
Lisa Kite

Lisa Skipped her sleek shiny wavey curly hair bounceing behind her into the Owlery while she was singing. She was excited she loved sending letter's and she was about to send her first one home. She looked down at the letter in her delicate small pale hand's and wondered how soon after posting it she would get a reply.
Zanella wandered up the stairs to The Owlery, intending to send a letter to her parents. She looked at all the owls, her letter grasped in the small girl's hand. "Morning Kite." she smiled at Lisa. Nelle had a habit of calling people by their last names, she called everyone except her sister Katie by their last names unless they asked her not to. Some people were touchy with their names, and Zanella knew it well. Having a 'unique' name, both first and last names, Nelle was used to being teased about her name. So far nobody at Hogwarts had thought her name was stupid.
Lisa gazed at the girl who just entered. She pouted and replied I'm not a kite!" then giggled when she realized the girl had just been calling her by her last name. She was a little unsettled by this because it sounded too formal for her. Then it dawned on her that as far as she knew she'd never met this girl before. Startled she queried "who are you and how how do you know my last name?" then almost as if she'd only just seen the girl she added " Hi I'm Lisa!"

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