Closed Exploring new streets

Sebastian Kane

Silver Snake Assistant + Motorcyclist + HNZ Alumni
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Sexual Orientation
20 (2048)
It was Bastians first time in New Zealand and with his new family. He kind of loved this country, but he couldn't wait to go back to Great Britain, back to his Hogwarts. His new family was pretty fun, especially his aunt Charlotte who in fact was also his best friend, the only one, but now he even more understood that Chars sister took him only because they wanted Danielle and, of course, it wasn't an easy thing to accept. He was just an obligated addition to his little sister, even if Charlotte said it wasn't true, but he saw it and ir was really upsetting. So when he had the chance he left his home with floo powders help to explore the famous Obsidian Harbour and all he could say, it wasn't as good as he expected.
Casper couldn't stand to be at the house anymore. It wasn't that he didn't love his family, or appreciate that his aunt and uncle let him stay with them. But he hated that his foster parents had kicked him out in the first place. He would understand if he had actually done something wrong. But he hadn't, he knew he hadn't done anything wrong. Really, who adopted a child just for what they could do for you? Part of him was still sure they meant well- they wanted him to have a good future, a good life. But then again, there was nothing wrong with wanting to be an artist instead of chasing a business degree. And being gay wouldn't stop him from having a family. If he ever found someone that actually liked him, he would just adopt eventually.

Of course, Casper wasn't worried about that aspect of his future. Some days he doubted it was ever going to even be an option. For now, he just wanted to focus on his art. Which gave him the perfect reason to come into town. He needed to restock his paints and get a few more canvasses and sketchpads before he went back to school. He hummed softly, his hands stuck in his pockets as he weaved through the crowd.
Sebastian was looking around and wasn't paying attention for what was happening right in front of him. He was swerving right away from every person that was in front of him, but he missed that one person was on the side and he dumped right into him. "I'm sorry," he quietly said and looked at other boy. After that he understood that boy already in front of him was around his age, so he decided to take his chance to find his way out of here. "Can you please tell me where is the exit?" he asked a little bit louder than before. Seb frowned a little bit at the crowd that was trying to get him lose his balance, but he stubbornly stayed right on his foot.
Casper jumped a bit, surprised when the other boy knocked into him. "Oh, hi," he greeted automatically. He took a small step back, ignoring his first instinct to notice how cute the boy was. "Um, sure," Casper agreed, motioning for the boy to follow before making his way through the crowd and towards the closest way out of Obsidian. He had to wait for a particularly dense crowd to thin out, and while they were stopped turned to look at the boy. "My name is Casper, by the way,"
Sebastian nodded as boy motioned to follow, if there was something that Bastian did weel, then it was following quietly. At some point he enjoyed that other boy didn't try to start any conversation, Bastian just pulled his hand along the walls of buildings and watched the ground. It wasn't like he was really interested in anything that happened around him, he just wanted to go home, but when other boy called his name, he almost let out a light sight, but held it in, Seb just decided to go with it and let the conversation go. Even tho he was almost sure that they won't ever meet again. "I am Sebastian," he lightly clacked with his tongue and then let out a question. "Are you often here?" Seb will be lightly disappointed, if Casper will say yes, Bastian still thought that Obsidian Harbour wasn't worth all the popularity, but Diagonal Alley wasn't worth it too. Little villages were way better.
Casper was waiting for the crowd to thin out a little bit. "Not really. I just needed some art supplies." He responded, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was just going to grab a few things and then go out to this place nearby that I know, it's better. Prettier, more nature, less people." He shrugged. It was a little hidden, but he liked it. "What about you?" He asked.
Bastian slowly nodded. "What do you paint?" did he know anything about art? A little bit. His biological mom worked in Art Museum as a manager, he saw a lot of paintings before. "Less people.. Sounds good," Kane half smiled, he wasn't a big fan of smiled to unknown people. "I am here for the first time. Just wanted to know what does the famous Obsidian Harbour look like. Nothing much," Slytherin shrugged and didn't show any emotion. He didn't exactly care about the fact that he just understimated an important place in New Zealand's magical world.
Casper shrugged at the question. "I've been dabbling in a bit of everything, really, I haven't found any one style that I just love over everything else yet," He answered easily. He laughed at Sebastians' statement. "It's just another part of town, really. If you want I could show you where I'm going, it's better," he offered impulsively.

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