Family Issues

Gabriella Davenport

Professor HOM at Hogwarts Scotland | Perfectionist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 11 Inch Ash Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
Gabriella was angry at herself for the grades she scored in the first semester. For Astronomy this upcoming semester she wanted to do everything to get a good grade, it was her favorite subject at the moment so that had to be good. She needed some fresh air, she had closed herself off all morning in the library it was her punishment for not doing the best she could. If her father would see her grades he would be angry at her for sure. She needed to escape this thoughts so she set foot to go outside and relax there a bit with no one around her. Not even her best friend Heather could comfort her in this. And Marcos neither. So when she felt the wind through her hair she had a moment to breath again and let it go. It was difficult for her since she was a big perfectionist. The only person she could blame was herself and that was confronting.

When the blonde came at the Great Lawn she spotted a empty bench and was glad to see it wasn't crowded with people. She couldn't relax here she had to move on with her study so grabbed her book for History of Magic while she took a seat on the bench. Here she could study and breath in some fresh air. It was a great combination and the perfect one in Gabriella her opinion. But she avoided such places because mostly it was too loud or too many people that could interrupt her. She hoped she didn't wished too soon that it would stay like this.
The blonde Lion was enjoying his second year so far. He had the best buddy ever and he was part of the Quidditch Team as he wished for. He knew his dreams could come true, now he only had to play his first game. Gryffindor had won everything so far so that was going well. And his whole life was about Quidditch, he would admit that. Whenever he could he had to practice to show in the real game what he could do. The blonde had got his own broom from his dad, but he had to make a promise that he was carefull. His dad was proud of him playing Quidditch just like their mother had done, but he was scared too for his son. Their mother had died from a high fall from her broom and ofcourse his dad was afraid that would happen. But he was at least proud of him for following in his mothers footsteps. Sofia on the other hand was always nagging, she thought that Quidditch was a dangerous sport and has to be forbidden. Gabriel always got angry at her for saying that, he liked it and he was aware of what happend his mother ofcourse. But that was an accident and the bludgers fault.

Gabriel was on his way to practice his flying and he run excited towards outside on his way to the Great Lawn. It was the beginning of the afternoon and he had plenty of time to practice. He didn't cared about the other subjects he just wanted to play Quidditch. He hoped his father would not be mad about the bad grades, but he would deal with that later. As he walked to the Lawn he noticed it wasn't busy at all. That was great he would have the space for him. With his broom he walked over and didn't noticed his cousin Gabriella sitting on a bench. He had brought a ball with him and decided that between the tree and other tree was the goal, but what he missed was the bench in between with his cousin. He tried to do a stunt and climbed his broom, and later mounted it so he could kick off from the ground. When he did he threw the ball backwards in the direction of the two tree's and bench. He did it backwards so he couldn't see where the ball went, he was confident he could score. When he wanted to turn around he heard someone sighing. He slowly turned around and when he flew closer he noticed a angry face. OH NO! he thought when he saw the face of Gabriella. The ball was right in front of her, he could aim well than he thought. Gabriel set foot on the ground again and climbed of his broom to get his ball. '' Uh.. Hi did it hit you? '' he asked carefully.
Sophie preferred staying inside to being outside on most days, but she knew it was healthy to get some fresh air once in a while. She also knew that if she really only stayed inside the Ravenclaw common room, Amber would tell on her and write their parents for sure. It was nice and sunnny outside as it was sumer, and even Sophie had to admit the sunlight was kind of nice. She had recently turned thirteen, which felt odd. She remembered when Amber turned that age and she had felt like it was so old and grown-up. Now, she just felt normal. She was still small for her age, though hopefully she didn't look like a baby. As Sophie walked on the fields outside, she noticed a girl sitting on a bench. She knew her from her classes, and she thought for a moment about going over and talking to her. That's what Amber would do, she was sure. But Sophie was nothing like her sister. She had just decided to let the other girl sit in peace, as it was likely she wouldn't like her anyway, when she spotted something. Some idiot trying to do some stunt on a broom with a ball. Sophie's eyes widened as she saw the ball fly over to the girl sitting on the bench nearby, and she stepped closer as if to intervene. Though she had no idea what she could do. Thankfully, the ball didn't hit the girl.

Sophie walked closer to the two and crossed her arms when she noticed just who had done the idiotic trick. Of course. Who else but Gabriel Rosenberg? Didn't he know there was a whole quidditch pitch for his stupid impulses? She glanced at the girl before looking at the blonde boy as he got off the broom. She remembered he had hit herin the head with a ball once, and she raised an eyebrow as she picked it up before he could grab it. "Wow, Gabriel. Is hitting poor and unsuspecting girls your new way of keeping busy while you fail to be anything else than an alternate on the Gryffindor team?" She asked him with a smirk. "Because it's rather sad." She glanced at the girl on the bench. "You okay?" She asked her with a shrug though she was sure she was as the ball hadn't actually hit her.

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