Family Tradition

Jessica Cade

Gryff Graduate | Leaky Cauldron Owner |
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Manticore Venom Core
Jess felt like she hadn't stopped since arriving at Hogwarts. Between reuniting with her friends, exploring with Leila and flying with James she had almost forgot there would be school work to do. Luckily she got her mothers brain unlike her brother James, he was all their father. In the short time she had been at the school the lake had quickly become one of her favourite places to be. Whether on her own or with Leila and the girls swimming. It was the former that brought her on that occasion. Leila's bed had been empty when she woke up so she had found herself at the lake alone. Skimming stones on the surface.
On the rare occasion that Aaron found himself without Lucas, he was often at a loss of things to do. The two boys seemed to do everything together and get themselves into the most interesting situations, the mandrake incident was still the subject of immense amusement between the two of them. However, that day, Aaron found himself drawn to the Lake. He really liked spending time outside and it was the perfect day for it. He left a note for his best friend on his whereabouts, pulled on a hooded jumper and left their dorm. When he reached the Lake he realised that he wasn't the only person with the idea of enjoying the Lake that morning. A younger girl had taken up the position of throwing rocks into the water. Aaron shrugged his shoulders and wandered over to the girl "mind if I join?"

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