Closed Family Dynamics

Corentin Driscoll

father; masquerades; adrift
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 1/2" Sturdy Fir Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
2029 (32)
It felt like everytime he blinked, his son would get older and older. He was becoming more and more like him, though he looked like his mother. Corentin hadn't shied away from telling him about his mother, but it was made more complicated when his son asked about things with Dreya, who'd now been around and in their lives for most of Amias' childhood. Corentin had arranged the family dinner - though informally - with his twin coming along, and Dreya too. He had made dinner, gone out of his way to make something nice for them all, Amias was setting the dinner as he finished the cooking.
Amias was maybe counting down the days until he'd got to hogwarts, though he still had more than a year of days left. He just couldn't wait to learn magic. Couldn't wait to be able to do magic properly. Amias was getting the table ready for dinner, looking forward to seeing Dreya and his uncle. He spent most of his time either with Dreya or with his father. He didn't quite understand if Dreya and his dad were together, but he did really want them to be. He didn't mind the family how it was, but explaining it to people always felt difficult. He finished placing the cutlery down, having to redo it when he realised he put the cutlery the wrong way. "Need me to do anything else, da?" he asked.
Corvin liked Dreya- she was sweet, and she didn't mind listening to him when he struggled to talk. His stutter wasn't as bad around her or his family, but it was still there. He'd picked her up so they could go to his brothers house for dinner. He missed having Cory living with him sometimes, and Amais was just getting so big. He had been talking softly to Dreya about his flowers as they reached the door, reaching out to knock and shifting the bottle of wine he'd brought so he had a better grip.
Dreya was in a weird state. She was so comfortable with the Driscoll family- they felt like a second family to her, like an extra brother in sweet Corvin and she liked to think of Amais as a son- even if she never dared to say that out loud. She knew she wasn't his mother, and she tried her best not to impose. It was a fine line, trying to be supportive and be a good presence in his life while not overstepping at the same time.

And Corentin... that was something else entirely. She felt so comfortable with him, and a little part of her knew that she was perhaps on the edge of being in love with him. It was mostly denial, she knew, but still, something held her back from just letting go. She shook her head as she arrived at Corentins home, shaking loose her thoughts and giving a sweet smile to Corvin. He was such a gentle man, and she enjoyed listening to him speak. He was so passionate behind his sweet demeanor, and a part of her could understand being enamoured with a man but feeling too shy to ever do anything about it.

She reached out, squeezing his hand gently once he'd knocked just in support. She kept a good grip on the vase of flowers he'd helped her to pick, the bag with dessert resting gently against her side. She always enjoyed dinner with the Driscolls, finding it a perfect way to unwind after a long week.

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