Far Enough From The Lake

Kali Paytah

Well-Known Member
Yew wand, 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather
The day was absolutely lovely. A little too hot for this fourth year Ravenclaw. The sun was just a tad too bright and the air was just hot enough to make it a possibility that her long black hair would frizz up uncontrolably. This of course was something that Kali did not want to happen.

Instead she decided before leaving the dorm, that she was going to pull her hair up into a perfectly designed messy bun. Yes there was such a thing as a perfect messy bun. Many people just threw their hair into a bun that looked horrible like you didn't try at all. Kali was not able to do that if she tried. No instead her hair was in a messy bun that looked like she put some effort into it.

Her outfit for today was bright and sunny. Her shirt was bright yellow and her jeans were dyed black and were skinny jeans through and through. A pair of yellow heels were on her feet and her acessories included black daggling earrings and a bunch of black bracelets. Upon her eyes were big sunglasses that made her look as if she was out of one of those fashion magazines.

Kali continued to walk until she found a nice spot down by the lake. Carefully she took out a sweatshirt and placed it onto the ground. "There is no way I am getting grass stains" She said as the people that walked around her either nodded in approval or gave her looks. Appearance is everything keep it up Kali thought as she sat down on top of the sweatshirt.

Her eyes looked out at the lake shaking her head slightly at how first year she had jumped into it. How immature and disgusting that was. "it was all back then" She said to herself.
Alex had been walking about on the lawn and round the quidditch pitch, finding today was just too hot to mess about walking. Seeing a dryed up puddle, he smiled as he remembered there was a lake in the school. 'Duh, where's your brain Cullen?'he asked himself before starting to run towards the lake. Taking off his t - shirt and placing it on the side of the lake, he took a few steps back getting a view at which he was standing from.
First years over there, too boring to annoy. No one there an. oh wait, there's a girl I can annoy. He saw how she dressed so 'fashinably' and knew it was one of those vain girls that were so common round the school. Running towards the lkae side near her, he smiled before shouting. 'CANNONBALL!'
Alex leaped off the gruond and tucked his knees to his chest, before somersaulting into the water with an almightly splash. Alex felt the cool water against his skin, cooling down immeadiately. Swimming a few strokes, he surfaced back up and regain his breath before seeing the scene of the destruction. That was one wet girl.
Kali ran her fingers through her long black hair as she soaked in the few rays of the sun. What if I get a sun burn. Red is not a matching colour with those Ravenclaw uniforms Kali thought as she looked up at the sun for a moment feeling the heat beating down on her as the seconds passed. Maybe she would have to go inside soon.

Her gaze soon focused at the lake again in which she saw an older boy rushing towards the water. He isn't She thought almost wanting to yell out and tell the insane boy not to jump into the water. But before this fourth year Ravenclaw could open her mouth the boy jumped into the water resulting in a rather big splash of water.

"Oye!" Kali yelled as she felt the cold water soak her in moments. Her whole outfit was dripping and her hair was soaked. "What the heck were you thinking!" She yelled at the boy. Kali stood up not really knowing what to do. Her hair was dripping all over her soaked sweatshirt which moments before was dry and keeping the grass stains off her outfit. Her yellow shirt was a deep yellow from all the water soaking into it. Her eyes were dangerously narrow glaring at the boy.
Alex laughed at the girls expression she was giving him. 'Exactly that. You were too 'perfect' to not be ruined' he told her, smiling innocently. If she was like any other vain girl he knew, she wouldn't get the insultment he had just given her. Anyone who was too perfect not to be ruined basically translated to dressed like that, it a wonder why no one did it earlier.
Alex smiled again as the girl continued to give him evils. 'Here, have some more. Don't want you to get sun burnt'he added, though it was true in a sense. He didn't mean any harm to the girl and letting anyone get sunburnt was a bit mean. He took his hands and splashed her again, laughing as she got even more soaked.
Kali literally wanted to hit that boy who had wrecked her day and more importantly her outfit. Her eyes flickered about wondering if anyone had saw. A few people seemed to be passing yet no one paid any mind to the now soaking wet Kali. In a way she was glad that no one saw her situation. Yet in another way she almost wanted people to notice her. Why else would Kali put so much effort into her outfit?

Her eyes went back to glaring at the boy who spoke. It was a goal to wipe that innocent smile off his face. "You are so immature" Kali said. That was supposed to be her hard hitting insult only for Kali knew if anyone called her immature she would be heartbroken. It didn't quite occur to Kali that the boy may not mind being immature one bit.

This Ravenclaw stepped back a bit more in shock that such a boy would first get her wet then continue to splash her. Didn't he know what he was getting into? "Splash me again and I swear you won't live to annoy another person again" She threaten knowing quite well she wouldn't be able to support that threat but maybe just maybe the boy wouldn't know that. Afterall Kali wasn't well known. How would he know it was an empty threat? Possibly the way she looked.

Looking down at her outfit, Kali wasn't exactly sure what to do about it. If she began to squeeze the water out, the fabric would wrinkle. Though surely this Ravenclaw couldn't continue to walk around dripping water. Surely she began to run her fingers through her hair dreading the amount of time it would take to dry. Shaking her head she couldn't help but have a small hatred towards the boy. Just because he's older he thinks he can get away with crap like this. As if Kali thought angerly.
Alex smirked. 'The amount of times someone has threatened me with that and I got a pound for it, I would be a millionaire by now'he told the girl, knowing the age she looked, she probably wouldn't be able to back her threat up. 'Oh, come on. Could be worse you know. I could thrown you in there and you could be even wetter' he told her, not seeing anyone be so angry about this. Usually, they would be mad as hell but most of the time they acted as if they didn't care in the end. Maybe this girl was different.

(wait, what did we agree to for this? i can't be bothered looking at the pm. :r: ^_^ )
Kali rolled her eyes at the boy when he noted that he had been threatened like this before. "No shocker there" She said. For a moment a smile wanted to appear on her lips but Kali held it back. This boy was nothing to smile about even if he did have that air about him.

The comment about being thrown in however made Kali step back just a few centimeters. "Oh yes it could be so much worse. I mean I could be completely soaked with my hair a mess and my clothes dripped" Kali said in an almost sarcastic tone "Oh wait I am" She continued a small smile appeared on her face for less than a second.

Her hands once more ran through her hair. Her hair felt like it was about to just completely frizz up. Again her eyes looked around hoping that for once no one was looking at the state she was in. "I can't believe you are even in that water. It's gross" She added with a small shiver at the thought.

((Psh lazy you should just look at the pm :p Umm I don't think we agreed on anything in particular...It's up to you with what you want to do))
Alex smiled, trying to hold back a laugh as the girl used the sarcastic tone. Boy, she did state the obvious didn't she? alex thought to himself. he watched as she played with her hair and Alex could see she was already worrying about how it look.
He pulled a shocked face as she said the water was gross. 'Oh, is it? Better get out then. Doesn't do to be in such gross stuff' he played along, obviously being a smart-ass as she would probably call it.
Alex walked out and grabbed his t-shirt wiping his face down before pulling it over his six pack that he had worked on in the summer holidays. 'Lucky you aren't in it then aren't you?'
Kali rolled her brown eyes at the boy as he pulled a shocked expression on his own face. Her eyes however were getting less cold and more gentle as the seconds progressed. Something that Kali would not and still did not know why. Though she watched as the boy got out of the water wanting once more to just wipe the smile off his face. Psh who does he think he is Kali thought. Her hand ran through her hair once more before dropping to her side at the sight of the boy.

Whoa She thought for a moment looking at the six pack that the boy was sporting. Not many people Kali knew that worked out enough to gain this form of muscle. Secretly she was impressed but she refused to show it. She shook her head for a moment or two this time actually attempting to shake herself from her thoughts about the boy who she didn't even really know. All she knew was that he had gotten her soaked and could basically turn the tables on Kali in an instant. Not enough information to make a wondeful judgement, though there was always enough information to make some sort of judgement.

"Luck has nothing to do about it. I'm too mature and knowledgable to enter such a swamp like area." She added "I swear if you are older than a first year you should know better than to even think about taking a swim in that lake" Kali continued. For some reason she found the situation better if she made her point.

Pulling her eyes off the boy, she looked over at a near by tree trying to get her mind on something else. He ruined your outfit. Be angry at him She reminded herself trying hard not to take a liking to the boy. Kali was too young for that sort of thing anyway. "I'm Kali by the way" She said not knowing why she even thought an introduction was worth her time.
Alex laughed as she argued with him. 'Your choice. But you'll be bored of not doing anything 'immature' by the time you get to 6th'he told the girl, still smiling. he so wanted to just chuck her in the lake. It was so tempting and she was just standing there. And plus the fact that she was mad mouthing a perfectly fine lake. It was so nice down on the basin of it especially.
Alex stared at the tree she was looking, raising an eyebrow slightly at what she found so interesting about it. Girls, just forget what goes on in their minds, he thought to himself, staring down at his wet top. He had only gotten that dry he other day. Ow well, he thought to himself, smiling at the thoughts. He was surprised as the girl suddenly introduced herself. 'No, your a Soaking Kali' he reminded her, making her name Soaking Kali for her. He smiled before bowing at her. 'Alex, at your getting wet service' he jested, before straightening up again.
So he is a sixth year Kali noted seeing how he did look older. What does that make him 16 or 17 Kali thought not quite knowing. Sure the difference in age wasn't too bad. Kali was 15 years old and would be turning 16 soon. It doesn't even matter Kali thought trying hard to imagine never talking to this boy again. Why was she even still here? Yet something was making her stay, something that didn't want to make her feet move. That something was none other than this own Ravenclaw fourth year.

Her eyes looked back at the boy and rolled themselves again. Soaking Kali She repeated in her mind. Though once he did a small bow, a little smile appeared on her lips. Quickly she wiped it off not wanting to give the reality that she was actually enjoying his company slightly. "Well I guess it's nice to meet you Alex" Kali said still not completely okay with the fact that she was wet beyond belief.

"It probably would have been nicer to meet you if you hadn't made such a rude entrance. You don't really act like a sixth year" She continued as her hand once more ran through her hair feeling it drying ever so slightly.
Alex laughed as she mentioned he didn't much act like his year. 'Yeah, I get that alot but it takes a great genius to work out the best way to enter. And my entrance was soo not rude. If anything, you should be thanking me for cooling you down'he joked with her, smiling.
It's your own fault you got soaked. If you hadn't been chcking to see if everyone was looking at you maybe you'd have gotten out the way quick enough, he thought to himself, still trying to resist the idea of throwing her in.
Kali started to ran her hands down her shirt trying to get any wrinkle out that may have occured from the quick splash that Alex had given her minutes before. Her yellow top was drying, slowly, but still it was drying. Her hair however wasn't drying as fast as she wanted nor was any other part of her outfit.

Looking back up at Alex she couldn't help but admit that his 'air' was starting to get slightly less annoying as the moments passed. His small jokes and teasing nature would probably be ok in light doses. His laugh however, Kali could live with forever. Luckily it wasn't as catchy as it could be. Laughing at a moment like this probably would kill Kali's image. The image she was trying so hard to build up.

"I wasn't in need of a cooling down. Plus I would have been just as happy going inside to cool off." She said. Why was she still agrueing the point? There was no need to, but for some reason this Ravenclaw needed to prove her point. "So other than soaking an innocient girl sitting by the lake, what brought you outside today?" Kali asked as she began to pull her hair into a neat pony tail hoping that this would make it look at least slightly better.
Alex kept a small smile on his face before staring at her like she was a lunatic inside his head. His face however showed no change.
Innocent? You must be joking? If you're innocent I'm a martian. He thought about the question before answering. 'Nah, nothing else really. Just soaking someone was just about it. The weather was too nice to not do that' he replied. 'You want a drying spell or something on that?'he asked her, thinking this was a perfect excuse to get near enough to push her into the lake.
Kali wasn't sure what this boy was thinking. He confused her slightly yet as always her face remained rather emotion less. Not blank. No Kali's face was never one to be completely blank, but still it rarely had an imense amount of emotion. Instead her eyes seemed focused on the boy as he spoke. His intentions of going outside just to annoy a poor person was not something that Kali thought highly of. People have different opinions of enjoyment Kali thought

His offer to help her dry off was something she wasn't expecting. This did flash on her face for a moment, before a simple smile took over. "That's surprisingly nice of you" Kali said not sure if she should believe him. He is in sixth year. He should know a drying spell Kali thought as she nodded her head twice. "Anything to save this outfit" Kali continued hoping that letting Alex use magic to dry her off would be a good idea.
Alex's smile turned to the side, the sort of 'heart throb boy' smile. 'Surprisingly? Now that is surprising. I am one of the nicest people here'he said, joking of course but Alex forgot some people never had the same humour as him. Walking towards the girl, he took his wand out his back pocket.
Stopping about ~90cm away from her, he thought just to keep the act up he would do it the nicer way. 'Do you mind?'he asked her kindly, referring to using magic on her.
((Sorry it took so long to post. My computer has been acting up. And now it's raining so I don't know how much longer I'll have power))

Kali couldn't help but smile at a moment like this. Maybe he's not so bad afterall She thought running her hands through her hair for a moment or so ending up twisting a single strand around for a few times. "One of the nicest people here?" Kali questioned not willing to give away that she seemed to be growing fonder of the boy as the moments passed. "Well I think that is just a bit overexaggerating" She smiled slightly trying to wipe the smile off her face. It was harder than this young Ravenclaw had suspected though.

As Alex seemed to walk closer to her, Kali's first reaction was to step back, but she didn't. It's just a simple drying spell. He will save your outfit and you will be on your way She reminded herself not sure if she really wanted to be free of this boy's company quite yet. "No go right ahead" She said simply slightly less nervous than this fourth year Ravenclaw probably should have been.
Alex looked at her clothes before concentrating on them before casting a draught charm on all of them. He had forgotten about that until a couple of minutes before. He always forgot about the simple charms half the time. He smiled before, putting his wand back in his pocket. 'Happier?'he asked her, waiting for the exact moment she answered before he was going to chuck her in.

( it's ok. it wasn't that long. :p )

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