Closed Exploring the Lawn

Aroha Blenheim

Bold | Adventure-seeking | Stubborn
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Reed Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Aroha had been having a good time so far at Hogwarts. Classes were going well, she'd made some friends, in her opinion at least, and all in all it was everything she could have hoped for. Sure, maybe she hadn't made it onto the quidditch team but there was always next year. Aroha believed strongly she'd make it. Then she could show off to her younger siblings. In the meantime, it was a pleasant day so she was taking a stroll along the Hogwarts lawn, eyeing the surroundings with interest and looking for anything that stood out. As she walked around, she found older students about but no one really her own age until suddenly she came across someone she recognised from some of her classes. Aroha ran over to see what he was doing. She didn't know him by name, just by appearance. "Hey," she greeted, "you're in my year, right? You're in my charms class, I think." Aroha hadn't talked to many students who were in the other houses, so she was excited to see what this student would be like.

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