🌹 Rose Giving Family Flora

Connor Holland

🌼aussie🌼trying🌼sensitive🌼 vibez asst. man
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Alder Wand with Fairy Wing Core
6/2038 (25)
((Yellow, open after Eric Holland))

With as many names as there were on his list of people he didn't want to talk to, Connor was relieved to at least have one delivery to someone he could be sure of his standing with. That didn't make tracking his brother down easy, but at least he didn't have to fear the conversation once he did find him. Finally spotting Eric on the way down the corridor, Connor hurried to catch up with him. "Eric, wait!" He called out, easily catching up with his brother. "I've got a rose delivery for you."
Eric had received his first rose from Michael, and it hadn't been the one he had been hoping for. The boy was no making his way down to the great hall for food, thinking about tonight. He hoped Minnie would go with him to the dance and he also hoped he wouldn't ruin the thing between them. He knew that could happen any moment, he always ruined things. He was thinking this over when he heard a familiar voice. Eric stopped in his tracks and turned to see Connor, frowning slightly at his brother. "Alright." He muttered. "Hand it over, then."
Connor knew Eric was gonna be grouchy about any roses he got, smiling cheerfully in the face of his brother's attitude. "Hang on..." He reached into the basket, picking out the bright yellow rose and its attached message. "Here you go, happy Valentines day!" He said brightly, handing them over.

See, it's yellow. Don't freak out.
- Kas
Eric sighed and grumbled at Connor's cheerful expression, though he couldn't help a small smile. It was nice to see his brother so happy, even if Eric didn't get it entirely. He read the note and frowned again, glancing at Connor. "You didn't read this, right?"
Connor was relieved to actually see Eric smile, a frustratingly rare sight, though his face quickly fell again with his brother's. He gave Eric a perplexed look in response to his question, shaking his head firmly. "Of course not, they're private." He said warily. "Why, is it bad?"
Eric flushed at Connor's words, glad he could at least count on Connor's honesty and good manners. "No! It's just... private, yeah." He said, not wanting to get into the Kas situation.
Part of Connor really wanted to pry with Eric being this cagey, but he knew his brother well enough to know that absolutely wouldn't go over well. So he gave a small shrug and a nod, stepping back. "Well, enjoy the rose, then!" He smiled, hesitating before he added, "And, uh, sorry I didn't send you one. I didn't know if you'd want one or not, but I figured flowers aren't really your thing..."
Eric was glad Connor didn't pry, though he had counted on him being too polite to do so. He was os predictable. Eric shrugged when Connor said he hadn't sent him a rose. "Whatever, it doesn't matter." He muttered. "They die anyway, you know. It's a waste of time." He added.
Connor wasn't surprised he had been right about Eric's attitude to flowers, but his brother's callousness was still a little frustrating. "Well, they're pretty while they last." Connor smiled, lifting his basket up slightly, refusing to let Eric's mood get to him. "I should go finish my deliveries though..."
Eric shrugged and grumbled. "I guess." He muttered, hoping that meant Connor would appreciate his rose then. "Right. Good luck with that."
"Thanks!" Connor smiled when Eric wished him luck, before heading off to make his next delivery.

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