Closed Evening In

Adelia Kolter

businesswoman • composed
OOC First Name
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Alyce) (Bi
11/2010 (53)
Dating a witch. It was a situation Adelia had never expected to find herself in - one she had sworn off immediately after the divorce with Matt. To say nothing of their personal differences - Adelia hadn't expected to find herself dating anyone who owned a leather jacket any time soon. But here she was, and she couldn't quite bring herself to mind any of those differences when Alyce was around. After a few months of dating the witch she had invited her around for dinner and a movie, a private decision having been reached in her mind. She liked Alyce a lot, and whatever there was between them, Adelia was starting to think it was worth the risk. So she had busied herself making dinner for the two of them, delicious smells of baking pasta and garlic bread filling the house as she double checked her makeup and waited for her date to arrive.
up until now whenever Alyce thought about the future it had been bars, and moving from city to city whenever the mood stuck her . but she had started laying roots in New Zealand. it started small joining a sport team. then managing the hog even though she had done that many times before. then there was the fact that she had bought a place in the muggle village just outside of bright stone and of course she had found a steady partner. something that she hadn't ever expected to find. and she had never expected it to be someone like Adelia. someone so professional and smart and classy . but they complimented each other well. and she liked her a lot.
tonight was the first time they were having a laid back date at home. or rather Adelia's home. she had taken her time to dress in something nice but comfortable. do her make up pretty. before grabbing a couple of bottles of nice wine and some chocolate before getting on her bike and riding to Amelia's address.
she pulled up outside and cut the engine. removing her helmet and looking into a dark window fixing her hair before making her way to the front door and knocked as the smell of garlic and pasta greeted her.
The sound of a knock on the door had Adelia's heart fluttering like a teenager's, unable to wipe the smile off her face as she headed to the door. "Hi, beautiful." She said warmly, greeting Alyce with a quick kiss before welcoming her inside. "I've got lasagne on, it's almost finished. Make yourself at home." She said with a smile, closing the door behind Alyce and gesturing her through to the dining room.
as the door opened alyce was greeted by the delicious smell of Garlic and tomatoes and adelia standing there she smiled as she was greeted looking around for a moment as if to see who beautiful was "Hello gorgeous" she said kissing adelia back before entering her home. she was half way through takingher shoes off when adelia said that the lasagnia was in the oven. you made lasagnia and garlic bread. that is very talented" she said. she had never been a good cook it wasn't clear if it was because she spent so many nights in bars that she justoreded off the menu or she just get food at work because she was a hopeless cook. either way a good home cooked meal was a way to win her over. especially, as she reminded herself, a home cooked meal without magic.
now shoeless she made her way into the dining room and put the bottles on the table before giving her lady a proper hug. "how has your day been? Is there anything i can do to help"[/b] she asked once they let go.
Adelia couldn't help the smile on her face as Alyce called her gorgeous. It had been so long since she had been in a relationship and she had convinced herself that work was all she needed, but this was nice, it felt... new and special, a kind of special giddiness she hadn't felt since she was young with Matt. She laughed lightly when Alyce called her talented, shaking her head. "It's nothing special, I used to make it in big batches for my daughter so I didn't have to cook for the next few days." She laughed lightly, hugging Alyce back once she had put the bottle down. "It's been good, a quiet one for once." She said with a small smile. "I could use a hand getting the tray out of the oven?" She asked in response to the offer of help.
Alice smiled as Adelia almost seem to blush under the attention. "Take it from someone who has spent most of my adult life living on pub leftovers and fast food. Anything homemade is special" she said. it wasn't that she had intended to live mostly off those foods but she was not really that interested in cooking. even when she did cook it was often something simple. nothing with as many components as a lasagnia.
as adelia took her up on he offer for help she headed towards the oven her hand making it's way towards her pocket for her wand before she remembered where she was. she no hover charm was going to save her hands ffrom the heat today. "that sounds nice. we have also been a bit quiet, i guess it isnt really tourist season she said not that the hogs head was much on the tourist feild especially as it was so close tothe broomsticks. but even so you could get a sense of the ebbs and flows of the village. she looked around for some oven mitts and proceded to use them to get the dish out of the oven and put it down on the top of the stove. feeling more pleased with herself than she had the right to for not using magic for such a simple task.
Adelia chuckled lightly at Alyce's comment, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, I'm all takeaways when it's just me." She said teasingly. "I only learned to cook because I had a kid and they need... nutrients and things." She chuckled lightly, one eyebrow raising for a moment as Alyce drew her wand, then put it away. She didn't know if the woman thought she was uncomfortable around magic or just iddn't want to use it in front of her, but the reminder of their differences was a little jarring. Still, she nodded at Alyce's comment, watching as the woman took the tray out of the oven. "That makes sense. You must get pretty busy in the holidays, then?" She chuckled softly. "Lots of Hogwarts kids coming down to get drunk for the first time?"
Alyce raised her eyebrow. "What are these New-Tree-ants that you speak of" she said jokingly. as much as Alyce spoke like she didn't care about being healthy. she did. but for her it came more in the form of exercising and she wasn't one to go crazy with snacks.
at the question about the holidays, she nodded then chuckled then shook her head at adelias comments. "we do get busier. but most of the seventeen-year-olds go to the three broomsticks or the medley. we tend to get their usual patrons who get sick of kids" she said. remembering back to when she had worked at the three broomsticks. "I don't miss the days of cleaning up the mess from kids who can't handle anything stronger than butterbeer" she said. "Talking of stronger than buttterbeeer, would you like a glass of wine" she asked getting a couple of glasses out of the cupboard, quickly looking through the draws for a corkscrew before giving up and tapping it quickly with her wand "how has your week been" she asked as she oiured them both a glass
Adelia chuckled at Alyce's comment about nutrients, getting the salad ingredients she had chopped earlier from the fridge. "I think they're some kind of potion." She teased lightly, getting the bottle of dressing and adding it to the salad. She tossed it lightly, nodding as Alyce explained the holiday business, though the names of other businesses she mentioned sounded absurd to her. "Oh, I'd love a wine." She said fondly, moving the salad into a larger bowl as Alyce poured them. "It's been stressful. One of our shipments got damaged on the way from Spain, so now we have to delay fulfillment on dozens of orders and have the product re-sent." She sighed heavily, accepting the wine once it was poured. "It's been a long one, but it's done thankfully."
Alyce chuckled at Adelia's comment. "I will have to ask at the apothecary about them next time i am in obsidian" she said somehow losing the joke having somehow come full circle and joking about asking the wizarding version of a pharmacy about vitamins which was, a very plausible thing to do.
Alyce got two wine glasses out of the cupboard and poured some wine into each glass as she listened to the story of the damaged shipments. "Oh no. would it take long to get the new items back?" she asked. Before walking over to Adelia and passing he the wine her hand lingering a little longer than strictly necessary. "I am glad you got it sorted. but next time, lt me know if i can help at all." she said. she had always been a fairly hands on practical kind of person. and if that failed there was always a couple of charmes. Not that she was meant to advertise that, but Adelia was in the know, and she as her girlfriend
Adelia smiled fondly, trying not to be alarmed by the mention of an apothecary. She knew it was just normal to Alyce, but every so often a word like that would remind her how thoroughly different Alyce's world was from her own. Adelia nodded when Alyce asked about her work shipment, sighing. "It's a large shipment, so it's being sent by cargo ship. Probably over a month." She ran a hand through her hair, trying not to think about all the emails she was going to have to write.
Alyce could see that thinking about the pile of work was already stressing Adelia out. or maybe it was something else. no work was the main thing they were talking about. it must be that. "is there anything that you need to do today?" she asked. Grabbing a slice of tomato out of the salad and eating it. "because it sounds like you have a month to sort it. Which I know is more than enough time for you. so let's not think about work and just enjoy the evening." she said smoothly, moving a little bit closer and putting a hand around her waist.

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