Closed Fateful Run-ins

James Michaels

Rebel- Photographer- Romantic- Healing- Uncle
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ten inch sturdy Cypress wood with Thestral hair core
6/30/2013 (49)
James was looking for more things to fill his time and distract him. Sapphire was building a promising career, Onyx was engaged, Jordie was growing like a weed, taller and leaner every time James saw him. He had gone out to Obsidian with no real purpose in mind. He'd been wandering idly, looking for something to do, when he heard a quiet rant. He looked around and saw an older gentleman looking around, looking lost, and complaining to himself in quiet Japanese. James smiled and walked over, ducking his head to catch the mans eye. "Hello! Maybe I can help you. Where are you trying to go?" He asked, his Japanese fluent and smooth, only slightly accented. He gave the man a friendly smile, tucking his hands in his pockets.
Jai still wasn't used to New Zealand so he got lost. And there was no map for him, so Jai was standing, looking around and quietly swearing to himself. He stopped when someone next to him started to speak in Japanese and he immediately froze when he saw the man in front of him. He reminded him of someone... Chal... Was there any chance that? No, no, no! No way, the world wasn't that small to actually meet one of that family. "Yeah, hi! I was looking for the apothecary? Any chance you know where it is?" he actually used the chance to find it and gave a warm smile. He was a bit surprised about someone there speaking Japanese fluently but it did help him a lot as Jai's English had worsened with all these years of daily talking only in Japanese.
James smiled easily at the mans question. "Oh, of course! I can take you there," he offered, motioning for the man to follow and starting to walk. "The Apothecary is fine, you can get some decent things there, but if you really want the best, freshest ingredients, you should go see my uncle Chalcedony. He technically has a shop," James laughed. "But he barely pays attention to the storefront, he'll be in the gardens. I swear, his greenhouse is at least three times bigger than his apartment above the store, but his apartment is so green you'd think it was just another part of the greenhouse."

James slowed down as they reached the Apothecary, turning to look at the other man. "My name is James, by the way. James Michaels. I'm not busy, I can stay if you needed more help?" He offered with a bright smile, holding his hand out to shake with the other man.
Jai gave him a thankful smile. "That would be awesome, thank you!" he started to listen to the boy but he almost stopped as he heard the name of his uncle. He still tried to convince himself that it was just a coincidence, it was another Chalcedony, not his. But what were the chances that the other Chal was into plants so much? Big enough for Jai to keep the questions back. At least most of them. "That sounds good, where it is? Next time I will go there then," he gave the other man a smile. "Oh, maybe you know what is his favorite plant?" it was just to keep the conversation going, but he did stop shocked when the man called his name. He was who? "I knew Michaels's family back in the 2010s," Jai chuckled, trying to not look bothered even if it was clear to see that he was a bit freaked out. "Right, I am Jai Chen and the help could be useful, I think my English got worse not only verbally," he only half-joked. His English actually wasn't as good as it was more than 30 years ago. "Is there any chance that your mother is called Ruby?" he asked, hoping to not seem too interested even if it was a literal life-or-die question. What were the chances that he could meet that family again? They left school when Chal was like 15 or 16, no chance that after so much time they could meet again.
James smiled, nodding easily. "I'll write down the information for you," he said easily, reaching into his bag and pulling out a small notebook. He scribbled out an address and directions in Japanese before offering it out to the man. He thought about the mans question, considering. "Well, I'm not totally sure, but uncle Chal has always had this wisteria he's really fond of. He always says he got it from someone really special and he's had it as long as I can remember. There's a huge tree outside now and he's got it climbing up the walls of his apartment." James shrugged, thinking that was probably his uncles' favorite.

James nodded as the man introduced himself, a bit oblivious to the other mans emotions. "Oh, well, uncle Chal knows Japanese. He taught me, actually. He taught himself when I was a kid, kept saying something about being educated and maybe needing it one day." James shrugged again, slipping his hands into his pockets. He looked surprised when the man said he knew a Michaels family, and then asked about his mother. James was silent a moment, glancing to the Apothecary and then back to the man in front of him. "You know, Mr. Chen, why don't you and I just go to lunch instead?" He asked. "My mother is Ruby and you get the oddest look when I mention my uncle. Do you want to go sit down somewhere and I can tell you about them?" He offered.
Jai's face immediately brightened up when James told him about Chal and wisteria. Chalcedony didn't forget him, just like he promised. "Wisteria... My mom helped me to get it and he said that it was a symbol of love," Jai smiled down and whispered quietly, remembering the day when he gave the plant to his that time boyfriend. "Wisteria is a really pretty plant. Also known as wisteria floribunda, I learned it before giving it to someone as a surprise. That time I didn't check what it means and he told me that it's a symbol of love," Jai smiled at James too, also remembering how it was the same day when they first kissed. And it looked like he told about Chal's first and only love more than Chal did himself.

Jai nodded lightly when James shared few more details about Chalcedony and all Jai could think about it was that it was something only that Michaels would do, he hadn't changed a lot. "You know what? It sounds good, lead the way," Jai easily followed James almost forgetting that he actually needed something in the Apothecary, chance to know what was going with Chal sounded way better.
James blinked at the man's words. Really? Uncle Chal had never spoken of his love life, he'd just always looked really sad. James had caught him staring out windows more than once looking melancholy. He smiled as Jai agreed to lunch, nodding and leading the way.

It wasn't long before they were settled down at a little cafe. Once they had ordered something to eat, James turned back to look at the other man. He folded his hands beneath his chin, studying him. "So, Mr. Chen. Perhaps we can trade question for question?" James offered. "I'll start. Who are you?" He asked, curious now about the man in front of him.
Jai liked the cafe where they settled down, at least he liked how it looked. What food tasted like in there he still didn't know and just hoped that it won't be catastrophic. "Sounds good," he agreed and listened to the first question. Jai let out a smile before answering. "That's a pretty tough question. I am Jai Chen, chef, and your uncle's first boyfriend, if we are talking about the same Chalcedony Michaels." Jai grinned before starting to think about what to ask and even if he really wanted to show that he was interested in how James was doing, he couldn't keep himself from asking about Chal. "How is he? Like, how has he been?" and the caring showed up on his face immediately, it was his chance to finally know what happened to his first love after he ran away with his sister and her sailor.
James was surprised at the answer given to him. Uncle Chals first what? His mouth fell open and he stared at Jai for a moment. He made an effort to pull himself together, considering Jai's question. "Well, that..." James sighed. "That is a difficult question. He's... Alright?" James sighed. "Uncle Chal... I think the best word for it would be... Lonely?" He offered slowly. "Mother had all of us at a young age. My older brother was born when she was seventeen, then she had my twin and I at eighteen. Then Myra at nineteen. But not long after she was born, our father perished at sea."

James picked up his drink, sipping it and sighing. "Mother took his ship and built an empire on it. Michaels Shipping. But doing so was hard work. She was often gone. Uncle Chal raised us." James smiled fondly a moment before it faltered. "Aside from mother, I don't know if he's ever had anyone. He tries, sometimes, and for a few months he'll talk about having a friend come over every now and then for tea. But eventually, it fades, and he just... Wonders around his greenhouse by himself. He's got the biggest heart, but he doesn't speak much. He just... Makes tea, and works his gardens by himself." James gave Jai a soft smile. "I'm not sure if that's the answer you were looking for. Can... I ask what happened? With the two of you?"
Jai lightly smiled as he saw James' reaction, somehow it just made sense for him that Chal never really spoke about him. Then he carefully listened to what the man had to say, Jai looked at the table feeling that his tears were collecting up but when James finished, Jai fastly tried to swallow them back to get ready the answer for him. "well... We were together in the Hogwarts. He helped me when I was getting bullied and eventually, we became close, really close. We spent a lot of time together, then we became a couple. I swear, it was one of the best things that happened to me in my life," he let the happy smile appear on his face. He didn't particularly look at the man in front of him, he was still looking at the table and trying to relive the old memories. "Then started the part that you talked about. Ruby ran away with that sailor and Chal went with her, he had to choose and he chose her. I woke up alone, he left me a letter, a rose, and a ring. He was planning to propose to me but he got to getaway. And y'know, they had huge money problems, Jai worked a lot and I had no idea what for. We were just kids but we were so in love." Jai talked like he remembered the best things ever and it actually was that way, it was the only time he was really in love. "But it's in the past now. Not long after that my parents arranged a marriage, y'know, it's okay for our family. I got married, moved back to Japan and we had kids. Two. A boy and a girl. We divorced some time ago tho," here Jai talked more like it was just facts. He was never in love with his ex-wife but he really loved his kids tho. "what are your relationships with Chal? He was always a perfect family man, how do you feel about him as your uncle?"
James listened to Jai, his smiled fading. His heart did a weird little twist as he listened to Jai's story. James was silent a moment after the older man finished. Had Chal really left the boy he loved to take care of Ruby? James cleared his throat. "Chal is practically our father. And we're going to see him, now. Come on." James stood and grabbed Jai's arm. He pulled the man from the shop, and down the street.

It was a short walk from that cafe to Chal's shop. He threw the door open to the shop, storming in. He bypassed the shop and moved into the greenhouse. He stopped as they reached a corner and turned. "Stay here." He ordered, before turning the corner and walking further into the greenhouse. It was easy to find his uncle, the man was knee deep in a patch of daisies. "Uncle Chal." James grabbed his attention, speaking before Chal could so much as get up. "Who is Jai Chen? What happened? Why haven't you spoken of him before? Why didn't you go back for him?" James practically demanded, hands on his hips.
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Chal was working in the greenhouse, as he ever was. He hadn't been expecting any company today, so it surprised him when James appeared out of nowhere. He blinked as James spoke, his heart dropping at the mans words. He sighed deeply, and stood. "That... is a name I haven't heard in a long time," Chal spoke, his voice soft. He wiped the dirt from his hands, quiet a moment. "Jai Chen... is the love of my life," he finally admitted gently. "Aside from your mother, he was... everything to me, once. But... when your mother met your father, she dropped out of school and insisted on going with him halfway around the world. I didn't even... know they had met before she came back to get her things." Chal sighed, turning more towards James. "I couldn't say goodbye. I could never tell Jai no. Your mother and I were in sixth year. Missing our final year, well, it wouldn't affect us. But Jai was a year below us, and he had always dreamed of going to culinary school. If he had asked me to take him with us, I wouldn't have said no. And I wouldn't have been able to leave if he had asked me to stay. It broke my heart, but taking care of your mother was the only thing I had ever done, all our lives. I had promised Jai I would take care of him. I couldn't risk him ruining his future for me, I wasn't worth that, and I couldn't leave your mother. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to risk you thinking badly of your mother."

Chal sighed deeply, folding his arms over his chest. "I... did go back, once." He admitted gently. "It had been a few years, and Ruby and I had unexpectedly come into an inheritance of some significance. Ruby convinced me to go see him. I had been convinced he would never forgive me." Chal's arms tightened a bit around himself. "I went back to Japan to see him. I was... scared, nervous." He sighed. "I was too late. I found him, proposing to a woman." Chal gave a broken half smile. "I didn't speak to him. I had no place in his life anymore. But I had promised him once that I would always take care of him. I found where he was going to school and used my inheritance to pay off his student loans, then caught the next flight out. I've been... here," Chal waved at the greenhouse. "Since. I've always been on my own. Once the lot of you moved out, and Ruby got her flat in Dublin, I've just been... alone. I'm used to it." Chal sighed.

"Honestly, I suspect it was for the best. My Jai always deserved a good life. He's probably still married to her, with a family and a home. I trust that he's happy. She's given him more than I ever could. A better life than he could have had with me. He deserves the best things, and I've always known he deserved more. Better than me." Chal hesitated then, his brow furrowing. "But James, what brought this on? Did Ruby say something about Jai?" He asked, confused.
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Jai easily gave a nod and before he understood what happened, he was already following James down the street to meet Chal. His Chal. Jai actually couldn't believe it. He stayed where James told him to stay and just listened to what happened from Chal's point of view. Jai's heart froze when Jai found out that Chal saw him proposing, that it was Chal who paid for his studies. "I did, I brought it on," he couldn't stay away, it was his chance to finally talk this all out. Talk about his first love, first heartbreak, he didn't want to stay quiet. "It was you who paid off my student loans, thank you," he softly said feeling as the tears showed up, he fastly wiped them away, not believing that he could feel this way again. "I and that girl divorced some time ago. It was an arranged marriage, I just did what I had to, I still wasn't over you at that time, you just weren't there and I had no other choice," he quietly admitted, he was happy with his wife but not the way he was happy with Chal. He was never in love with his wife, she was his best friend, best mate but not his big and epic love as Michaels was.
James hadn't thought he could be any more surprised by what had been happening that day, but hearing his uncles side of the story floored him. Before he had any time to react Jai had come around the corner. He finally managed an exasperated sigh, laughing lightly. "Well, what can I say, I've been telling you for years that you meet the most interesting people when you actually go to town," He winked at his uncle before turning and sashaying away. He wouldn't intrude anymore, he'd only interfered enough to get them back together. Of course, he would be back soon enough to find out what was going on.
Chal froze at the voice that came around the corner. He didn't have to turn to know who was standing there. Chal let James leave, ignoring his nephew for the time being. A harsh wave of guilt hit him, almost crippling him. Tears filled his eyes, and he stood completely still, tense and frozen for several moments. "Jai," he choked. He couldn't turn, he couldn't breathe. He let out a long, slow sigh, before gently turning to face Jai.

At least, he was turned towards Jai. His eyes were trained fully on his feet and his stomach was twisted so tightly he couldn't speak properly. "I... I'm sorry," he choked out. He couldn't think of anything but how badly he had wronged Jai, of how he had messed up. Jai hated him. There was no other option. Chal dropped to his knees, practically bowing to Jai. "I'm so sorry," Chal whispered. "You hate me. I deserve it. I'm sorry," he managed, shaking visibly. He had not been prepared to see Jai again.
To be honest, Jai didn't really notice when James slipped away, he was focused only on Chal. Also, the last thing that he expected was for Chal to fall right in front of him and start to apologize. His eyes went wide and only then he understood that just standing probably wouldn't be the best idea ever, so he got to Chal's eye level and just took his hands. "I don't hate you Chal, I have never hated you. You're part of me, you've always been, and hating you would mean hating myself," he assuringly smiled at him, trying to make the situation better. "Hey, hey, don't cry!" Jai tried to hug him if Chal let him do it. "I'm so happy to see you," Jai quietly whispered to Chal in a bit shaky voice too. Jai couldn't believe that he met Chal again, he had always believed that their story was over really long ago.
Chal's eyes widened as Jai took his hands. He looked up, his breath catching. He almost couldn't believe that Jai had said that, thinking maybe he was just delusional and his years of quiet longing had finally made him snap. But then Jai leaned in and hugged him, and Chal was reminded firmly that this was reality. He was here, and somehow, Jai was here, in his greenhouse. He wrapped his arms around Jai, falling back again and pulling the other man into his lap, the way he always had when they were young. "Jai," he breathed. "My sweet Jai," he murmured quietly, cuddling into the other man.
Jai just watched as Chal's face changed and then let him pull him into his lap, and cuddle. It felt so weirdly familiar, even if so many years had passed. And hearing how Chal called him, made him feel even more like a teen like they were in school again. The quiet but passionate couple. "Chal, I'm sorry that you saw it that day," Jai quietly apologized, feeling that his eyes started to slowly fill with tears.
Chal's arms tightened around Jai. He moved a hand to Jai's hair, running his fingers gently over the mans scalp the way he used to. "Jai... no, Jai," he leaned back, reaching up to brush at the mans tears, completely ignoring his own. "I wasn't... I wasn't there, I should've..." He let out a slow sigh, his heart thudding dully in his chest. "I didn't know what to do," he admitted gently. "It's... it's all my fault. I know I'm nothing without Ruby." He drew his hand back, uncertainty flashing across his face. "I knew... I knew you deserved more, I couldn't take you, but I... I could never say no, I didn't know what- if- I just-" Chal stuttered, letting out a frustrated sigh and pulling away a bit. He had always regretted leaving Jai. Chal had always known he had broken his own heart. And he had always hated himself for knowing he had hurt Jai.

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