Exploring Somewhere New

Dimitri Blaze

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Dimitri walked into the library today, having come across it recently in one of his treks through the castle. He wasn't exactly a fan of public places, because he tended to keep to himself most of the time. Dimitri knew that it could be very interesting around this castle, and he liked to spend a great deal of time looking around the castle. No matter what year you were at this school, you could always find something new around here. Or so Dimitri had been told. Dimitri smiled, and decided that today he would hold off on a little bit of exploring, and just take a look around the library, and maybe meet a new person. That would be fun for him to do, no matter who the other person was. At least if they were nice to him, it would be fun. He didn't exactly want to make an enemy, that wouldn't be fun to do. After all, this Semester was almost finished already.
Willow leaned over the dusty textbook, blowing over it's cover and watched the dust particles fly into oblivion. Sighing, she opened the text and looked through it's contents page. Willow was behind on her school work and she knew it ever since she left at the start of semester two for a retreat in the countryside with her cousin to de-stress and to relax after personal problems and pressures from Hogwarts temporarily left her insane.

Now that she was back, she made a conscious choice to self-teach this semesters classes. Silently worried that this would hinder her chance of becoming a prefect when she gets in to year seven. Willow scoffed at her thoughts. Twelve and already thinking about her academics at seventeen and hoping to become Head Girl. Not many twelve year olds would be that conscious of their future. Maybe it's because she didn't come from a Magical background and was hoping to prove to all her peers that she can be successful in a world she didn't know of until this year. That or the fact that she always strive to be the best. ...and no wonder why I was disliked at Intermediate School... She thought as she lazily read one of the passages in her book.

You could always count on Willow to be studying in the Library. It wasn't a fact, it was the truth.
Dimitri looked around the library, and saw a few .. hundred .. people in there. It certainly was busy, but then again, this was probably normal for a library at this school, and it didn't surprise Dimitri all that much now that he thought about that. Though, it sure was a whole new experience for him, and it was one that interested him a lot. Dimitri decided he wanted to approach some random and make friends with them. Although, he knew he would have to find somebody he looked friendly and he would be able to make friends with easily. Dimitri spotted a girl, that looked like she would be just like that, and he walked over to her. He hoped she was friendly anyway. Dimitri smiled, and stopped near her. "Hey there." He said, not sure whether or not he should proceed to say anything else. "I'm Dimitri." He managed to choke out.
Finishing reading her passage she dipped her quill in black ink and written all the relevant notes down on a fresh piece of parchment.
Bored. Lonely. Bored. Hungry. Bored. Can't be bothered. Bored. Alone. Bored. Very Hungry. Homework.
Willow repeated these mono-sounded words in her head as she wrote. One can complain a lot in their head if given the chance.
A Distraction would be nice and again the wondering of where her best friend Christopher would be pondering around at.

Willow placed her quill back into it's ink pot and stretched and noticed a boy coming her way who promptly introduced himself.
Introductions. Willow was never good at those sort of things and noticed the hesitation in his voice. Welll, if this was the distraction
she was hoping for she'd mine as well grab the opportunity while she could.
"Hello Dimitri, I'm Willow." She smiled at him and nodded at the seat beside her, cleaning up her space and stacking her things neatly.
"You know Studying really becomes a bore after a while and yet they still drill it into you that you have to do such things." She whispered.
Dimitri raised an eyebrow, she sure did seem to be welcoming, and this was good. It meant that he was on the way to making a new friend. At least, he hoped he was. Dimitri smiled at Willow, "It's a pleasure to meet you." He said, sitting down beside her like she told him too. She seemed like a nice girl, and Dimitri would love to have a friend like her because she seemed like a fun person as well. At least, she did to Dimitri. But she was studying right now, and it looked kind of really boring. Dimitri wondered whether or not she actually wanted to be his friend, or whether she was just a naturally friendly person. "Yes, well, studying is boring for a lot of people and I don't really see the point in it myself, it just gives me a headache." Dimitri said remembering all the times where he had studied too much and fallen asleep.
Willow stifled a laugh, remembering the last time when she laughed in the library she achieved nothing but looks and an angry looking librarian.
"That is also true. Fortunately, I don't get a headache just immense hunger. Bordem hunger." Willow gave him a sheepish look.
Growing up she had been asked and asked again how one can study for such long periods of time without loosing interest.
Easy - Get it over and done with, although that was easier said and done.
Willow knew this was just one of her strengths and she knew people who didn't bother to study at all until the last minute. Last minute meaning two days before an exam or an hour before a test.
Dimitri couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. He had never heard of such a thing as boredom hunger before, but it intrigued him. I guess it would be a possible reaction, but just a strange one. Dimitri thought, sighing. He wanted to make friends with this girl, and he wanted her to slowly become one of his best friends. Maybe having somebody like her would help him to not be so shy, because she seemed to be a pretty open person herself, but he couldn't be sure. "That's uhm .. definitely a unique thing to happen due to boredom, never heard of it happening before." Dimitri said, not sure what else he could say. Dimitri didn't get bored too often, just often enough to know that it could get a little bit annoying if it happen too much.
Willow shrugged, sure Boredom hunger really wasn't an actual..exsisting..feeling, but it only summed up what she was feeling; "Well to put it this way, studying in this library forever makes you bored after a while...and hungry." She felt a small tinge of pink flowing to her cheeks. She wasn't quite sure if this has been the most embarrassing statement she has said after returning to Hogwarts or one of the most stupidest things she has said ever arriving to Hogwarts.

"Anyway, what are you doing in the library in this sunny day?" Willow gave him a small smile, he had to be around Willow's age and usually no one would dare think of spending their time inside on a lovely day - even more so than to spend it in the library. Willow was however, was quite different.
Dimitri chuckled when she started to go pink, it was strange because he hadn't expected it to happen. Girls could be weird sometimes, because they got embarassed at the most random of things. Dimitri sighed, and wondered why he actually was in here. In meeting Willow he had actually forgotten the original reason he had come in here. That was pretty bad. Dimitri thought about it, and realised he had probably just been looking for a good book that he would be able to read, but he couldn't be sure. "Honestly, I can't remember why I came in here in the first place." Dimitri admitted, and now he was the one that felt kind of embarrassed at the fact. Who couldn't remember why they came to the library?!
Willow couldn't hide the smile on her face when Dimitri said he couldn't remember why he came into the library. Willow knew the feeling well, especially if it was for an assignment or purely for enjoyment. Many times she find her self wandering into the library and wondering why she was even in there when she knew she was supposed to be meeting friends outside. The Library was second nature to her it was almost an escape route when she was feeling her lowest.

"Mmm, well were you in here to casually look for a book or something for an assignment or...just part of exploring the castle?" she offered many possible reasons why he could have wandered in here, of course he wasn't in here because the library was his favorite place. To most first years, they'd rather be exploring the grounds that inside a castle where it reminded them of classes.
She tightened the lid of her ink-pot and packed her things in her satchel, relaxing in her seat which felt welcoming after sitting forwards reading a book. "Say, you want to grab something to eat in the kitchen or would you rather just stay here?" Willow smiled at Dimitri, she thought giving someone she didn't know, their choice of what to do - and was secretly hoping he was going to choose the kitchen - as her mother put it; "When there's food involved, you'll get to know people better."

OOCOut of Character:
Oh man, it's so long. Sorry!
Dimitri wondered why she was smiling, but then he realised that it was probably just because she wanted to laugh at the fact that he had forgotten why he had decided to go to any single part of the castle. He probably would have laughed at himself if he didn't think it would make himself look like a weirdo. Dimitri wondered what had been going though his mind when he had decided to come here in the first place, maybe he had actually just come here for a book? Or maybe he had come to explore somewhere he hadn't been before. Whatever the reason, clearly it had been a good choice, because he seemed to have made a new friend in Willow, and he couldn't be happier at that. You could never have enough friends. That was what Dimitri thought, and he was sticking by it.

Dimitri chuckled slightly, when she tried to think of some reasons for him to come in here. "That's funny because those were the exact reasons I was just thinking of. Though I don't know which one is right. I'd say the exploring one, though." Dimitri said. He was an explorer of places he hadn't seen before, and places he wasn't familiar with. He just liked the simple things that he would find in places you didn't expect to look. "Why not go to the Kitchen? That should be fun." Dimitri said, liking that she actually had said that. He would love to go to the kitchen, he actually was getting a little bit hungry. Though he wouldn't admit that to Willow, because he knew a few girls that would try and force him to eat just because he was hungry.

OOCOut of Character:
What's wrong with long? xD
Willow grinned; "Fantastic!" She said a little bit too loudly and noticed the eyes of students looking her direction. Feeling the embarrassment rise within her, she whispered casually as she packed her things up in her too-small satchel; "You have anything in mind you want to eat by the way? My aunt owns a bakery and cafe so I know how to make most things nice." She smiled at Dimitri, he seemed to be a nice boy, a little quiet, Willow thought - but then again, when people meet together the first time, they are often are quiet or a little reserved. But Willow always seemed to be bright and outgoing and good with people apparently.

Throwing her satchel over one arm and tucking the chair back into the desk, she grabbed the books she borrowed and smiled at Dimitri, thinking how stupid she must have looked from smiling so much; "Ready or would like to wander around a bit before heading down to eat?" She won't hurry him, if he wanted to explore the library a bit more then Willow would let him do so. Paitence... Willow thought as she looked through the titles of the books she was holding, ...Soon, you'll gain a new friend - new friends, new beginnings.
Dimitri smiled softly. She seemed to want to be friends with him. At least, she was making an effort to try and make him happy. That was always a plus for somebody who he wanted as a friend. Dimitri thought about it. Did he want to be around here for all that much longer, or did he want to go and look at the kitchens? In the end, the kitchens won out. He smiled at Willow. "Well, uhm, I'm not sure. Maybe a nice chocolate cake? We could share it, of course." Dimitri said, adding the last bit on as an afterthought. He didn't want Willow to think he wouldn't share anything with her. He chuckled. "I think we should just go down to the kitchens, I've seen enough of the library .. for now, anyway." Dimitri's urge to explore always came through clear.

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