Open Exploring

Amodeus Jones

Clueless ~ Adorable ~ Soft
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 10 Inch Whippy Fir Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
13 (9/23/2048)
Amodeus couldn't be more excited to be here at the school, and during his exploring he found a new room. It was absolutely amazing! There were instruments and easels and paints everywhere! He was running through the room, giggling and picking up all the different things to look them over. This felt like a dream, there was so much going on! He was practically vibrating in his shoes as he tried the different instruments, giggling at the noises they made, and looking through the absolute rainbow of colors the room held.
Callie had been exploring a lot of Hogwarts over the last few weeks. She had managed to miss the tour and was just trying to figure out where things were. She had come to the arts room now, having found out about it during the club fair and being oh so very curious. The room was pretty amazing with all types of arts, crafts, and music. She noted that there was someone playing random instruments and just watched the boy for a moment. Callie hoped they were allowed to just play them whenever they wanted, but she did not actually know.
It took a few moments, but even in all his bouncing around, he did still notice his new company. He lit up when he saw her, and bounded over with all the energy of a lap dog left home for far too long. "Hi!" He greeted brightly, his eyes sparkling. "I'm Amodeus, who are you?" He questioned, leaning against a desk and looking up to her with an open, eager expression.
The boy moved over to her and she gave a smile to him. "Callie," she replied with a softer tone. "Do you play?" she asked, motioning to the instruments that she'd walked in on him touching, she didn't think it was bad if he was touching and not playing, but was just asking.
Amodeus laughed lightly. "Nah, I don't play, but they're fun, aren't they?" He offered, holding out the lute he'd picked up. "You try it," He offered. "You don't have to know how to, you just-" He plucked one of the strings, giggling at the clear, crisp sound it made. "This whole room is so great, isn't it?" He gave the girl another bright smile.
Callie nodded in agreement at the fact was when it was a fun room, with fun things. She somewhat nervously took the lute that he was holding out to her, given that she wasn't sure they were just allowed to touch at things. She watched him, pluck the strings, creating the noise and then Callie did the same. "It's pretty great," she said. "I used to sing before Hogwarts, this is probably a room I could do that in. Do you sing?"
Amodeus listened to the girl, smiling brightly as she spoke. "Sure! I don't know if I'm good at it though," He replied with an easy laugh. "This could just be a fun place to hang out, too! What do you think?" He looked around again. "You know, I could learn to play something, you could sing songs, it could be fun!" He looked back to her with sparkling eyes.
Callie shrugged, "I don't think you need to be good at singing to do it," Callie said with a shrug. She knew that being a good singer meant maybe different things for them. But anyone could sing if they wanted. "Oh, that would be fun. What do you want to play?"[/b she said. "I don't know many songs to sing, but I'd happily sing along,"
Amodeus considered it. "Hm..." He considered the question, looking around. "A flute would be fun! Or this thing!" He declared, holding up an ocarina and turning it in his hands. "Oooh interesting!" He blew on it, giggling at the noise. He sat down, crossing his legs and bringing it back up to his mouth. He played with it, blowing out several random notes and giggling every few notes.
Callie watched him look at the different instruments that he was looking at until it settled upon the ocarina. She giggled softly as he began making a few notes with it. She hummed a little, just to match what he was doing with the few notes that he was playing and then giggling a little after. "That makes odd noises," she said. "I've never heard an instrument like that,"
Amodeus giggled. "I love it!" He declared, holding it in his hands and looking up at her. "I'm gunna learn how to play this and be the best ever!" He told her, motioning for her to sit with him. "Do you want to try it?" He asked her, thinking that he wanted to share the fun new thing he'd discovered.
Callie nodded, "I think you'll be amazing at it," Callie assured him, though she had no basis for this. For all she knew he would be terrible, but that wouldn't be a very kind thing for her to say to him. Instead she just nodded. "Yes please," she said holding out her hands to take it and give the instrument a try.
Amodeus smiled, happy with her praise, and gave her the instrument, turning in his seat so he was facing her a bit more. "We could learn together?" He offered, thinking that would really be a lot of fun, learning how to play such a fun instrument with his friend.
Callie took the instrument and then nodded. She tried to play a note, and though she knew she likely had her fingers in the right places, all she produced was a squeaking noise. She pulled away from the instrument and giggled softly. "Maybe I'll just leave you to learn it," she said, since she really hadn't managed it at all.
Amodeus laughed lightly, and held out his hand for her. "May I have it back please?" He asked nicely, giving her an easy smile. "I can learn it!" He nodded. "Will you still hang out with me though?" He asked. They were friends now, of course he wanted to see her again. "We could do other stuff!" He lit up. "Do you like coloring? Or bubbles?"
Callie happily handed it back to the boy, since she didn't think she'd be able to play it, it made no sense for her to hold on to it. "Of course," she said, just because they weren't learning an instrument together didn't mean that they couldn't hang out and be friends. "I can colour while you practice," she suggested, they didn't need to be doing the same thing to have fun.
Amodeus' eyes lit up. "Ooooh, I love coloring!" He offered to her, unthinkingly scooting in a bit closer. "I have loads of coloring books and pencils!" He confided. "Do you want to hang out again later? I can bring all my stuff!" He was bouncing in excitement. Amodeus was a simple creature, and he loved coloring almost as much as he loved making friends.
Callie nodded and smiled. "I didn't bring any with me, so that would be good," she said. "Yeah! let's hang out later," she was pretty happy and eager to spend more time with Amodeus, he seemed like a pretty fun person, and she could always use another friend.
Amodeus lit up, and immediately he opened up his arms, offering a hug. "Hug?" He asked, an easy smile on his face. He loved hugging his friends, they were always so warm, and Amodeus was just a really affectionate guy.
Callie nodded as he asked for a hug, and immediately went to give him said hug. she wasn't the most affectionate person but she'd never turn down a hug from a new friend. That was for sure.
Amodeus smiled brightly. "Yessss," He hugged her tightly before pulling back. "We're best friends now! What do you want to do?" He asked, stepping back and offering out his hand.
Callie had never made a friend as fast as she had with Amodeus. It seemed simple with him, no more difficult that just going up to someone and declaring it. "We could explore the abandoned classroom, I be that has some cool stuff, though probably hidden stuff,"
Amodeus clapped his hands, already excited. "Ooooh! Yes, let's go!" He agreed, holding out his hand for her, eager to get started on another adventure with his new best friend ever.

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