Closed Exploring

Stan Beckett

Three Broomsticks Server
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Sturdy Reed Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
11/2039 (17)
They hadn't stopped running until they reached the... whatever floor they were on now, he had lost track of on which floor they were almost as soon as the two of them left the common room. After taking a few moments to catch his breath, Stanislaw looked up at Allison and said, ''That was fun.'' In order to explore everything in their way, the two of them had agreed to open every door they came across on this floor and see what was behind it. At least it made sense for him to do it this way, it would make exploring the castle a lot less time consuming by having a proper plan. To make this even less time consuming, the two of them also agreed that they would split up and call for each other when they found something interesting. ''This one is... empty,'' Stanislaw called out after taking a look behind the fifth door on his side of the corridor. All the other rooms had either been classrooms or locked so this was definitely interesting to him.
Allison was giggling and out of breath by the time they reached wherever it was they were. She reluctantly let go of Stanis's hand, almost sure he would leave as soon as he let go. Thankfully though he stuck with her. She was growing more agitated as she kept opening doors only to find nothing. Wasn't there anything interesting around here? She sighed, turning as Stanis called out another empty room. She sauntered over, hands in her pockets. "Is everything around here going to be this disappointing?" She complained. "Your dorm was exactly like mine and now there's nothing down here. Maybe we should look somewhere else," She ran a hand through her hair, pouting.
He shared her disappointment, he too had hoped that there would be something interesting to see or discover behind these doors, but an empty classroom wasn't that bad, right? Stanislaw grabbed Allison's arm and pulled her inside the empty classroom. ''Perhaps it is not what we expected of it,'' he said, closing the door and letting go of the girl's arm. ''But there is plenty of things we can do with this room. We could make it our... what is the word? Eh, hang out room? Move some things around and it could be awesome,'' he continued with a wide smile.
Allison followed, a little surprised when Stanis grabbed her arm and pulled her inside. She put her hands on her hips and padded further into the room, looking at it from Stanis's new perspective. "You're right," she said slowly, turning as she surveyed the room. There are a few things we could do to spruce the place up," she grinned and snapped her fingers. "If you dont find anything interesting, make it interesting! Good thinking, Stanis." She flashed him a coy grin and turned to look around the room some more.
He smiled widely when Allison agreed with him that the empty room had the potential to become a spot where they could hang out at. Stanislaw didn't often have good ideas, but when he did, he took any compliment he could get. He didn't know if he liked that she continued to call him Stanis, he was used to be called Stan by literally everyone he knew, but he liked the girl and could definitely use some friends at this place, especially with everything going on in his personal life. ''Come, help me move things around, Allie,'' If his name was to be shortened, then so would hers, naturally. Stanislaw began moving back and forth in the room, pushing and pulling tables and chairs together to make it look more comfortable for the two of them. When the two of them were finished, he looked at it with pride, content with the way everything was placed. It wasn't exactly hidden so did not expect to find it like this when they would come back but it would do nicely for now.
Allison smiled and nodded, following his lead and moving tables and chairs around to something more presentable. She bounced back next to him, leaning her elbow on his shoulder as they studied their work, hands on her hips. "This is perfect!" She declared. "People will probably move our stuff around," She pouted. "I'll get a bag and we can get some stuff together to make it more ours. Decorate a bit more when we're here." She smiled at the thought of it. "Maybe bring some games and stuff." She turned to look at him. "Do you like board games? Or books?"
He didn't know if it would be such a good idea to bring stuff to this room if other people would move their stuff around again but Stanislaw was sure that he could find at least a couple of items he was sure he could do without. ''I like comic books,'' Stanislaw answered, ''I did not bring any board games with me to school... Did you?'' If he had known that students were allowed to bring such things with them to school he would've packed a couple of his favourites in his trunk, but the letter he received didn't give him much to go off on. He hoped that he hadn't broken a rule by bringing his comic books along with him. ''Can we buy things here? I brought some of those coins with me,'' he asked. It took him a moment to realise, however, that Allie did not speak Polish so quickly switched back to English. ''Is there a shop here? I brought money with me. Maybe we can buy posters to hang on the walls.''
Allison nodded. "Comic books are cool. I like the x-men." She shrugged as he asked if she'd brought board games. "I brought monopoly and clue," She told him. She was just rearranging a chair and plopped down into it as he spoke in that odd language again. She tilted her head and raised her brow at him, waiting for him to realize his slip up. "My parents said there are shops in Brightstone but we can't go except for a few times a year." She leaned forward, propping her chin in her hands. "That language... it's really pretty. What is it?"
He jerked his head around when she said that she liked the X-Men and smiled widely. ''Me too,'' he answered excitedly, wondering if she had read X-Men comics as well. Stan wasn't any good at monopoly, always ending up in jail and never being able to get out of it or broke, but he absolutely loved clue. ''But we can go?'' That was honestly all that he needed to know for now. If they would be allowed to go to this Brightstone place he figured that he could also look for owl treats, as none of the school owls wanted to deliver a letter to his parents for him earlier this morning. And apparently owl treats would work. She said that it was pretty, again. She couldn't still be mocking him about it? Allie seemed nicer than that. ''It's is Polish,'' Stanislaw said, ''It's what I speak with my family and friends.'' Even though it had only been a day and a half since they got here, the boy already missed the people he was closest to.
Allison grinned as he said he liked the x-men too. "Do you have many comics? I only have a handful but they're pretty good, I like them." She shrugged as he asked if they could really go. "Yeah, like... twice a year? Maybe? I'm not sure." She pushed the chair next to her out, motioning for him to sit down. She paused as he told her what he spoke and who he spoke it with. "Well... teach it to me," She told him, leaning forward. "I mean, we're friends, so we should be able to speak it to each other, right?" She nodded decisively.
He nodded his head vigorously. ''I have a giant stack of X-Men comics at home,'' Stanislaw replied. Although without being allowed to return home, Stanislaw was unsure what his parents were going to do with his precious stacks of comics. The boy could only hope that they would allow him to gather his belongings... He sat down in the chair next to Allie and frowned a little when she told him to teach her Polish. ''I don't know if I should, my English is not that good and it will have to be if I want to teach you,'' he said. He would gladly this his friend his language but how could he if he wouldn't be able to translate everything correctly. ''Maybe you could teach my English while I teach you Polish?'' the Gryffindor added hopefully. He wouldn't have to worry so much about not being able to understand his classes if he could understand the language properly.
Allison grinned as he said he had a huge stack at home. "That's pretty cool," She conceded slightly. She started to pout as it seemed he was turning down her idea, but brightened immediately when he was simply countering it with one of his own. "Deal!" She reached into her bag and pulled out two fresh notebooks, giving him one and setting the other in front of her. "I'll try to start coming up with a review so I know what you know already and what you don't," She told him. "I don't know anything at all, so your's should be a bit easier," She gave him a bright smile.
He smiled happily, straightening up in his seat when she agreed with both of them teaching each other. It'd be nice to have to worry less about understanding things if he had someone who would help him with it. ''Right now?'' Didn't they have to prepare this first? At least that is what his stepfather told him every time Stanislaw asked the man for tutoring sessions. He took the notebook from Allie and stared at it for a moment, wondering with what he should start first. A simple greeting? Curse words? He definitely knew loads of curse words. Or perhaps some grammar rules. Yes! Grammar would be perfect to start with. After scribbling down some rules, hopefully he'd remembered them correctly, Stanislaw looked up at his friend. ''Whenever you are ready.''
Allison honestly wasnt really sure where to start. He already seemed to have a good grasp of the language. She thought about it a bit, before snapping her fingers. She would just have him read out loud. They could go to the library and get some books and she could help him once she figured out where he still struggled. She looked up as he spoke, and scooted a bit closer to him. "Okay, you first, then we're going to the library. What do you have?" She looked down at his notebook, curiosity in her eyes. For about an hour they went over what he'd written down, and she was feeling pretty confident. She grinned at him, leaning back and stretching. "Alright, that was good! How often do you want to do this? Maybe like a couple hours every Saturday and little reviews during the week?" She thought it sounded solid.
He could only hope that he'd written everything down correctly but so far everything seemed alright. It helped that she was a quick learner. It would be nice to have someone at the school with whom he could talk Polish. It would be way easier to communicate too since his English wasn't nearly as good as his mother tongue. An hour later, it definitely felt like less, the two of them were finished going over everything on his notebook. Stanislaw stretched his muscles and shrugged at the question as he sat back down on the chair again. ''We could do that if we have time. I heard the older students say that we will be getting a lot of homework assignments,'' the Gryffindor replied. ''We can come back here or do so in my dormitory if the others are not there?'' To be honest, even though he really did want tutoring, Stanislaw was a little embarrassed about it. There was something about having to ask people for help that didn't sit quite right with him. Enough of languages today, however, the boy stood up again and said, ''Let's get out of here, there is more I want to see.'' He waited for Allie to follow him until he left the abandoned classroom, making sure to remember where he could find it so he could come back anytime he wanted. Hopefully everything would be the same the next time they returned.

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