Fallen Angels

Dietrich Metzger

Ex-Quidditch Player / Father / Part-Veela
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Divorced (Bisexual)
Sexual Orientation
Oak 15" Core of Veela hair
Dietrich Metzger was heart broken, and it was all over the magazines. Michael and Dietrich were practically done, and Dietrich did not know how to handle it. Dietrich was in New Zealand, and he wondered if boys were just as dramatic as girls were. That was kind of why he went straight after boys when he was attracted to both, kind of. More so boys than girls, but no girl had really caught his attention. Then again, he had children too from the single days, two he knew for sure he was the father of thanks to an enchanted tree. The others he was not too sure of, because none of them had his hair or eyes. Could it be possible that they were not his? Very possible. He would have to ask for a DNA test or something. But he did know that Benjamin and Belladonna were his. Dietrich was walking with his children at his side, and he dropped them off at the park, where he let his son and daughter go play. They were the only children that were living with him anyway. Benjamin was six now and Belladonna was five. They could have a lot of fun out there, and he smiled over at his son and daughter, the ones he knew for sure that were his anyway. Dietrich called out, "Ben, be careful man!" Dietrich was a little protective of his children, that he could be for lack of being there when they were first born and all. He had to make up for the time lost.

Being a single dad was not as easy as it sounded. Especially one that was normally hounded by pressed and all, because of him being a professional Quidditch player, and a Seeker at that. He watched Benjamin run around, chasing Belladonna around the playground and he could feel his heart swell with pride. So, the mother of his children here was not here at the moment, and he thought that she had gone down the path of liking girls, Dietrich held no feelings toward her. Benjamin and Belladonna were just accidents waiting to happen because of him acting like a drunken idiot. Now he was just a professional Quidditch player that barely drank at all, because he had to watch over his kids, and sure, he liked dressed up with them. Having a dad that did wear dresses and things like that was always hilarious to the children. He remembered dressing up as a French maid for Michael one night, and a wave of depression ran over him, and he clapped his hands to his face. Oh how he missed his hunk. His healer, everything. But it was the past now and he would have to move on, but was he ready? Dietrich let out a sigh and his bright teal eyes watched over his two children as they played, and wondered who would want a man like him that could paint the world in many colors, could find the perfect outfit, and had two children? Then again, he was famous... Dietrich shrugged lightly, and thought, well, he did not need someone. He just wanted the right person, male or female, to keep him warm during the night. And he was willing to wait forever.
<COLOR color="black">Winnie Evelyn was taking full advantage of today's nice weather. Autumn was a very beautiful season and Winnie probably enjoyed it more than she did any other season. It was a bit unfortunate that the cold weather made it easier for Winnie to end up in the hospital frequently though. Being born with a weak immune system was such a pain int he backside even despite Winnie being more than used to it by now. Having a weak immune system wasn't a disease or anything. It just made it very easy for Winnie to catch sicknesses, it made Winnie always feel weak and tired even when she had rested a lot the day before, and it also made fighting infections damn near impossible. Basically it was making her always sick and having medical problems. The weakened immune system created other problems too as it also gave Winnie weak bones, a weak heart, bad lungs. It was nothing fatal but it was enough to make her a very sickly young woman. Normally some medicine or a minor visit to the Hospital had her all fixed up and fine. During the past weekend that was where she had been been stuck at. The doctor's all made sure she had plenty of fluids and rest until she had recovered from whatever illness or infection it was that put her in there. To her surprise when she got out she had a present waiting for her. It was from her older brother Tony. Even though they were only half siblings Winnie and Tony were very close to one another. Tony was about six years older and had always been protective of Winnie, especially because she was weak all the time. To Winnie he was the world's greatest big brother. Even though he was a famous Quidditch player and got all kind's of attention from fans and the press, he always made sure to spend some time with her, or at least visit her when she landed on the Hospital for extended amounts of time. During her last visit to the Hospital, tony surprised her at home with a very lovable and furry surprise. Knowing her love for animals, and her job as an assistant veterinarian, he had bought her the world's most adorable puppy. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for Winnie. I made her feel a thousands times better and that was why she was out and about today.

To walk Koopa, her puppy and get a bit of fresh air since she was feeling pretty good today. Winnie had the day off of work too so it was just the perfect day to relax and go for a walk. Koopa seemed to agree because he ran back and forth happily despite the fact that he was attached to a leash and being held from bounding off by Winnie's light frame. A few leaves from the changing leaves dusted the ground and it was obvious that leaves were going through their yearly change. It even smelled crisp and cool, like it always did during autumn. Winnie loved it. "Some hot chocolate sounds amazing right now.' Perhaps once her and Koopa were finished with their walk they could go get some. Well Winnie could get some and she'd probably by a treat or a ball for Koopa since doggies could not have chocolate. About halfway through the park Koopa spotted a couple of young children playing and barked loudly. In the few days Winnie had owned him, she noticed that Koopa did seem to love children. Which was cool because Winnie loved children. Winnie's green eyes widened when Koopa yanked the leash free from her grasp and he bolted off. But weirdly he didn't bolt in the direction of the children. For some reason he headed in off in another direction. Oh gosh what in the world was he doing now? "KOOPA! WAIT!" Winnie called out after her pomsky as he chased him down. He was really fast for such a small dog and since Winnie was far from being athletic, she could not keep up with him at all. Winnie did not have to chase the puppy for long because within moments he stopped at the feet of a man. Winnie immediately wanted to apologize, but for a moment she was more worried about getting a hold of Koopa before he could jump on the man and catching her breath, her lungs weren't very good so she always had some problems breathing when she ran like she just had. "I....am so sorry! He just...gets really excited during his walks. He's...still a puppy so I'm still working on getting him...trained." Winnie mustered through pants of breath. Bad lungs made it so difficult for her to catch her breath so she probably looked like she was very lazy or out of shape right now. while this guy looked to be very in shape. Small arms gathered up the puppy and Winnie held him within her arms as she let her green eyes rest on the man Koopa had run to.
Playing Quidditch was no easy matter, and Dietrich could admit that with flying colors. He looked at Belladonna and Benjamin play their games, and even be friends with the others. They looked mostly like their mothers, so it was not really something that he had passed on. Their eyes though, they had his eyes, so he was glad that he had something passed down to them. Other than the thought of having a gay father or something of the sort. Yes, Dietrich loved males, more so than females nowadays because he thought that most women came with a bunch of drama. However, his whole life was somewhat dramatic now that he was a professional Quidditch player. He was a father too, and he enjoyed looking after his children. Smiling a bit, he watched over them, not even aware of what would happen today may very well change his entire life. Dietrich looked down at his hands after he had taken them off of his gorgeous face, and placed them in his lap. Wow, he was getting a little hungry now, and he would not mind some food, but he would put that off until his kids were hungry too and they wanted something to eat. Maybe some burgers and ice cream. Dietrich's mouth almost watered enough thinking about it, as he forced his mind to think of other things than just the loss of the love of his life. His little half-brother Damian was with a girl, named Ostensia Romanes from what he understood. A Hufflepuff no less, but kind and beautiful. Damian knew how to attract them, and turned out to be as straight as a pin even though, much to Dietrich's dismay, he was more beautiful than Dietrich was because Damian had a Veela mother, whereas Dietrich had a pure-blood mother, the aunt of Svetlana. Dietrich was honestly glad that his cousin was happily married now with children, to a Snow no less. Dietrich did not know much about the Snows, but he knew some of them from playing Quidditch with them on opposite teams and whatnot. They were pretty vicious. Especially the beaters. Dietrich was a Seeker now so he was a prime target to get knocked out. Dietrich tore his thoughts away from Quidditch to ensure that both of the children were doing fine. And they were, which was a relief to the seeker.

However, his mind had changed again when he heard some sounds of...barking? Was there a dog around here or something? Dietrich looked up and around, thinking that he had to have heard it from somewhere, and there it was, a tiny dog that was at his feet. Dietrich's blue-green eyes widened as he wondered where in the world did that dog come from? The puppy or something, he didn't know if it would always be that short of not, seemed to really like him, but he did notice a leash. Did the dog get away from its master? Dietrich heard the sounds of someone running and he saw a beautiful girl headed his way, and he thought, 'This must be the dog's master, or would it be mistress?' Dietrich wanted to shrug to himself, but that would be downright weird. Dietrich looked up at the woman that seemed to be very much out of breath. He grinned slightly, and then heard that he was still a puppy. Dietrich wondered if she needed to rest or something, or had she been running after him for quite some time? Dietrich didn't know before his lips curled into a bigger smile as he said, "No problem at all." That was all he could say? Well, it was all that he could muster right now anyway. Dietrich scooted over a bit on the bench that he was sitting on before he patted the seat next to him for her to take a seat and rest. She needed to rest from what it sounded like, before she lost a lung or something. Dietrich looked over at his kids for a moment to make sure that they were all right - he was a protective parent after all, did not want anything bad to happen to the either of them. Could someone blame him? Dietrich offered in a kind tone, "Want to have a seat? By the way, I'm Dietrich Metzger." His German accent was faded, but it was still there. He enjoyed having to listen to people fawn over it, but now, since he was dealing with something large, he did not want any sort of special attention. It was obvious in his blue-green eyes that he was dealing with something very large. But he was dealing, so that was the good thing about it, that he was handling it just fine. Normal for someone that was going through something like this. He no longer wore an engagement ring or anything of the sort. No rings rested on his slender fingers. "What's the puppy's name?" Dietrich also asked, because like most of his family, he was a rather friendly guy - to make up for the bad behavior his dad had.
<COLOR color="black">Every girl must have had a fantasy or two about meeting a celebrity, or their favorite idol. Certainly Winnie had many times. Her inner fangirl was desperately trying to claw it's way out and give the man a hug. Oh she knew who he was. She knew who he was right away. Since her brother was a well known Quidditch player and often let her go to games or gave her things about Quidditch since she could not play herself, she knew who he was. He was the one and only Dietrich Metzger. He was a Seeker for the Thundelarra Thunderers. He used to play the position of Chaser but he switched over. He had a super adorable boyfriend named Michael Drape, meaning that he was into men. Oh yes, Winnie knew very well. It almost sounded stalkerish but she knew her brother was a fan and in the end so was she. There had once even been a conversation between Winnie and her brother Tony where she tried to convince her brother to become interested in men and marry Dietrich so they could have a super cool Quidditch player in their family. But Tony was a fan of girls. He even had a girlfriend at the time. One he was now happily engaged to. Their wedding was scheduled for next May or something. Winnie couldn't recall right now as she was much too excited about whom she had just run into. "I know who you are. You play Quidditch for the Thundelarra Thunderers. My older brother Tony plays for the Moutohora Macaws, so he has mentioned you a few times. I'm a huge fan of Quidditch myself but....oh....I'm rambling. So sorry!" Besides the fact that Winnie was still out of breath, she was also talking pretty fast to Dietrich. Not that she meant to though. It happened when she got nervous sometimes. It felt like she did it when she was upset sometimes too. But right now she didn't feel upset at all, it was quite the opposite actually. This seriously has to be one of the best days she had had in the longest time. It was the best thing that could have ever happened so soon after her most recent Hospital visit. Hopefully Dietrich did not mind her heavy breathing. Sometimes people asked her if she was going to die. That was always really funny to Winnie though. On her really bad days she would often tell them; 'I wish.' To be funny. Never did she actually want to stop living on this earth. But being sick was the most miserable feeling in the world. "Oh where are my manners! Sorry! I'm Winnie Evelyn! It's lovely to finally meet you in person Dietrich!" It was incredibly hard not to tell him that he had gorgeous hair and eyes. But since she barely knew him and he was taken, she figured it would be rude. But didn't men like him like being told their hair looked nice? Well Winnie honestly had no idea. But he was indeed very adorable. He probably knew that already though. So maybe her statement wasn't needed at all?

It was obvious in his blue-green eyes that he was dealing with something very large. Winnie could see that once she sat down and was able to get a good look at him. But she was afraid to ask what was wrong. Maybe if he let her stay here a little bit longer and she felt like less of an annoying fangirl stranger to him, she may ask him why he looked so sad and stuff. Maybe if it was something she could help him with she could offer her advice. If he cared to listen to it. When one was in the Hospital as much as Winnie was, you learned many things from the other patients. The elderly patients and the small children were always the ones with the most to teach too. Most of the adults have seemed to have lost their sense of balance. One of these days they would remember though. When things have finished being less confusing. When Dietrich asked her what her dogs name was, Winnie smiled. "His name is Koopa. You know after Koopa-Quick from all the Mario games...er...you don't know what that is do you? Sorry muggle terms. Anyways, he was at a local shelter. No one wanted to adopt him and they were going to put him down. Well I started to cry when I heard the news and my brother felt so bad that he surprised me with him as a get well present." Once again she gave more information than was probably needed. But that was just something Winnie did. She couldn't control it very well. But it was something people were either going to have to learn to deal with. Or avoid talking to her. Koopa had long since grew uninterested in Dietrich and was now rustling though a pile of colorful leaves. He was going need a bath when he got home. That was for sure.​
Because of this blonde being who he was, and also the Seeker of a local team, it was no surprise when the girl next to him recognized him. Dietrich himself had long forgotten what it was like to be famous, because while he still was and had fan girls and some fan boys, it was just not enough happiness in his life to feel the void that Michael had left him with. However caring for his children was good enough for Dietrich. He was considering having them move in completely with him, and then adopting them because he was sure with his money, he could provide for them easily. They were quite young still, and well, having their dad's last name would be rather nice. They were good kids, nothing really wrong with them. While thinking about his children, he had spaced out while there was a very pretty girl next to him - obviously bringing out the bisexual man once more rather than just having Dietrich choose males. Some females were rather nice, obviously or else he would not have had Benjamin and Belladonna. He looked over at the woman and he smiled a little bit, naturally - and it was amazing because as a Durmstrang dropout, there was not much happiness behind a shell of ice. She said that she knew who he was, and then spoke of what he played, Dietrich at first thought that she was a stalker, before it clicked in his mind. Oh that's right, he was famous, as much as any other Quidditch player. Dietrich tried to think of the players on the Moutohora Macaws, before he remembered who Tony was. "Oh the cute one on the team," spoke the seeker, "No need to be sorry, but it is a pleasure to meet another fellow fan of Quidditch. I guess the cute Tony has a cute sister, imagine that." Dietrich himself knew that he had quite a few cute siblings, and relatives. Svetlana was a beauty and they were cousins and then there was Damian. Though Damian was Part-Veela, so he was beautiful anyway, it was like a given, perhaps even a curse. A beautiful male. Sometimes Dietrich did wish that he had that Veela blood but he had a pure-blooded mother rather than a Veela mother. And his mother was amazing from what he read about her. Just after she died, their dad went to hell and Dietrich had to move out from his home and into Demitris', taking Damian with him before something bad happened.

The moment that the woman introduced herself as Winnie, he thought that it was one of the most peculiar names that he had ever heard of. But he was not about to make fun of it because he liked it. "Thanks, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Winnie." Dietrich looked down at his hands, wishing that the engagement ring was still on his finger, how he was still mourning over the loss of what he thought was his one true love. What happened to his lover? Dietrich needed to move on, and he needed to stop thinking about Michael. From this moment forth, he would not be thinking about that luscious healer. He looked back over at Winnie before he motioned toward his two children playing by the swings. He decided to tell her that he had kids, "Those two playing over by the swings, they are my kids from when I was a drunken idiot. Benjamin and Belladonna. So, that is why I am here at a playground." Dietrich didn't want to sound like he was a creep and liked to watch children play. Oh no, he was here watching his kids making sure that they did not harm others or themselves. He just hoped that his son would not be anything like him and end up liking and wanting to snog everything that walked. As a teenager, Dietrich was a hellion, and many times did he want to change everything. The moment he turned legal to drink, he did, and ended up with Benjamin, and soon after, Belladonna. It was not until a few years ago when he stopped getting so plastered, and felt that it was just too much. Besides, people told him, he was straighter when he was drunk and he was also an open book - another phrase for not shutting up. When Winnie started to explain what the puppy's name was, and used terms that he did not even know, which resulted in a rather confused expression upon his face. However the puppy was about to be put down and her brother got the puppy for her as a 'get well' present. Does that mean that at one point, she was really sick? Dietrich nodded practically saying that he understood. "Cute puppy. But um, a 'get well' present? I am guessing that you were sick or something?" Dietrich was obviously interested in keeping the conversation going. She could very well be a new friend! That was something that he needed right now anyway, friends.
<COLOR color="black">Winnie couldn't describe the feeling of jittery happiness that filled her up when heard Dietrich call her brother cute. It was a pity that he wasn't into girls but for some reason she found it incredibly adorable to see two guys together. It was pretty cool to have someone famous know her brother too, it made her feel almost like she was famous too. Or like she was in the infamous circle of Quidditch players that she had wanted to be a part of so badly. If only she wasn't as sickly and weak as she was. If she wasn't it would be a challenge to get her off the broom again. "Teehee! Yeah that's him." Winnie grinned. Tony would be so pleased when she mentioned this. Not many things like this happened to Winnie so she was going to rub it into her brother's face as much as she possibly could. Dietrich was so nice too! Sometimes Quidditch players weren't as nice to their fans as most would think they would be when they read about them in the Prophet or something. It was the really sweet and cute ones that got all the fans. When Dietrich mentioned that Tony had a cute sister, Winnie's mouth dropped a little and she had to resist the urge to squeal happily. He thought she was cute? This was really turning out to be a good day! It wasn't every day that a girls favorite celebrity thought she was cute! Koopa started to bolt around the bench that Winnie and Dietrich were on and she grinned softly. If only she could capture this scene perfectly with a camera. It'd be the perfect photograph for a book cover or something. "You really know how to flatter a lady! I don't know how happy your boyfriend would be to hear that though." Winnie still had little to no idea that Dietrich and Michael had broken up. If she had chances would be that she would have kept her mouth shut. They were such an adorable couple too. It was hard not to admire them and how close they were. They seemed proud of who they were too, sometimes coming out to admit something like that was hard. Winnie knew if she was ever interested in girls she would be going through hell trying to find a way to tell her family. But as it was, she didn't. Winnie rarely got along with girls her age. They were always prettier, stronger, so much more lively than she was. Winnie was only really friends with her brother and his Quidditch pals. she had a few friends but they were away studying in school. So the Quidditch team was all she had. Maybe Dietrich would be her friend. IF ONLY!

"Likewise. You're kids are absolutely adorable! You seem like a really good father too! I-um....didn't know you ever into women though." Winnie stated shyly as she admired how happily the children played on the playground together. They looked a lot like their father too. It amazed Winnie that he had children because she thought that he was always into men. Ever since she could remember she had seen him with guys and being interested in guys. That was whys he used to plot trying to get her brother to talk to him. So they could fall in love and she could have a super cute Quidditch player for a brother-in-law. Normally her attempts were all in vain. Because her brother was far too busy bothering all the girls to really so anything else. But hey, she was talking to Dietrich now which was enough to keep her happy for years. It was more than she expected. Dietrich started to question her about the puppy she had gotten as a get well present. Immediately her cheeks became a dusty pink color. It was something hard for her to talk about because it was something that prevented her from doing so much. Like Quidditch and being outside for a really long time. It make her seem fragile and weak, that was not the way she wanted to appear. "Yeah. I was pretty sick a bit of ago, I was hospitalized and everything. I have a weak immune system so I get sick a lot." Winnie muttered. She looked down at her lap. It was almost embarrassing to admit to him that she had this problem. Did he think she was diseased and contagious? It was just something she was born with. It made it easy to get sick and weak. That was just the way it was.​
Dietrich continued to keep a close eye on his children because they were his world right now and everything with them helped him in getting his broken heart healed. He loved his children, Benjamin and Belladonna. Both of them had the nicknames of Ben and Bella, and it worked out when he called their names. Dietrich turned his teal eyes over to Winnie and he smiled even more at her considering that she was one of those that was a bright sun right now even if she was what one would call sickly. He did not care. She seemed really nice and could be a great friend. Dietrich continued, "I think his name was Tony, right?" He did not know the last name, but he remembered that much. Dietrich might have been a famous Quidditch player but he was pretty nice too, and he was definitely looking for some new friends and everything under the sun right now. Just not relationships because he needed time to heal. Michael really affected him in ways that no one else would ever know because he did not want to share. Dietrich did not want to burden anyone with his problems. They did not need to deal with it. Dietrich refocused his mind on Winnie the one that he was talking to and he found rather cute. He wondered how her day had been and whatnot, but for now, he remained to be a little quiet, even for him. He was normally louder and everything. And he was here now being quieter than normal, and just talking like a normal human being which he was not behaving like a few years ago. Dietrich looked back over to her and when she said that he knew how to flatter a lady, he merely blushed a little bit, but then mentioned on how his boyfriend would have loved to hear it but he frowned. Dietrich told her, "Haven't you heard? We broke up a few weeks ago." He looked down at his hands and he wished that he did not have to tell anyone that, and wished that he could have told others that he was happily engaged and ready to be married, but he wasn't, not anymore. But that was the past now, and he had to look for a better future, a brighter one for his children and himself. He was going to be able to support his children and give him everything he wanted them to have. He did not really want to spoil them, he wanted them to act a little like Damian because Damian was a good kid. Damian was the model student, a Prefect no less. He was a Gryffindor, but Dietrich did not know the difference when it came to houses and things at Howarts New Zealand,

Laughing, the Quidditch player looked over at his children before he shook his head. Not many knew that he was into women, as much as he was into men. He decided to straighten that out right now, "Actually, I am into both. Women and men. I'm bisexual. But thank you. I am glad I produce pretty babies." He laughed again, before he looked back to Winnie. At least he was going to ensure that everything is good and he has told her that he was bisexual rather than homosexual. He had never told the media, but that was because they had never asked if he was or not. Dietrich wondered if his children would turn out like him and their mother because he thought that their mother was involved with another woman, but he did not know and he did not keep up with her at all. She was cold and he assumed that she got it from Durmstrang or something, but Dietrich did not know why he had bothered to sleep with her. Then again she was kind of pretty. When Winnie that she had been sick a bit ago, and said that she was hospitalized. Then she explained why she was like that, and it was due to an immune system. Dietrich wanted to hug her and stuff, but instead, he scooted a little closer to her, and he smiled gently. She seemed to be nervous or something over telling him that information, but he was a good guy to talk to about anything and everything. He would never tell anyone about what she said to him. Dietrich said, "That is terrible! But I never would have guessed it by looking at you. You are beautiful and you look very happy. Like, you are adapting to it fine. What do you do for a living?" She already knew what he did, but he wanted to know what she did for a living.
<COLOR color="black">Winnie was more than excited when Dietrich knew her brothers name. It was almost like they knew one another. Tony and Dietrich would probably get along pretty well, she could just see them making friends with one another. Tony was a really good guy. Dietrich appeared to be one as well. Good guys like those two had no choice but to become friends with one another. To Winnie it was inevitable. "Yeah. Tony Evelyn is his name! I definitely need to introduce you two sometime. You'll get along so well!" Winnie thought that it would be more than a good idea. Tony wasn't hateful against people who were were interested in the same sex either so he wouldn't be judgmental or rude when it came to meeting Dietrich in person. In fact he would probably treat him like a brother. He was a really good person. He could never bring himself to hate anyone unless they had brought some sort of harm to his family. Tony was the world's best big brother. It would be really good for him to make some other friends and meet different kinds of people too. Winnie had barely know Dietrich for an hour and she already adored him. He was so sweet! It was kind of hard to see Quidditch players as being so nice and cuddly all the time. But Winnie almost preferred it that way. She liked them sweet and caring. She didn't know if she could ever deal with someone who had a wicked heart. They had the tendency to make her cry. Winnie didn't like to admit this, but she was very easy to upset. At least when it came to small things like bullying or harsh words. She had been so used to people being nice to her that when someone actually did treat her differently, she wasn't completely sure how to handle it. When Dietrich told Winnie that he and Michael had broken up a few weeks ago, she immediately frowned and a look of sadness took over her pretty face. Had they really? That was so sad? They were like the world's cutest couple! There couldn't be a possibility that they had really broken up was there? Winnie tried not to wonder what happened as it was really none of her business. She had just met Dietrich for one, so it would be rude to pry. Second, he probably wasn't comfortable talking about it yet. After a moment, the blonde leaned forward and gave Dietrich a quick but apologetic hug. Poor thing. "I am so...so....sorry Dietrich. If I had known, then I totally wouldn't have brought it up. You two were like, well I shouldn't say it. Sorry." Winnie bit her lip. Now she felt bad for opening her mouth. It probably hurt to have someone mention his ex. When Winnie broke up with her first serious boyfriend, she was quite crushed. She could barely imagine how Dietrich felt right now. Releasing him from the hug she was almost tempted to ask him if he wanted some hot chocolate. That always made her feel better!

"O-Oh....so you are into both. That's nice." Well, it was nice and it was a curse at the same time. See, when he was into men and only men, it made him that much harder to resist. Because she was a female she thought there was never ever a chance. Bit of he was into women too, she was going to get hopeful. Which was very bad. It would explain why he had kids though. But wow, did anyone else but her and perhaps his family know that he was actually bisexual? The press had always referred to him as liking men and only men. Maybe Dietrich didn't want to mess everyone up so he just avoided telling them? Well now it was actually sort of awkward. Not to the point where she no longer wanted to sit or talk with Dietrich, but now she did have to be careful with what she said or did around him. Then again, he had just gone through a rough break-up. He was still probably sensitive and in love with Michael. Maybe one day they would get back together? His next statement made her blush lightly. Why would he say such nice things to her when they had barely just met? He truly was a charmer, and a sweetheart on top of that. Winnie admired him for that. She wished that she could be like him. Able to play Quidditch and make friends so easily, while looking so damn cute too. "U-um...th-thank you. It's one of my better days. Oh...I own a shop called Scribbulus Everchanging Inks. I also work on some weekends at animal shelter." Winnie smiled. Hoping that she didn't sound like a nerd. She loved her little shop and her job at the animal shelter. Some people found it to be sweet while others found it to be a little too sweet. Winnie often countered back with the fact that it was better than her owning a candy store, which would seem awful cliche to her.
Dietrich smiled when he was right on the name, and that his last name was Evelyn too. He wondered how close they were, and if they lived together. Dietrich had his little brother living with him along with Belladonna and Benjamin, and thought that siblings should be extremely close and whatnot. Dietrich beamed, "I think that would be awesome! Hopefully he wouldn't hate me in case I beat his team at some point." He really did not want someone to hate him over a win or a lose to his team. Dietrich did not like it when things were based off of events like that. And then there were people that hated people like him, that did not just like boys, and girls. He was easily judged for the way he was. Dietrich was not into lustful activities, as he believed nowadays into making love, not just screwing. That was why things had hurt so much when he and Michael had split, because Dietrich had believed that he was completely and fully in love with him. Now they have been broken up for ages and Dietrich was moving on. It might not take as long, but Dietrich was not really wanting to be around him anymore. Dietrich just wanted to raise his children, and be happy like he was before he needed someone around. He was not wanting to be dependent anymore. Dietrich's teal eyes gazed onto Winnie and a smile came across his face. Dietrich noticed that she was looking even sadder when she heard him tell her that he and Michael were over. He did not really want to tell anyone that he had just met the entire story, but figured that things were better off with the way they were now. It was obviously for the best even though it hurt him to no end on how much he thought that he had meant to him. Dietrich always wanted to be special to someone, but maybe he could be that special person in his children's lives. That was all that he was asking for. His children were enjoying playing with others, as they seemed to be rather gentle and loving, running around with their blonde hair glistening in the wind. A smile curled across his lips, and he just loved them unconditionally. 'I don't know what I would do without them,' thought Dietrich. He did not know if he would have survived the break up if it were not for them. Dietrich let out a sigh and he figured that the past was the past, and he best not bring it up anymore than what was already done.

"Don't apologize for it, it isn't like he left me for you, or your brother or anything. We were obviously not the perfect couple that others believed. I am ready to move on, and the only special people in my life are my kids and my little brother," smiled Dietrich before he thought that it was really sweet of Winnie to say such nice things, and apologize for bringing up a painful memory. Dietrich really was moving on, and it showed in his teal eyes. Though when she hugged him, Dietrich hugged her back out of instinct. Her touch was comforting, and he released her when she had as well. Dietrich laughed, "Yeah, that how I got Benjamin and Belladonna. Their mother was well, hot and I was drunk, and boom there they were. She's into women now, so I must have been really bad or something." He was joking at this point. Dietrich was into some women, but it was harder to get him to like a woman over a man. He did prefer men over women at times, but some women could overpower his feelings for a male companion quite easily. When he drank, he went after anything and everything with legs, even going as far as being with only women. The press had been very very wrong about him. They did not know about his children as he had kept them from the harmful rays of the spotlight. Dietrich noticed that she blushed lightly. Did she not receive compliments often? But he thought that it was cute regardless, even though he figured it would be best to not say anything about her looks right now. He did not want to embarrass her at all. He did not want to make her feel uncomfortable at all. Dietrich did not know the affects he had on people at times. He wanted to be her friend, and since he needed a friend right now, he didn't want to ruin it at all. She even owned a shop, and worked at an animal shelter on the weekends. She was one of those people that cared more about others than herself from what he could tell. Dietrich nudged her gently, "Even if you are sick one day, if we continue talking, I could help out and stuff. But you own a shop and help out with animals? That sounds so cool! I'd love to stop by your shop sometime or that animal shelter!" Dietrich shrugged once before he added, "Well, if you want someone like me hanging around making a mess of things. I can be a little much around places, saying how to decorate places and such."
Winnie had to wonder how her brother would react to losing a game to someone like Dietrich. Tony was normally friendly to his competitors whether he won or lost. He was a huge sweetheart. He didn’t seem to really hold any sort of grudge against anyone. Winnie smiled softly. ”I don’t think Tony has the capability to hate anyone, even if he did lose to you. He is a ginormous teddy bear.” Or at least, Winnie thought so. To her, he was the world’s best big brother. He always had her back. Most people got tired of visiting Winnie in the Hospital when her immune system failed and she caught some sort of illness, but he always made sure to visit her at least once. Oddly enough when he did come in to visit, he had presents with him. He knew that she really liked getting presents. ’I sound so greedy….’ Winnie thought to herself once she realized that her fondness for presents made her sound like a small child or something. Children often threw tantrums though and Winnie never did that sort of thing. Unless it came to some kind of animal being harmed or something. Then the beast within came out. But since that rarely happened Winnie was as sweet as a bowl of ice cream. She tried to remain cheerful too but when she got sick as often as she did, sometimes it was hard for her to remain cheerful and positive. Winnie tried not to let others see her when she was down like that though. Especially her brother. It would break his heart to see her being down and depressed. ”Maybe someday, I can introduce the two of you. I’m sure you’d hit it off.” Winnie suggested softly. A part of her thought that Tony and Dietrich would make really good friends. They both liked Quidditch, they were both really friendly, and they both seemed to have a knack for attracting the female population. The only difference was that Dietrich liked men too, but Tony didn’t. Tony was a nice guy though, it wouldn’t matter to him what Dietrich was like, so long as he had a good heart.

”Well, I’m still sorry. I know going through a break up is pretty rough sometimes. Moving on can be rough but, it looks like you’re managing well!” Winnie was glad he returned the hug. Hopefully it helped remind him that he had a lot going for him. He didn’t need to feel down because of the fact that he and his guy were no longer together. He didn’t look like he felt down or anything but sometimes it was easy to cover things up. ”Oh I feel embarrassed now. I thought that they were adopted. How silly of me. I guess I should be careful not to let you drink then huh? I don’t think you could’ve been that bad though.” Winnie tried to make him feel better. Though she didn’t really know for sure whether he was or not. She thought it would at least be nice to try and comfort him. Winnie did feel bad though that she thought his kids were adopted. They looked just like him so she had no idea how she missed the fact that they were most likely his. It was probably due to the fact that since she had seen Dietrich she had always associated him with liking men. It never occurred to her that she might like both. Now she just felt dumb. ”I would love it if you came visit me at the shop one day. Then maybe after we could go to the shelter or something, then ice cream! Oh....you like ice cream right?” Winnie needed to think about things more before she opened her big mouth. It got her into a lot of trouble sometimes. Winnie watched as her puppy ran by chasing after some small rodent. Chances were that the small dog wasn’t going to catch anything. He was horrible as chasing things. Even his own shadow. Winnie looked back at Dietrich and smiled softly.​
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Dietrich was very glad when Winnie said that Tony did not have the capability to hate anyone, even if his team lost to Dietrich. He was also liking the sound of this Tony, and grew curious to see if he liked males. However how often was it? Dietrich could not help it, he crushed on males easier than girls. "That is so very good news! I hope to meet him personally one day. But with kids and Quidditch, my time isn't really that...well focused." Benjamin and Belladonna, or Ben and Bella, took a lot of time from him. They held a lot of attention, and Dietrich loved them both. They looked just like him, and he was happy that they did. He didn't mind their mother, whom was now a lesbian, if not mother to a whole new breed of children as well. Dietrich watched as Bella waved toward them, and Dietrich waved toward her back as she went off giggling and playing with other girls that were in there. He was biased, but he thought that his kids looked the best of them all because he himself was pretty damn good looking. Those kids had to get some good genes from him somehow. Dietrich started to get somewhat excited when he started to think about meeting Tony, because he had seen himself possibly liking him, but he didn't want to get his heart broken again. "That sounds like a good idea to me. I would love to meet him! We are both Quidditch players, so we are bound to hit it off." He was sure that he could hold something common with Tony Evelyn, but he didn't want to ask any questions about him for now though. He just wanted to sit here in the good weather to watch his children play with others in the best way possible. Dietrich was getting excited to possibly make new friends, and to get more people to help him have some fun. He desperately needed it, after all, he had basically no life beyond his kids and his Quidditch. He sort of gave up on his friends when they got their own lives, and one of his friends lost his.

Letting out a sigh, and he said, "Oh it was rough. But I have to manage it, for my children. They cannot risk having a dad that was not all there." Dietrich had to keep a level head, because his children could not live without their dad being upbeat. Dietrich was going to keep doing what he was doing, which was slowly grieve, and not look for love. Sometimes it was easy to mask the hurt that he was feeling. He thought that Michael was the one, but apparently he was wrong about him. Dietrich laughed and he looked over at the two blondes. "They look just like me, but the distance might have been, well, never mind. If I drank around you, then I would probably be all over you. I don't mind because not everyone can say that they turned a girl lesbian. I find it hilarious!" Dietrich enjoyed joking around a lot, and he was sure that Winnie was enjoying it too. He hoped that she would not mind his jokes. Dietrich was having some fun, and he hadn't laughed like he just had in a while too. Dietrich looked over at Winnie before he flashed a charming smile, "I think I might have to hit you up on that offer. And of course I like ice cream. What person doesn't?" Winnie was a really nice girl, and he was glad that she had offered him that, so it was a chance for him to get out into the world, leave his kids with a babysitter. It sounded like a lot of fun to him. He couldn't wait! He hoped that he could get some free time soon in order to have some fun with Winnie. His eyes went off to the dog that was wondering around, and he raised an eyebrow. That was interesting, that dog was chasing after something small. He hoped that little animal could get away though. Looking back to Winnie, he smiled before he blushed ever so slightly.
<COLOR color="black">Winnie really hoped they would get along if they ever met. They seemed like they would be really good friends just by the things they liked and their personalities. It would give Winnie an excuse to hang around Dietrich more too. It would be something similar to a young teen meeting her favorite male celebrity. It was close to being starstruck she supposed. Dietrich was so much nicer than she imagined him to be as well. Sure he looked like a nice guy in the papers. But the press could have glamorized him to make him seem nicer than he really was. Winnie was so happy that it was much deeper than that. He was the kind of guy you wanted to give a hug to. Winnie hoped he was a fan of hugging as well. Tony was a hugger. "Perhaps the next time you and I see one another I will have Tony with me. Or maybe during a Quidditch match. You know-we don't know one another very well, but if you ever need a babysitter, I'd be more than willing to watch your kids for you. I'm petty decent with kids." Kids weren't too much for her to handle. They were easily entertained and often had such creative little imaginations. Winnie really hoped that one day, she might have a kid or two of her own. Winnie wasn't sure if her body would let her have kids or not, but that wasn't going to stop her from trying. When Winnie found the right man and all. Right now she was focused on getting healthy and a possible career over anything. Possibly trying to get started on learning to play Quiddich. Due to the health issues she had, Winnie was unable to do Quidditch throughout her childhood like her brother was. Winnie had wanted to play so badly. But it just wasn't in the cards for her it seemed. Winnie always hoped though, that one day she would get better and that one day she would actually have a shot at playing in the big leagues like her big brother did. There were times when she also figured that she would never get healthy enough. Her immune system was close to non-existent. It had been that way ever since she could remember too. "Tony's only downside...at least to me anyways is that he's so buff and tall. He kind of looks like he could break people in half. When I was really sick he would never hug me because he was afraid I would break in half." In Winnie's opinion that was his only fault. He was so much bigger than she was so it as hard to give him hugs or pick on him. She could easily see why he played Quidditch and did so well. It was hard to knock him off his broom. Plus he had superb aim. Winnie some a few strands of her light blonde hair out of her face and allowed her pale lips to curve up into a smile. She just knew that Tony and Dietrich would hit it off. They had to! "Yay! Ice cream it is then!" Winnie was beaming now. She was going to go get ice cream with one of her favorite Quidditch players of all time! How cool was that? All of her friends would be so jealous of her. Maybe later Winnie could ask for Dietrich's autograph without having to worry about him finding her creepy or something of the sort.

"Well.....he just might not have been the one. There's always more chances for you to meet someone new." Winnie offered. Although he revealed that he liked both men and women, she figured that he held more of a fondness for guys than he did girls. Winnie could imagine Dietrich finding some nice guy that he fell in love with, and decided to settle down with. It would be so sweet! 'I hope I get invited to the wedding.' A guy like him would throw wicked awesome parties too. Or at least it would seem like he would. Winnie settled more comfortably on the bench and turned to Dietrich. So drinking turned him into a horn ball. That was not something she had been expecting. But it did happen sometimes. Some people just could not handle alcohol to the extent that others did. "Remind me to never let you drink when I'm around then." Winnie teased. She had never been drunk before. So she had no idea how she would behavior if she was inebriated to that extent. Winnie flushed a lighter red color when thinking about what could accidentally end up happening if she and Dietrich were to get utterly drunk and just hang out. It was definitely for the best if she made sure they never wound up in that sort of situation.​
Dietrich was sure that when he met with Tony, they were going to be good friends, but wondered if the guy was okay with someone like him, someone that had been with a man. He loved men, and he loved women, but there was nothing he could really do about it. He thought that he had been better off the way he was, just loving everything. He appreciated everyone and everything. Dietrich thought that soon enough, he would find someone to settle down, but it was hard for him to live for love now. Love had left him, what was he supposed to do about it? Dietrich felt a lurch in his heart, knowing that he had not fully moved on after Michael, but he was well on his way. He stopped crying at least. Dietrich looked over at her, covering up the feeling that he just had very well. He thought that would be nice, but then she offered to babysit, and he could not help but chuckle. Dietrich grinned and he said, "I hope so. I'd love to meet both of you at once. But babysitting my kids? I would have to get to know you better. I am a protective dad over them, despite not wanting to be apart of their lives at first." He shared that at first, he was a deadbeat dad but everything had changed, he had changed. His children were now his world, and there was nothing more that could ever stand between him and his world. Dietrich wanted to find them a better everything. They still lived with their mom because their mom still lived with him. Dietrich saw nothing wrong with the children not having to go back and forth between cities to see their parents. They knew the situation, they just did not have feelings for one and another, and while their mother was a party girl, having a baby with his former friend Hayden, it was something else. Out of their group, Demitris was the only one that did not have kids, and Jaken had died. Svetlana was with her own family, having married to other pure-bloods, and then Dietrich had no idea what Hayden was up to. He did not really care either. Dietrich knew, it was probably nothing good.

The seeker could remember vaguely on Tony's figure, but that was it. He was rather buff and tall, and knew that he would be able to crush Dietrich because he was quite skinny. He would not stand a chance against someone like that. "Wow, tell him to lay off the eggs and protein so he can get smaller to be able to hug you." He was not sure if Tony was the rough type, but already he was sounding appealing. He was loving it, and he was willing to do what he could in order to meet him. When she sounded excited to be having ice cream, he presumed that she would not mind if his two kids would tag along since he did not have anyone else to watch them for now. He stood up and put two of his fingers into his mouth where he whistled for them to come over. Waving them down, the two blonde kids rushed over to their dad, where he beamed and greeted them, "Hey there, Ben and Bella. We are going to go for ice cream with my new friend here, her name is Winnie." The daugher of Dietrich seemed excited to see her, but Benjamin looked a little on the confused side. Dietrich could not wait to start on walking and so that they could get ice cream. It was something he was wanting to take his children to go get, and suddenly with the four of them, Dietrich felt like a family. But he brushed it off. "I believe that. There is another out there, one that is perfect for me, and one that will treat these two little angels all right." He placed his hands on each of their shoulders, so that he could keep a close eye on the two of them. They were good kids, like him. Dietrich could not help blushing when she said to remind him to never let him drink when she was around. Things could happen, and well, it was not something that he wanted to do. Another child accidentally conceived would probably crumble his sanity. Before he could ever consider another kid, he wanted to be in love, engaged, married even. He nodded at her, but he didn't want to say anything else from there. His daughter asked if they were going to go for ice cream now, and he chuckled. She was one of those that pleasantly asked for things, but she never threw a fit. She just sat there, all sad. It was pitiful. The smart daughter of his learned to use her good looks to get the things she wanted.
<COLOR color="black">Winnie came up with at least a hundred and one scenarios in her mind her as to how she could get her brother and Dietrich to meet one another. It wouldn't be too hard considering the fact that her brother was probably a fan of Dietrich's, but she didn't want her brother to know that she was hoping they might get together. That would be a little weird to say out loud. Dietrich did say he was bisexual earlier on, but Winnie assumed that he was still more into men than he was women since his most recent relationship was with a guy. But she didn't know for sure. Winnie was just trying to help out. He needed a might out to get his mind of off his break up. The least Winnie could do was try to help him out. "Maybe next week we could all go out or something. Tony should be back from Ireland by then." Winnie paused and blinked. Oh did he think she meant babysit his kids right away. She must have not been careful with how she worded things. In school she often did that when she spoke to someone she didn't know really well. She always messed her words up. Winnie laughed softly and shook her head softly. "I didn't mean babysit them right away either. I have to get to know them better before I get comfortable trying to take care of them. Kids can be very unusual when they want to be." Winnie wasn't shy or anything, but she knew kids could be a real handful when they wanted to be. So it always best to find out how the kid behaved and such before she tried to watch them for a night or something. The last thing she wanted to do was have Dietrich come home with a destroyed house or something. A kid could be a true hellion if he or she decided to. Winnie didn't think that Dietrich's children were like that though. They actually looked extremely cute. She just hoped their personalities were as close as their looks were. Winnie was kind surprised to hear that Dietrich didn't want to be apart of his children's lives at first, but she felt like it would be rude to ask why. Winnie knew that sometimes people weren't ready to become parents. Maybe that explained his situation too.

Winnie laughed. Tony, give up his meat?! "Tony would probably cry if he had to give up steak and hamburgers." Winnie remembered when he tried to become a vegan. That lasted a whole total of four hours before a strong craving of sausage took over. Winnie swore she had never laughed as much as she did the day Tony had to explain to their mother why he needed the meat. Winnie was a vegetarian herself. But that was just because her father was mean enough to show her how the animals that become those burgers and stuff were treated and killed. It was horrible. Winnie cried for days. Now she stuck to things that didn't have cute little animal faces. "Hello!" Winnie greeted the small children. She hoped they liked ice cream. Oh they were so precious. Winnie just wanted to give them hugs. The little boy seemed a little bit confused by her presence but Winnie was determined not to let it bother her. He was a real cutie too. Winnie nodded when the younger girl asked for ice cream. She whistled for her dog to follow and started to lead the way to the nearest ice cream shop. "Life always leaves weird surprises so you never know." Winnie stated. At least that was what she believed. As long as one kept his chin up he would see the beauty and the magic that surrounded life. Winnie just hoped Dietrich would hang in there. He had good fortune coming his way. She could just feel it.​

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