exam responses.

Willow Cullen

Auror. Bold. Gryffindor c/o 52.🇦🇺
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
28 (1/8/2034)
After discusion in shouty last night about some of the silly responces students have given in exams. and how it is a shame that only one person gets to see them. here is a place to put some of your students witty comments.
Note: dont copy answers. they are probably not right. or at least would show a specific personality trait for the person writing them.

What is a Switching Spell? Give two examples.
Switching a full stubby of butterbeer your fiend just got out from an esky with the bottle of the one you have just finished.
5. What does Wolfsbane do? lets my mum, a friend and possibly a professor keep their mind during the full moon

Roleplay your character brewing the Polyjuice Potion (as best as you can without having the directions)
Willow entered the potions classroom ready for the newt exam. she was usually too impatient for potions she listened as the professor said which one they were to brew. "are you serious. from memory. that takes like a month. and we didnt even brew it in class" she said...she started to clean her things and realising that everyone else was leaving she packed up her things and left. catching up with the person in front of her. "that was rediculous. how the hell are we meant to brew the polyjuice potion from scratch without directions in that much time. i bed even a proper potioneer would be able to." she said kicking a piece of rubbish on the floor.

2. Write a 150 word essay on Werewolves.
The most imortant thing to note is that werewolves are people. they could be anyone. someone's parent, friend, professor, they are normal humans for most of the time. one night a month when there is a full moon (or two if there is a blue moon) they transform into a giant wolf. traditionally in this wolf form they are unable to control themselves. while werewolves themselves are classed as both beasts and beings by the ministry of magic they are not creatures, they dont reproduce by breading, or if they do reproduce as humans do the child will not have the condition. instead, the condition is transferred via siliva the bite of a werewolf causes the victim to become a werewolf themselves. there is no known cure for lycanthropy however in the last century the wolfsbane potion was developed which enabled werewolves to keep their mind during monthly transformations.

1. Nick has to dive to the bottom of the lake to retrieve the remembrall he accidentally dropped while swimming. He knows that it's going to be a long way to the bottom, for some reason he isn't able to summon it, and he knows that he is going to have to be able to breathe underwater. What should Nick do?
~find some gillyweed? or a bubblehead charm but gillyweed will be better
12. Using the Nordic Oracle, do a reading for the following question: Is there an area of your life that you need to be focusing on more? (Pull the runes, read them and make a prediction) (10 mrks)

13. Using Thors Cross, do a reading for the following question: Is there something that you need to be careful to avoid doing in future? (Pull the runes, read them and make a prediction.) (12 mrks)

Selene entered the runes class her rune bag in hand. she took a seat and looked at the bag. she wasn't feeling it today. she had just broken up with her girlfriend. and even though she had been the one to call it off she was sad about it. sheh ad seen both of them with other people and even if it was a dream it had haunted her to the point that she had broken up with nell. she really hoped that they could still be good friends though. she got told the question that she was to ask and thought about it as she shook her bag and pulled out ehwaz. she shook her head slightly. ehwaz. "Ehwaz. the rune of progress, and trust and true friendship" she said biting her lip. "It shows that i need to focus on friendships and being a good loyal friend" she said feeling a tear roll down her face. "Sorry professor. i just broke up with my girlfriend. I didn't want to. she is my best friend." she said. this wasn't what she was meant to be talking about in her exam. but it was what the rune was telling her. she reached into her pocket to get a tissue but only found a scrap of one that had probably already been used a couple of times drying in between. "basically the rune is telling me to focus on friendship. It also is telling me to be there for Sophie. She is going through some hard times at the moment. and I feel like she needs a good friend. and i feel like i can be that for her." she said. this time resorting to using her cuff to wipe her eyes. can we move onto the next question" when she was given the next task she started to pull out runes. "In the south we have Radio travel being a general influence. then in the west, we have jera. telling me not to go against the order of things so i guess the barrier is going against the natural order. does that make my rune set homophobic?" she asked making a weak joke. even being with nell for a year she hadn't thought of herself as homosexual or bisexual. she just hadn't thought of a label. it was just her and nell they hadn't needed anything else. "In the north we have algiv bringing new influences as a favourable influence which is interesting for a negative question. so moving on to the east we have hagalaz. meaning whatever happens things will likely end in destruction. or does it mean i should avoid changing things before we get utter destruction? well, things are too late now." she said. putting her hand into the bag for the last time. "Kaunaz. endings and beginings. destruction and rebuilding, well that makes the lasrt one make more sense. but i don't like where iti s going. and the negative question makes it hard to interpret." she said another wave ot tears coming. "can we leave it there professor. she said wanting to be out of the room.
Oh boy do I have some new spicy memes for you courtesy of Flynn being himself.

9.) Asteroid literally means -.
Big Rock

10.) The sun produces Hot energy.

*The question has not been answered or even attempted. Instead, Flynn has used the space provided to doodle different space drawings, including one of Hogwarts getting crushed by a meteor*

3. List the stages of the Mandrake.
Annoying, even more annoying, annoying and can throw parties, annoying and can now kill you

9. Where did we send the Mandrakes to get chopped up?

No idea, but I hope it was painful

6. In which country is Arthur's half-sister said to have lived?
The country she lived in

10. Although it is now considered to be started on all continents, where or by whom do some say that alchemy was formed?
I don't know I wasn't paying attention
Back at it again with Aine writing obnoxious essays (in exams this time)

Astronomy is the study of space and what's in the sky. This includes planets, stars, and possibly magical phenomena, if that's a thing. Anyone can be an astronomer with enough study, as it is a type of employment in which magical and non-magical people can work together in order to learn more about space. Where muggles will adapt science and technology wizards can supplement it with magic. Maybe one day they will be able to reinforce space shuttles with magic and ordinary people can also go settle Mars aside from the super rich and famous. This is besides the point.
The stars are seen to move around us as the Earth is in fact spinning on its axis. This is why we have day and night, as the Earth rotates every 24 hours and for some of that time we face the sun and for some of that time we face away. The stars are at fixed points a great distance from us but because of the way the Earth spins it looks like they are moving across the sky. There is a type of thinking that looks at the stars as a celestial sphere in which Earth is the center and the stars are on the sphere around the earth but non-magical scientists (with the help of wizards) went to great pains to point out that the Earth is not the center of the universe and it's well documented that the stars are all at different distances rather than at a fixed covering over the Earth so this feels kinda outdated.

edit: darnit I noticed so many word errors afterwards I got so caught up in the euphoria of being a obnoxious kid
Reviving this thread, I somehow managed a couple of exams and had some fun with Aine being herself:

When asked to cast Aguamenti:
Suddenly, the goblet was indeed filled with water. It certainly looked drinkable. It could've been vinegar or vodka for all she knew, but maybe the professor drank those on the daily anyway, so perhaps he'd be okay with it.

Me calling myself out for verbosity:
3. How are movies and television shows similar?
They're both things you watch with actors performing roles on a screen. Some television shows are basically extended movies, although sometimes it's better to keep it short and simple. I haven't learned this lesson.
Back for the last time (with Aine), sorry I can't help myself I'm a little sleep deprived and making Professor Cade suffer.

3. What is the difference between a Dementor and a Lethifold?
If you're facing a Lethifold you might be having a nice tropical holiday that's being spoiled by being smothered by a black cloaked wraith. If you're facing a Dementor, you're more likely in Europe, and if that's the case you're probably miserable enough before the Dementor starts sucking away at all your positive emotions.

7. Describe how to use wandless spells, and how it is difficult.
Incredibly a wand also helps as a focus for magic so not using it does in fact make it harder. You think and say the spell (or do it nonverbally if you're really cool and powerful) without waving your wand. I don't know what else you want me to say here.

Start of the RP:
Aine thought this was all rather ridiculous, it wasn't as though they'd had any practice in any sort of scenario like this. She would have thought that maybe, just maybe, the school would have given them some kind of heads up that 'hey, you're going to have a big, stupid obstacle course for your NEWT'. But no.
Am I wrong, though? :r
Because Jonah is always so much fun, here’s half of his HoM exam. :r

2. What was the name of King Arthur's half-sister? Jenny Viv
3. When and where did the Salem Witch trials take place? Salem and before
4. What were Tituba and John Indian ordered to bake to help the girls in the Salem Witch Trials reveal the names of their tormentors? Cookies
5. Who did Betty and Abigail Williams name as witches? Betty and Abigail Williams?

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