doriano would’ve told her to go jump off a bridge. ”Ugh you’re such a brat. You’d get along with my sister so well.” Doriano shook his head. Then again Artemisia could be very mean when she wanted to be, she had her moments where she was more kind. In Doriano’s opinion, Krystin was always rude and always bratty. Even the way she treated her friends was horrible. He knew he didn’t really want to ever find himself having to put up with that. He didn’t know how Aphrodite did it. If she had any of her father in her, then one day his cousin would learn to stop taking crap from others and get herself up to where she wanted. Doriano respected Alphonse in that sense. That man knew how to get where he wanted to be, and if he didn’t get there he would die trying. Theodorew appeared to be the same way when he actually had enough energy to do it. Doriano wasn’t as driven as those two were. He felt like there was a time and a place for everything. If it was going to happen, it was going to happen on it’s own. There was no use trying to push things that were not meant to be pushed. Like Krystin. There was no use in Doriano trying to tell her she needed to fix her attitude. She was raised up to be a spoiled little brat, and that was how she was going to stay likely. His sister was the same way. Artemisia had grown up with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her new husband was likely going to be stuck having to make her happy the rest of his life or risk having her be unhappy and moody. The poor sap. Doriano lifted his chestnut eyes and narrowed them when Krystin brought up the fact that he must’ve been Part-Veela. He automatically awaited such harsh terms such as half-breed, or bird brain. Doriano wasn’t as sensitive as Theodore was about this, but he hated it when people t hought it was okay to be rude to him nbecause his blood was different than theirs. ”Part-Veela? Yes. Do you have a problem with my blood status?” His voice was eerily cold and strong, rather that cocky and smooth. He dared her to say something that would upset him. He didn’t think she was the type to be like that, but he didn’t want to risk it either. Until someone was, what he was, they would never understand how frustraiting it was to be in that situation. He wondered if Krystin knew anything about them. She was friends with two of them last he knew. So she had least had to know something.

Watching Krystin read the letter, Doriano noticed that she had begun to change her mood. The feeling in the room even shifted. When she dropped the letter, and buried her face in her hands. Doriano knew something was wrong. Instead of immediately going to comfort her, he picked up the letter she had dropped instead and begun to read it. For a moment he found it ironic how she bore the same inhuman blood that she did. But as he kept reading her started to see why Krystin was upset. Whomever wrote this was a real jerk. After the letter was read, Doriano crumpled it up and tossed it aside. Doriano sighed softly and sat down next to her. ”You know…….there are worse things in life than being Part-Veela. You could have no arms or legs. That would suck.” Doriano offered, trying to cheer her up and at least get her to see that there were many things out there that could be worse than this. He saw nothing wrong with what he was. It just made him stand out as little more. Unless you were shy there was nothing really wrong with standing out either. Hopefully Krystin wasn’t crying either. There was no need for tears over this. Her faher was a jerk, end of story. He obviously didn’t appreciate the wonderful things Veela’s could do for people. ”You should ignore what was in the letter. Crying is letting him know that he’s won. That he was able to make you feel bad. If you keep your head up and act like it doesn’t bother you, he has less power over you. Besides, pretty girls shouldn’t cry.” That was another common sense idea that people never seemed to remember. Doriano often forgot it himself. Anger and sadness were two powerful feelings. They were hard to fight. But it all had to start with keeping your mind strong. All Krystin had to do was own up to her inner beauty and show her father that his opinion didn’t bother her. Even if it did, acting wasn’t hard to do.
Krystin looked up at Doriano and she shrugged to the comment on her getting along with his sister. She didn't get along with many, almost none at all. She had her father's views, none were worthy enough to be around her. However that was going to be changed, somehow. Everything in her life was going to change with one little letter. Krystin knew that she was a brat, but letting others beat you down was never going to get you power. She needed to fight her way to the top. She never expected to get Prefect or Head Girl. None of that glory was for her. She wanted something much more. Her father did so much to get to where he was, a powerful man, and he didn't have friends. He had slaves. She considered Aphrodite and LeAnn her friends, but they were falling apart. Both of them were in that blasted Gryffindor house that housed werewolves. She was not going to be caught hanging around werewolves at least. Krystin was asked about his blood status, before she was suddenly speechless. Did she have a problem with those types of people? After a moment's hesitation, she shook her head and she said, "No. Aphrodite is one, so I don't see an issue with Part-Veelas." She knew that her brother was one as well, but she thought that it would not affect her. And then her cousin was one also. She was surrounded by these creatures so she did not see any sort of harm in it. If anything, it just meant that she would have to try harder to get as much attention as the other two got. She loved attention, and she wanted everyone to know who she was. Krystin would not have an issue with Part-Veelas unless she was given a reason. It was not contagious. Not like that werewolf problem that they had. Krystin had figured out the hard way that she was Part-Veela. With her father telling her through a secretary no less, that she was dirty blood, and was a mistake. What could she do now? She thought that she was pure-blood, better than the rest, but this was just a mistake. She was never meant to be born, and she was able to carry the last name 'Cromwell' for a limited time before having to switch over to her mother's name. Tears had already started to poor, and she was just...disgusted with her being. Was it her fault? It had to be her fault. She was this burden on her father's reputation, a constant reminder that he had been seduced by a Veela. Was she doomed to be like that? Is that why some of the boys liked her, before they mysteriously vanished? Krystin didn't know, but all she wanted to do was crawl into a corner, and just live out the rest of her miserable days. How could she even begin to live, like a Part-Veela? She didn't want to be like her brother, Damian. She really didn't.

What the Slytherin girl was not expecting was Doriano coming over and sitting next to her, while she was crying no less. He was not making fun of her, but it appeared to be the opposite. Instantly, she could feel butterflies in her stomach. Either that or she felt like she was going to throw up because of what she had read. She heard Doriano's voice, and she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Despite what she had heard, and what she believed Doriano to be, he was trying to comfort her. He was right, things going have been so much worse. A genuine smile graced her lips, perhaps one that Doriano had never seen despite the fact that she looked awful with her eyes turning red from the tears. She muttered, her voice somewhat breaking, "I-I suppose you are right..." She hated admitted that someone else was right over her, and it was obvious. At least he was trying. Still, everything her father had said had been enough to break down that stone cold wall that she had put up. Now she was showing her true self. Weak. Doing everything she could to please the father that apparently never wanted her. She was fighting her hardest not to cry, even if it felt like she was about to explode. Letting out a sigh, she confessed, "Doriano, I've lived my life trying to please him. Being his little princess. I'll...I'll try..." Closing her miscolored eyes, and she laughed falsely, "It is a lot harder. I don't know how to live life being this inhuman yet beautiful Part-Veela. I don't know how to do it. If word gets around, and it probably will, people will probably call me half-breed. I don't know if I am strong enough to not let it bother me." Being insulted like that was going to be hard. Krystin had strength. She had proved it over and over during her reign in the school. All she had to do was find it again, and then it occurred to her. She could charm guys. She could make them do what she wanted. This could help her out. However there was another thing that hit her too. Krystin asked, her tone nearing flirtatious yet still weak somewhat from the news, trying to test out her charms, "You think I'm pretty?"
<COLOR color="#000">Doriano wanted to roll his eyes. This girl was raised up to be someone he rarely ever got along with. Particularly because of the way it reminded him of his own family. "You should worry about pleasing yourself first. You'll be a million times happier if you do. Trust me." Doriano explained to her. Sure it was okay to try and make others happy when one had the chance. But Doriano felt that if one could not keep themselves happy first, there was no point in making anyone else feel the same way. He learned that through trial and error. There were times when he tried to please others but it never quite turned out the way he wanted it to. So eventually he learned to just focus on making himself happy. Then others. Doriano was much happier with himself this way. He also had some more advice for Krystin. She was new at this so he couldn't be too annoyed that he was having to tell her this. He felt like a schoolteacher explaining this to her. Perhaps it was because he wasn't used to teaching other people, but he did. A lot of people avoided getting type of advice from him. Doriano wasn't the best the giving advice to begin with. Ninety-nine percent of the time Doriano got too annoyed to really give anything decent. His sister was the worst. There was absolutely zero amount of advice that he could give her. She had a set of problems all her own. Doriano refused to get mixed up in that mess ever again. "As for how to be one....how about try being yourself? We veela's are people too. Just prettier and...less human. But we function just like everyone else. As for the half-breed thing.....my cousin Theodore...who's just we are, used to go to school here. He dealt with the same problem. He couldn't stand people calling him a half-breed. But he eventually decided that he was tired of letting other's words determine who he was. He eventually became Head Boy. The first from your house actually. Try taking his advice, words don't own you." Doriano shrugged and looked back down at the floor. He used to admire Theodore. But lately Theodore had become more of a tyrant than anything. Everyone figured it was because he had too much weighing on his shoulders right now. But he was a good example for people like Krystin. He was also the only head person that Doriano knew of that wasn't fully human and whatnot. Theodore had a strong head on his shoulders. He just hoped that Krystin was able to follow through. It was the best advice he could give her as he wasn't known enough for people to care about calling him a half-breed. Even if they did, it wouldn't bother him that much.

"Sure. Don't read anything into it though. I think think you're a brat." Doriano was glad she was feeling better. At least somewhat. He noticed that her tone had taken a someone flirtatious tone to it. Apparently she had no idea that her charms didn't exactly work on someone who had similar blood. He would have to tell her that before she made a fool of herself in front of someone who wouldn't find it as amusing as Doriano did. Doriano didn't really feel like making her think that they were even remotely compatible either. As cute and fiery as she was, she was Aphrodite's little friend, AND, she was a little bit like his sister. That thought was scary to her. Standing up and creating at least two feet of distance, he coughed. "Just so you know...the charms don't work on someone of similar blood. No matter the gender. We're used to it." Doriano rolled his eyes and shifted some of his fingers through his mass of thickened black hair. Hopefully she understood a little bit more about what she was now. Doriano had done his civic duty for the week. The rest she might have to ask a girl about. Doriano wasn't exactly all that familiar with the female customs. Perhaps Aphrodite or his sister though. Now that might work.​
Krystin moved her hair with her hand, and she could feel her emotions getting some decent control once more. It was nice, having someone that she could actually connect with, opposed to just use to make herself feel better. Doriano was someone like that, but a part of her hated him, and another part, not so much. "I think I'll do that. Please myself first. The only thing I really wanted to do was model, in my own styles. Perhaps cheerleading or something like that. Maybe a gymnast. Or a vet. Then I won't have to go into my dad's company. On the bottom floor..." Krystin shrugged, and she wondered if she could be all of those, a modeling, cheerleading, gymnast that was a veterinarian. She might need a time turner, but she could pull it off. Her ego was slowly returning, but it was still eating her away inside. But she would learn to deal, bounce back to her original self, and be herself in no time. Krystin started to wonder if this Doriano Knight, the badass Ravenclaw, was really a warming, lovable Veela-boy. That wouldn't be that attractive then. Then he would be like her older brother. His advice was doable somehow, and she would not bother to live by anyone's words but her own. Maybe she will dye her hair, put some purple and blue in it, she didn't know what she wanted to do. But she wanted to do her own thing. She would still wear stylish clothing, but nothing too girly since she wasn't a big fan of pink. She loved wearing other colors, as long as they weren't pink and yellow. She felt that she would end up like an Easter egg. Doriano was talking once more, and she looked over at the Ravenclaw, before what he was saying was making a lot of sense, like he had rehearsed it or something. He was talking about Theodore next, and she started to wonder who that was. She had heard a lot about him, but by the time she entered the school, he had graduated. She wanted to know him, but it was impossible now. After he didn't let thing get to him, he became Head Boy. "I wish I knew him. Words don't own me. I'll see if I can practice that."

When it came down to the Slytherin girl, she always wanted to see what would be the best for her dad, and now she would have to erase the 'dad' part out of the sentence. And if someone called her half-breed, well, that could speak for itself. She would just shrug it off, because she knew, being Part-Veela has its upsides, which meant that she was pretty. She could win stuff with this. She didn't know how right now, but she would learn to adapt, to flaunt what she had. Krystin shrugged and she admitted without really thinking, "I know I am. At least my thoughts are the same about you as they are about me." She thought that he was a brat too, but she also admitted that she thought that he was cute, pretty, whatever the male equivalent was. She watched as Doriano stood up and made a few feet of distance between the two of them. Either he noticed the charms, or he just didn't want to be too close to her. Either way, it was good for her. She felt that being next to her rival was not exactly an ideal thing. However when Doriano told her, that the charms didn't work on him, she felt a little embarrassed. A light dusting of red painted onto her cheeks. So he knew. Krystin slowly stood up before she dusted off her outfit and gave him a subtle smile. She made sure that her charms or whatever were off, but she cound't control it at all. Krystin shrugged, before she finally said, "Well, a girl has to try, doesn't she?" Krystin shrugged once more before she moved her hair behind her shoulders, and wondered if she should change up her styles and what if someone started to think that she really liked Doriano? She couldn't let that get out, since she didn't know what to think.
<COLOR color="#000">Doriano snorted when he heard what Krystin wanted to be when she was older. A model? She made him think of his cousins immediately. "You should be a vet. It'll be a lot easier to respect you with a professional job like that. Plus, who doesn't love someone that takes care of animals. What would be even cooler, is if you went on to work with magical creatures too. Now that would be interesting." Doriano offered his intake on the situation. He found it one thing for a woman to go off and show herself to the world like she was some piece of candy, but also another to go out and make a professional name for herself. Doriano was happy that both his sister and his Snow cousins weren't the type to go and objectify themselves in such ways. Though his cousin Alyssa married a man that seemed more than perfect for her. One to idolize her beauty and treat her as if she were a trophy of some sort. Doriano never spoke to the guy of course but Alyssa did seem to love him an awful lot. So he figured it wasn't his place to point out that he seemed seedy. Then again, if he found a girl to be extremely beautiful who wasn't afraid of utilizing it plus being in love, he would probably have problems keeping his hands to himself as well. Doriano tried not to judge. Even if he was a jerk and tended to be arrogant, he liked to keep an open mind. Especially with someone he barely knew. Like Krystin. She was a brat, but Doriano thought he understood why. "Ha. No you don't. Theodore can be incredibly temperamental when he wants to be. I think he gets cranky when he doesn't get a nap though. But yeah. At least try to follow his example." Doriano almost laughed. Theodore was awful grouchy when he was tired It was kind of funny though. He was a grown man but still had childish tendencies. It was something Doriano wasn't used to seeing. At least, not in his family. It was a good relief.

Yes but the difference between you and me is evident. Clearly you attract too much negative attention to yourself." Doriano muttered as he straightened his clothing up. He made sure he kept his gaze on Krystin. He wanted to make sure she wasn't going to do anything that would get both of them in trouble. The two of them had a knack for getting into trouble with one another. Especially when one of them was upset and looking for a fight. Doriano blamed it on the fact that they were both really stubborn and both wanted to have their way. Oh and the fact that Krystin was a little mouthy brat sometimes didn't help either. It made Doriano annoyed and ready to push her off a cliff. He felt bad for thinking that, because she was cute and amusing. The more he admitted that to himself, the more tolerant he was of her. Doriano refused to let her think that the way she was, was okay. "Of course she does. Just not on me." Doriano shrugged. He saw no problem with her flirting and trying to get the attention of a man. He just felt awkward with him being it. She was younger than he was, and bratty, and they wouldn't work out together for sure. They argued enough when they were around one another as it was.​
Krystin looked over toward Doriano, and she started to think about it. At first, she wanted to impress him, to gain his respect. It was then when she thought why she even cared to impress someone like him. Chances were, they were going to kill each other, or she would never see him after she exited the school. "I think I will look into being a vet. I love animals, but magical ones? Those scare me, even the bigger ones. Like werewolves, those things that can burn you, sting you and bite you." Krystin just did not like the sound of that. She wanted to treat the smaller animals, the ones that were cute and cuddly, like rabbits and cats. Those were the best types of animals, so she could see herself becoming something like that quite easily. She would love it, and she wanted to have a lot to do with helping those little things that could never tell anyone how they were feeling and where they were hurting. They did not have a voice, and cannot speak like humans could. It would be up to her on how things were handled. There was only so much she could do. She would have to go to school after Hogwarts, and if she knew right, a muggle college? She did not know the word, but she was almost sure that was the term for it. Krystin just hoped that one day, her father would understand, but truth be told, he probably did not care about her and did not love her because she was this huge mistake. Krystin looked over at Doriano and she gave him one node to make sure that she was going to follow the example of the former Head Boy, the one that she did not know of right now. She would have loved to meet him, but he had graduated right before she went to school. It was almost heart breaking. She did laugh when he said that Theodore was grouchy when he was tired, or got done with a nap. That was awfully funny to the young Slytherin and part-veela. Krystin often wondered if she would ever meet him in her lifetime. If she knew what he was into, then she would be too scared to.

The young Slytherin flinched when he said that she attracted too much negative attention to herself. He was right, she did. Krystin stood up as well, and she leaned against the wall. "I will try," muttered the girl, "to straighten up my act because I don't want anymore attention to myself." Krystin didn't want any, positive or negative. Maybe if she stopped pretending that she was better than everyone else, because let's face it, she was not even human, she was no better than anyone, not anymore. Krystin would want to change her look too. If she changed too much, then her father may do the worst. Krystin would have to overcome her stubbornness though. Perhaps she could show people that she actually had a side that would be actually pleasant? Well, Krystin still had that power hungry part in her where she wanted to rule the world, but that was probably her father. Now that her father did this, she wanted to rebel against him, to show him that she was not owned by him. Krystin blushed and she looked away, "I was just wanting to see if it worked. Not that I would want you to be charmed by me anyway. Although if you were, it would give me more to tease you about." Krystin cast Doriano a smirk before she moved her brown hair over her shoulder. They didn't have a chance in hell together, and Krystin, though she did like him, didn't think that the feelings were mutual.

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