Closed Family Fun

Violet Owens-Rosemary

oldest | blunt
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Violet had been quite bored lately to say the least. The material she was learning in classes wasn't at all interesting and she was quickly losing her concentration with it. She tried to find some interesting books in the library, but it appeared that the most interesting ones were probably in the restricted section in which she didn't have access to. Why did that section exist then if they couldn't explore it? She had to add it to her list of things to try and do this year. However, with her homework piling up, she frustratingly wasn't sure when she would have the time. Violet decided to clear her head a little, heading out to the lakefront. She walked up to the water and picked up a stone just on the edge. With a flick of her wrist, she tossed it into the water, watching as it bounced along the surface twice before sinking.
Noah thought he was in a good place with classes and homework, and despite him becoming obsessed with what they were learning, in nearly every class, not all of them but most of them, he decided today would probably be a good day to chill and take a break from his studies and er, not obsess over everything excitedly. He was still kind of bummed about the Quidditch loss, it had been a really quick game and even though he was an alternate Noah still felt very much part of the team, so he had taken it hard. He knew there was only one winner, of course, not everyone could win, but it was still a little embarrassing. But he had hopes for future games and that they would eventually get their rematch against Gryffindor. He figured their seeker was just much older and so much more experienced. Noah thought he'd hang out outside today, as usual. The lake was quickly becoming one of his favourite hangout spots at the castle. It was peaceful which Noah appreciated, especially when things got busy in the school. Sometimes it could be a bit much. As he approached the lake however he knew he wouldn't get alone time as he noticed someone else was there. He watched for a second as they skimmed stones, wondering if they were alright. It took him a moment to realise why that head of hair was so familiar. Oh! Of course. He casually went over to Violet to make his presence known. "Hey, cuz," he said with a grin. "Mind if I join?"
Alana was thrilled that she had made the Quidditch team as a first year and had spent every moment she wasn't in class or studying on her broom trying to make sure she was ready for her first match of the season. With her skills sharper than ever and her homework done until her next classes that was, she allowed herself a break and headed down to the lake for a change of scenery. While Alana loved Hogwarts and being there, the initial excitement had begun to wear off and it felt more and more like just a normal school which had always been inevitable, she had just hoped the novelty of being where she was would have lasted a little longer so she could have enjoyed it.

The lakefront wasn't as quiet as Alana had been hoping but as she got closer the two people hanging out by the lake became clearer and she realised they weren't a couple of random students, it was her brother Noah and her cousin Violet. Alana hadn't seen much of either of them since the semester had begun, being in a different house and year to both of them had kept her separate so it was nice to see them both. "Hey No, Vi," She greeted the pair as she got closer to them both. "I guess we all had the same idea,"
Violet knew that Noah was beside her before he even said anything, but she didn't look at him and just picked up another rock from the ground, wondering how far she could get this one to go. "If you want." she responded simply, flicking her wrist and letting go of the rock towards the water. It only bounced across the water twice again, and Violet continued to stare out of the water as the rock sank, quietly disappointed in herself.

As Violet heard Alana's voice from behind, she turned around, pursing her lips a little at the sight of the supposed child prodigy. She had heard from the grapevine that her cousin had somehow made the Quidditch Team as a first year. She couldn't wait to accidentally knock her off her broom mid-game. At the girl's words, Violet couldn't help her response. "And what exactly is that?" she asked, a little curious. What was the idea that both of them had? Why were they both interrupting her thoughts? They made Hogwarts feel a lot smaller than it was. Violet just couldn't help but think they were both up to something.

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