Closed Far and Wide

Wynter Mckenna-Styx

in love; enthused; tender; babbler
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Hazel Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
"Given we are currently in your country I think it stands to reason that we just send all of the children to Durmstrang. Neither of us really liked Hogwarts over in New Zealand anyway," Wynter continued, flicking her wand to put a cushing charm on the doors incase Austiin decided to get up out of his crib and walk into the door again. He was getting far too many bumps and she was starting to run low on her potions ingredients. Which reminded her she needed to get more potions ingredients. "If we send them all to the same school then at least they'll have family and honestly it will give them far better chances with their learning since so much ridiculous events seems to happen in New Zealand that no one needs, not to mention all of those useless people they seem to have in the school - maybe that Professor Pendleton doesn't work there anymore, but that hardly matters, one useless professor just braves the way for another useless professor and I want our children to actually be taught properly by someone who isn't going to collapse randomly in some hallway somewhere," she said, walking out to find Viktor casually listening to her. He could have been ignoring her only she knew he wasn't. He was very casual about things usually. "I had considered Ilvermorny but Kialla Chase's children go there and she and I have never seen eye to eye on anything, I hardly think it would be fair on her children because ours are compared to hers." Ever since Wynter has leaked valuable Smith secrets to their competitors Kialla had sent her an owl every month b*tching about it. A howler once or twice that Wynter just burned on impact. "Beauxbatons is certainly an... option but they hardly need to learn several more languages just to fit in."

@Viktor Styx
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Viktor Styx long since quit the Ministry in New Zealand, and relocated his family over to Bulgaria once his grandfather retired and took the majority of the family back to their homeland. However, as the years passed, his grandfather returned to the school, and left Viktor wondering if their move was the smartest thing right now. And, while he was sitting on the couch, he stared at his wife as she continued to talk. That had never changed. She mentioned sending their children over to Durmsntrang. It was a fair choice, and their children could learn Dark Arts properly. They had a fair amount since he knew the best way to shut his wife up were through nefarious methods - which both enjoyed. However, considering how fertile the family was, it was how they kept having children over and over. Austiin was their youngest, but would he remain the youngest?

"Do I need to find a way to shut you up again? I can give you another nine months of agonizing cravings," Viktor's lips curled into a smirk. He might have been quiet and all, but he talked more than he used to back in the day, so long as it was with Wynter. Others did not have that sort of privilege. He did have a razor sharp tongue though. "The Patriarch resumed a professor's position at Hogwarts New Zealand. I will never understand why, but I suspect it had something to do with the next heir's wife, and him failing to become a legilimens." Viktor knew it was hard work, but he was successful. "Durmstrang is a top choice, however. Dad moved back to New Zealand, so we can just flip a coin and see which one goes where."
Wynter's mouth snapped shut, as it often did, when he said such things and she took several long moments to parse through what she could say to him in revenge. Merlin did she love this man, every single detail about him, she loved their children too, every single detail about them... but the eight and a half months of swollen ankles, weird cravings, aches and pains? No, no she didn't like that aspect of it very much at all. Instead of saying anything, she glared, knowing only too well, given their small horde, that he'd meant every word he ever said to her. Wynter couldn't say she ever really understood how any of the inner workings of the family properly worked, she knew only what she was told, and only then when it was warranted. Otherwise she didn't have much involvement a tall. And it wasn't like she ever had to worry about being truthful vs lying since half of Viktor's family either ignored her, or were legilimens and knew she'd never go about asking questions anyway - not those kinds of questions at least. "If we can keep them together, that would be my preference. Oliver and I, and my half siblings all went to different schools, I know it might not be practical, or even the most sensible choice, but I would prefer they stay together," she said, moving to sit on the couch beside him. She'd thought a lot about it in recent months, since Apricity was school age now. She couldn't tell what made sense, maybe it would be best to see who was going to excel in what, and send them where they would be best suited. It wasn't like they wouldn't have family wherever they went, though the fact that Styx was back at school (the fact she couldn't use his first name wasn't weird for her at all) was cause for some wonder. Sending them there certainly wasn't a terrible idea, but she also wasn't sure it was the right one. "Honestly, I just don't know what the right decision is. I married you and then all my abilities to make any kind of decisions dried up!"

@Viktor Styx
Ah, he loved it when Wynter silenced herself when Viktor worded his special way to get her to be quiet when he wished. She might be glaring, but that coy smirk remained on his lips, plastered there. He was tempted to go through that now, but she wanted to keep their children together because of her own experience. It was not too bad, though it depended on the siblings too. Viktor shrugged, "Some of mine went to different places, but it might have been for the best. Too many of us in one building is a bad mix. But I understand where you are coming from." Viktor and Wynter already sent their oldest to Durmstrang, so it made sense to keep them there. Viktor approved of Durmstrang's teachings, and they kept muggle-borns out too. It was fitting.

"That's because you prefer it when I take control." Viktor shrugged his shoulders since he felt that was the case. He also had confidence in his decision making. It was a Styx thing. Styx's often made decisions for their descendants. It was not uncommon. So, Wynter leaving it to him was not unheard of. "Although, if you try to make decisions that I don't like, I can always change your mind too," Viktor smirked a bit, though he would not do that. Not in the way that others might view as abusive. He was just great at making others see that his way was better. Plus, Viktor had way more experience dealing with his family than she did.
Wynter rolled her eyes at her husband because sometimes he was even more dramatic than she was, which really wasn't that hard to understand when one knew even a smidge about his family - you had to keep the spirits up somehow, after all. She didn't spend a lot of time locked in a room with any of them (except Viktor obviously - she lived with him!) but even if she had a choice on who to be locked in a room with, if she were not married to him, she was sometimes doubtful it would be him at all. There were some members of the family you simply tried to avoid is possible, Styx was one of them, all of the Hades, and Viktor. She didn't mind Havoc, he was smart, he knew when to act, it was the unpredictable ones who scared her the most, and though she knew and loved him dearly, she often found Viktor to be the most unpredictable of all, perhaps it was his abilities that made him so scary? "Durmstrang will teach them what they need to know, they will not learn that in Hogwarts, that is true," and even should they request extra lessons from Styx, that did not mean they could get them. He had classes to teach and many other relatives in the school, it wouldn't make any sense to favour one set over another. The man was certainly getting on in years after all, and sometimes she was surprised half of them had lived as long as they had, though she certainly didn't question any of them. She hoped she still liked as good as she did now when she was the age some of them were.

Perhaps she could die young, maybe not right now because she would be d@mned if she was going to let Viktor remarry to some new, young hussy. There were too many young girls about trying to marry into the family as it was, she certainly wasn't going to allow them entry through her husband. She'd worked damn hard to get him to her liking. She'd spent years as his friend, working her way into his life. They were perfect for each other, the man who didn't speak and the girl who couldn't (or wouldn't maybe) shut up. Honestly it could have been a tv show (which she is only vaguely aware of since she's never set foot in the muggle world at all). "I would never go against what you said anyway, I'm not stupid, I might know my job, my work, my people, but you know other things better than I do. If you say our children going to Durmstrang is best for them, I'm going to support you. I don't want to know what else there is," dark side, light side, whatever it was, she just knew she wanted to navigate it together as a family. She wasn't losing anyone on this ride.

@Viktor Styx
Viktor would have to agree. Durmstrang was one that they could continue to send their children in the end. Apricity was in that school now. Maybe he should not remove her from it. She would be ripped from her friends and whatnot. He would never understand why people had them. Wynter was all Viktor needed, and he always thought that, ever since he met her in his first year. However, Styx was also at Hogwarts New Zealand. And Wynter wanted all the kids to remain together. This was a tough decision. "We don't have much time to think about it. Either we send everyone to Durmstrang, or we send the rest to Hogwarts New Zealand, and keep Apricity where she is at, or give her the choice." Viktor would never want this sort of heavy decision on a preteen. Their brains were not fully development to make the smartest decision.

Of course, Wynter would end up going along with whatever he chose. He continued to look at his wife, and then his eyes wandered to the ceiling. He shrugged his shoulders,
"I think that we should ask my father and grandfather. In the meantime, I would not mind giving Austiin another brother or sister." Viktor smirked at Wynter, knowing that she might not be up for it, but he would love to practice that act. It was how they had six kids already. They got started early, and still going strong. Viktor would never want Wynter to be with another man, so he had to keep her happy, with him.
She shook her head. He was right they didn't have a lot of time. Honestly perhaps it was just best to keep them all in Durmstrang, she liked the curriculum there and they were never going to learn what they needed to learn in New Zealand and they didn't even live in New Zealand - Durmstrang just made sense, especially since Apricity was there. The more she thought about it the more it just made sense. "Durmstrang is the only right choice," she said, despite Styx being in Hogwarts, and it wasn't like the man particularly enjoyed his job, Wynter wasn't even sure he liked kids, which made sense since she also disliked kids, unless they were her kids. She tried to avoid them whenever possible these days, though it was less and less possible the more time she had to spend with other parents so that her children could grow up around others their own age. Sure they had their cousins and what not but learning to socialise outside of their family was also an important skill.

As Viktor gave her what she'd started calling the look she rolled her eyes at him, he knew how she felt about it, not that she would ever actually say no to him because she enjoyed the act, just not the common consequence of it. Pregnancy was a harsh mistress and though she carried well, and looked amazing whilst she did so, she was frequently sick as a dog, she blamed his genetics for that, her mother always carried to wonderfully. She crawled into his lap and grinned at him. "We did just put Austiin down for the night, so... we have some time to ourselves for a while, the other kids are happily preoccupied."
Viktor would have to agree in the end that Durmstrang was the only real choice here. They taught the Dark Arts and that was what Viktor cared about the most. Their kids could only have the best, and he did not want them to sully themselves with the wrong sort. He hoped that one day, Styx would just turn to teach at Durmstrang. He might enjoy it more. Soon, Wynter was on his lap, which he wrapped his arms around her to help hold her steady. She mentioned how they were going to have some time to themselves, and how Austiin was down for a nap. "Maybe this time, we won't try for a child, for another couple of months." Viktor could give her a little bit of a break. While holding her, he stood up from the couch to carry her to the bedroom, where they could have some fun for themselves, while having a monitor nearby in case their youngest would have any sort of problems.

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