Fashion Show

OOC First Name
Melissa aka Mel
Annabelle couldn't help the small smirk that appeared on her face when she saw her rival Sarah appear late to a fashion show that they were both appearing in again. The two of them always competed against each other to get the most money and to see who could get the most fashion gigs and to see who could be the headline act for the fashion shows that they both appeared in. Usually Annabelle won and she loved that. The two of them hated each other, though Annabelle hated Sarah because she was a muggle and she was as popular as her. She hated it when she wasn't the only popular person.

'Late again honey?' She inquired sweetly, 'You do know that the more times you appear late, less people will hire you? Oh, well, it's more people to hire me than!' She smirked at Sarah and swept off, her white dress swishing around her ankles. Unlike Sarah, she was the main attraction of the fashion show that was held in Sydney for the Autumn collection. She made sure that her blonde hair was held perfectly in the bun, and when she heard the usual introductory line 'And now, it gives me great pleasure to introduce the fabulous and perfect, Annabelle Hansen!' She walked out to cheers from the crowd and screams. She knew that the girls wanted to be like her, especially teenage girls but they were all muggles which was why Annabelle didn't really associate with her fans. She was polite, and signed autographs, while thinking of ways to leave the muggles and go get ready for her next fashion show.

She faked a smile on her face knowing that her audience would think she was genuinely smiling at them, and strutted down the runway. At the end of the runway, she posed for the cameras, placing her hand against her hip, before whirling around and strutted back up the runway to behind the curtains. She knew that everyone was jealous of her and she knew that they wanted to be her, but for once in her life she wasn't having the time of her life at her show. She stopped in front of her vanity mirror, and touched up her make-up, she was going to appear again in a different outfit at the end of the show, and she had to change as well.

An hour later, she was wearing her casual clothes and still looked stylish. It was the end of the fashion show, and she was the first one to leave while everyone else was being congratulated by their family and friends. Since she ran away from her family because they wanted her to be a Death Eater when she graduated from Hogwarts, and had to change her last name so no one could find her, no one was there to congratulate her and tell her that they loved her. It was hard for her, but she had to do it to avoid being a Death Eater and follow her family's tradition. She walked down the stairs leading towards where the audience was, and blended in with them, smiling politely at random people, but not really seeing them.
Ryan Porter was sat at home with Noemi and their new baby Shane, who had been crying for hours now, and that wasn't including most of the night. He had kept his mum and dad up and Ryan was getting to the end of his last nerve for the kid. He may have been Ryan's son but that didn't mean that his constant crying didn't annoy him beyond belief. Noemi had not helped matters either, she had gotten so stressed since Shane was born and Ryan did not know how much more of her constant should and fighting. He may have loved the girl but that meant nothing in a fight, he was unpredictable and violent when he lost his temper, and he did not want to hurt any of them.

As he sat on the sofa, one hand grabbing a clump of hair. His teeth were gritting together with more and more force as time went on. He couldn't take any more of the crying and fighting right now. He stood up and grabbed his jacket before apperating out of the house, walking could have involved Noemi following with Shane and as they were the people he was getting away from, he was not going to risk that. He felt his feet leave the ground and the familiar tugging sensation began. He was well used to the feeling and unlike some people it really didn't bother him any more.

As his feet touched the ground again it dawned on him that he had no plan of action. He had just been in such a rush to get out of the house that he had not thought about how to busy himself. With a heavy frustrated sigh the death eater looked around to see what he could do. He was in the mood for something different, something he would never do normally. He looked at a slyer on a wall about a fashion show, the sort of thing he would have hated. But he knew attractive girls would be there and seeing as he was still single, as he and Noemi were not together just living together, he was free to flirt and charm as he liked. He made his way in to the building where it was taking place and weaved his way around people to get to the front to see what was happening.He had arrived near the end But he got the chance to see the girl who was later declared as the winner.

As the show ended Ryan made his way through the crowd to see the winner, she had been pretty. As he caught sight of her he smiled, it was fake but them most of his smiles were. If anything his fake smiles looked more real then his real one as he did them so much. "Hey. Congrats on the win. Those other girls they didn't stand a chance." He said pretending he had seen it from the begging. It would make him look like he had some sort of slight interest in this sort of thing. Even if he did think that it was a complete waste of time and had no purpose to it

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