Every time a child is born...

Valcan Drage

Dark Arts practitioner | Avid reader
OOC First Name
Olivewood 17 3/4'', core of Runespoor Fang
Apparating from New Zealand to his home was no easy feat for Valcan, especially with the extra luggage. Several stops had been necessary along the way. The Norwegian wizard neither worried nor cared if Thorine's child was in jeopardy. He certainly wouldn't have been willing to go to Azkaban for her newest pureblooded brat. Despite his outlook on the situation, he was gentle. He stood by to offer an arm, observing the woman with a patience born of security. They were well out of Ministry territory by now.

It was obvious that Valcan's predecessors had been well off. Even if the journey had not been to her liking, the woman could not say that the accommodation was completely terrible. Her son and his grandson, Christian, would have to pay a visit one day. His accented words an axe to silence, he inquired, "What are you going to need?"
Thorine was not grateful in many instances of her life but this was one where she was. Valcan Drage had stepped up to the plate, for his own benefit of course she was not stupid but he had gotten herself and her unborn child out of the alley way. The pain she was riddled with now she could just about control, it was nothing at all like with Vixen or Christian. This was too soon and too intense. The baby was not due for another month and yet the signs were there. Depositing her in his home she actually did want to thank him but she felt nothing but hatred and revulsion welling inside her, as if every facet of her babies nature was brimming to the top and expelling itself into her.
"Get me to a room, bed... I need to lie down" she really wasn't sure what she needed and as another painful contraction crippled her she lunged forward in its agony. Gripping his arm tighter as she did so and calling out one name, "Goia".

She could have called her beloved but what use would he have been in this situation, no Goia had been an absolute marvel during the last two and he would bring Nastasia with him. She had been training as her Douala since having Vixen. Sagging slightly she hated being this weak in front of any death eater but most especially in front of Tristans father. Once upon a time she would have gladly taken this man's life if she had thought it would help Tristan in any way but that was when she had convinced herself that she loved him. How foolish she had been then. A loud crack heralded the house elf, always just a call away from his mistress. He was at her side in seconds, consoling her and taking charge of the situation. Once Valcan showed them to a room, Thorine was almost certain that her son was going to pay a visit.
"As you wish." Valcan had long ago stopped expecting subtle measures of gratitude from his colleagues. Considering the woman's current condition, however, he wasn't really all that sore over the absence of a Thank you. It wasn't long before he had turned the woman into a guest room and called for Penelope. He instructed the house elf to stand by if she was needed to help. Closing the door behind him, he apparated to the library. Valcan himself did not want to be anywhere near the pregnant woman while she was giving birth. His rock-solid stomach shuddered in discomfort at the very thought. Wondering where Sarah was, he summoned one of his favorite novels and plopped into an armchair. He almost called for Persephone to bring him a drink, before remembering that she was away tending to his great-granddaughter and her irresponsible parents. Considering how content he was with his family right now, the Norwegian wizard would bury himself in his own grave before long.

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