Open Family trip

Rebeca Romanov

🦋 mother, Romanov imperia bissness, husky lover🦋
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Mixed Blood
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Elder wand with Phoenix Tail Feather 11 5/8"
Theo was sleaping in her room and she was walked Jason room. Becca knoked the door and hoped he was awake. Mayby he wanted go to the party? Drink cocktails? "Jason, are you sleaping?" She asked warm voice and she was wear a realy short clothes. It was warm evening the Bali and she waited Jason answer and then she will be go to the party. @Jason Mcleod
Jason liked how this spontaneous idea turned out with them travelling to Bali, it was a beautiful place and he enjoyed it a lot. All the things he could do with Rebecca and Theo were fun. "Yeah, I'm up," he was still working on stuff, he tried to keep up with his work as much as he could. "Come on in"
Becca smelled nice perfume and not to much. Smell was victoria Seceret scandolous and it was realy nice smell at least she hoped she smelled nice. Theo was sleaping in her room and he was one happy kid who first time traveled Bali with her mom and his dad. "What are you doing right now? Are you working? I am going party? Will you go?" She looked around when she came in. "You know it's a trip and need a little relax." She smiled.

@Jason Mcleod

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