...Even her Mother

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Kida walked down to Brightstone, she was bored, she had been thinking about alot of things recently, her God Father, Her newly founded Grandfather, Her Half Brother, Even her mother. She coudn't get the thought out of her mind, her God Father is Dead.

Kida looked up at the sun and silently cursed it silently before moving into the shade and sitting down outside of a shop, she sorted through her bag and pulled ot a bottle of ice cold water, she uncapped it and drunk it slowly.
It was no secret that Cameron wasn't so much as fond of the Magical world. Having been a muggle like he was, most of the time they didn't know much of magic. No, when you were a Frost you got you're ear talked off from all the Witches and Wizards that you were apparently some how related too. Getting into the Wizarding world in itself was a challenge for a fellow like Cameron. He had to get people to drop him off - or so to speak. He had to get to know the people in the Frost family (and the Summer family). It was hard to do considering that when ever Cameron went to a function of sorts, the only person he felt at least slightly comfortable talking to was Aeon, Leo, and Kida. Then again talking to Aeon was a bit of a hassle, he seemed like he knew everything - seemed some what as if he had a smart mouth. After a long talk with Leo, and a link between some sort of Wizarding clan, Cameron found himself where he was right this moment; Brightstone Village.

Eyes darting around due to the uncertain environment he was in, Cameron wasn't used to such feelings. He was used to being in control, being the boss in a big city. Having been in a world like this, it was rather strange - floating things everywhere, broom flying as if it were normal and human to animal changing as if it was a day to day regular activity. Pushing his hands into his pocket, Cameron continued to walk, eventually finding himself looking at one thing that was at least a little bit familiar; his niece, Kida Frost.
Stepping forward, Cameron came a little closer before actually saying any thing to the girl he had believed was truly Kida. A little bit of nervousness in his voice, Cameron hesitated forward, "Kida. Kida Frost?" he questioned. The moment she looked toward him properly would be the moment he would recognize exactly who she was. She seemed to have eyes he wouldn't soon forget.
Kida heard someone mention her name and she glanced up she saw a man and a huge smile just widened across her face her eyes lightened up. she threw her water bottle to the ground and stood up she charged at the man and basically jumped at him, she threw her arms around the Man and hugged him tightly tightening her Grip.
Within the time span in between the moment that the girl had jumped up and almost tackled Cameron over and the moment that she had looked up, Cameron had thought he had gotten the wrong person. It was that awkward moment of silence that took place in between that set Cameron off. He was sure this person was going to look up and give him a what a weirdo look and then look back down. Luckily, this wasn't the case at all. The person was in fact Kida and she in fact was happy to see him - or so it appeared. Watching as the girl had leaped up and come running in for a hug, Cameron hugged her back. What else was he to do?

"It's good to see you Kida." he smiled as he moved her away from him, holding either of her shoulders. "You've grown." he smiled to her, and looked at the clothes that she was wearing. If this had been any time other then now, Kida's fashion would have truly been different, then again, she did go with the times. It was then that Cameron was going to lead on to issues about Remus, when he stopped himself, before opening his mouth luckily. He was truthfully going to ask how Remus was - but he didn't. He got along with Remus, that little bit better then he did the rest of the entire bloody Family of mental wizards. Scratching his scalp for a moment, Cameron's eyes couldn't help but dart around looking at the fantastic features that were around him.
"God I hate this world. I needed to come and see you though Kida, never get the chance to with all the Police work and that. Got promoted, I'm a Chief now." Leo had been telling Cameron that Kida's ambitions to become a Police Officer had become that little bit more full on. Letting her know his position was more safe and secure then before would, or atleast should be a highlight.
It was then that a swarm of kids emerged from a store, carrying giant lollipops. Cameron's eyes widened at that, it was rather interesting to see such a sight. He wasn't sure if they had got them from around here or this Obsidian Harbor place that so many people had been talking about on his walk to meet up with Kida. It seemed like the Wizards had a rather big world to wonder in - far bigger then he had remembered being told about from any family and friends. "I'm so glad I don't have any of this mojo that you all have. Magic is so complicated." Cameron smiled at Kida. He knew taking her mind off Remus wouldn't be easy, but it should work over time.​
Kida smiled "well duh i've grown silly you last saw me when i was like..." Kida stopped for a moment and put her hand down to about mid theigh "This big" she said laughing.
Kida missed her Uncle, even though he was only her Half Uncle, she still missed him.
"Chief nice" she said in approval
"Well.." she said as she pulled her wand out from her sleeve she gave it a flick and Bubbles started to form from her wand and appear making there way around her Uncle "whats so bad about this" she said
Cameron was grinning the entire time he was talking to Kida. How couldn't he, she was basically like a daughter to him. She wasn't so much as grown up in persona but physically she was going to be Cameron's height soon enough. She still had that playful attitude about her, that was clear. It wasn't by the things she did so much as by the way she talked and acted, not to mention thought. It wasn't before long that he and Kida were talking like the days that they saw one another every seconds day of the week. Leo was good like that, he liked to keep the family together and united. He wasn't the type of guy to let family affairs go under the radar.

"Yeah, You probably were about that height the last time I saw you, Kiddo." Cameron nodded in agreement, a smile still widening across his face. It was something that Cameron hadn't done in a while, smiled. His job took up most of his time hence adding to the stress he was already dealing with. Paper work was a living nightmare when it came to stupid people doing stupid things. It was interesting to see Kida's reaction to the Chief statement that Cameron had made earlier. She seemed to approve of the rank. Cameron couldn't help but take the opportunity,a grin widening even more across his face. "What? Are you Jealous or something?" he questioned, holding back a brief laugh. More and more magic surrounded their little chit chat, but the biggest stand out was when Kida pulled off a little trick.
"I'll tell you whats so bad about that." Cameron began with a confident, sarcastically interesting smile on his face. "That is so bad because, one bubbles aren't meant to come out of twigs and two, this sort of thing is mean to be imaginary." Cameron had a confident smile still on his face. He and Kida used to have muck-around debates all the time, whether it was about Sesame Street, the Wiggles or even Humfrey B-Bear. Looking at Kida, Cameron couldn't help but look a little bit amazed with the fact that she had grown up so much, not to mention perfected some of the magic spells that he had only really heard about.​
Kida laughed "Kiddo" she said to herself before she flicked her wand a tad and the bubbles changed shape into stars and then back into regular round bubbles.
"Jealous, me Never" she said "i'm just waiting till i'll be in that position" she said smiling cheekily
"Well guess what Uncle, Bubbles do come from wands, oh and i can almost turn into a wolf, so guess what, it now happens" she said happily.
Surely Kida was now going to do even more things to impress her uncle. It wasn't some thing that Kida was known for - disappointing that was. It was her response to his first statement that made him grin. Obviously Kiddo wasn't a word that she heard all that often. Who would sue a world like that in the Wizarding world any way? All that he heard people saying was Merlin! or Merlin's beard! It was rather strange actually. Hearing people talk about a mythical human as if he was real - apparently he was. The man seemed to be like a God to them. It seemed almost similar to using the Lords name in vain. Trailing off the thought, Cameron remembered that the time for thinking was when he got home. It was going to be one splendid after noon as he tried to comprehend everything that he had seen today - Especially those giant Lollipops!​

It wasn't long after Kida's first remark that a set of bubble that were going through the air changed shape and then re-gained their original shape. It was interesting to see for Cameron, it made him wonder what full grown, experienced Wizards could do. After all, most of the Frost's and the Summer's didn't use magic around the dinner table for family get together's. He knew it was against some kind of Law for the Kids to used it but as for the adults, he wasn't quite shore. Cocking an eye brow at Kida's next words, Cameron couldn't help but let out a brief cackle. "Oh no, Miss Kida Frost is never jealous." he spoke sarcastically, imitating Kida's voice. It was when his voice went back to normal that he spoke his next words, "Believe me Kida, you'll be in the position I'm in, in simply no time. Then again, why not get a Job in you're world - the Wizard world." Cameron questioned. It was far more in her area of expertise and it was exactly what she was studying in.
Looking at Kida, Cameron's eyes widened, "You guys can turn into wolves now? What the heck is going on around here." Cameron smirked. God, if only he could tell the stories he heard here to people at his work place. If only. No, if he was to say anything to them, they would do one of two things. One, would be to send him to a mental institution, and two would of course be to fire him. Then again, knowing the real world, they would do both and then throw in some kind of third option to make the scenario that much worse for him.​
Kida laughed "if you want to visit me during school your going to have to get used to the Magic" she said as she watched his eyes "that includes the Giant Lollipops" she said.
When her Uncle tried to copy her she pushed him, "Why would i get a job in this world, i'm still a muggle...." Kida stopped for a second and slapped her hands over her mouth, she used to hate saying that she was a muggle or calling things muggle things but now she is used to it like a.. well like a pure blood.
Kida laughed "I'm Sorry i mean not Born into a Magic Family" she said
When Cameron asked what was going on she smirked she grabbed his hands "Uncle I can Transfigure into a Wolf, Not everyone, i am skilled enough to be allowed to Be taught how Transfigure, and my certain Animagi is a Wolf" she said smiling.
It wasn't often that Bella would come into the Wizard world. Oh god now, She hated the creatures. If it wasn't for her Husband coming to visit that little misfit of a child Kimba or whatever he name was, Bella wouldn't have come. Walking elegantly, and perfect as she usually did, she had stopped to look at some strange device in a window whilst Cameron had continued on. It was when she looked over to see Kida grasping her husbands hands that she rushed to the rescue. Sliding to a stop, Bella played dumb, nudging Kida out of the way.
"Oh Darling there you are, I thought you had went a stray!" she spoke frantically. It was to her favor that she was a great actor. Turning to Kida, was when the real acting skill came out though - that miss perfect attitude. "Sorry Kimba." She said, sounding so true to life that it was hard to tell if she was real or not.
Looking into her Husbands eyes, Bella smiled to him. He was so perfect for her, whilst she was so perfect for him - ish... Letting loose of her husband and standing by his side so that they looked more like good pal's then a married couple, Bella grinned at Kida. "So Wonderful young lady, What is it that you have been up to since the last time we saw you?" this time, the act was slightly over done, but nothing that Cameron would pick up on. Kida of course knew her fake persona and her real persona. The two of them where neck and neck when Peace Keeper Frost wasn't around (Cameron).​
Cameron was smiling widely. He still couldn't believe that he was with Kida, his best friend. Well at least best Witch friend. She was such a looser at times, but then again, so was Cameron and he could admit it. Cameron was just about to go ahead and answer some of the things that Kida had said, but before he had the chance he was interrupted by his stunning wife, Isabella, or as she liked to be called, Bella. He had nodded along to the words she had said before the wold part after all. His wife had basically pushed Kida out of the way, but her outstanding skills to deceive one payed off, and after all that, he thought it was an accident.

The annoying part was when Isabella spoke to Kida, "Darling, It's Kida. Not Kimba." he spoke that only the two of them could hear it. The only reason Isabella had been willing to come along was so that she didn't allow the two true Frosts to get too close again. She didn't want Kida coming around to stay and all the jazz like that. Then again, Cameron was none the wiser, she had told him it was just to keep a good eye on him - and in many ways, that was the truth. Cameron was going to go on and answer the question that Isabella has asked Kida, but he went against it. The two of them deserved to catch up with one another, and Cameron thought it best to leave them alone.
"I'm going to get a drink... Uh... Do they take normal cash here, or what? Because I found what people told me where thirty Galleons lying along the side of the road and... Like... They looked cool so I decided to keep them as a little remembrance. Does any one else want one?" God, Cameron felt like a complete idiot. He really knew jack-all about the wizard world. Trailing off after the clarification of who wanted or didn't want what, Cameron entered a store to do with Cauldron's and within seconds was out and into another store. People must be thinking he was a mental case.​
Kida was having a good time when all of a Sudden Isabella came into the picture, she pushed Kida out of the way and Kida moved and glowered at her, she suddenly had a brilliant idea.
Kida and Isabella had been at eachothers throats for years and now Kida was going to turn things back on her for her little stunt.
Kida quickly stumbeled not soon After she was shoved, she had gotten the best timing, someone walked out of the shop which they had been taking shade under, and she Pretended to hit the door and fall to the ground, Kida had been knocked out several times before so she was good at coming around pretending that she had been knocked out.

Kida lay on the floor motionless waiting for Cameron to Help her, that was if Isabella didn't try to look all Hero like and save the day, but she doubted Isabella would want to touch a Witch
Cameron was Leaving! What?! Her Husband was going to go and get something for them all to drink and now she was stuck here with the little freak. Though it was when the stumble occurred that Isabella needed to take action. Cameron was so in on his mental conversation about Galleons that he had missed Kida falling and already taken off into the shops. He was too embarrassed to realize anything. Though Isabella knew that he would see from the shops soon enough that Kida had taken a little stumble. Rushing over to Kida, aside from the fact that she didn't want to lay a hand on her, Isabella touched Kida's fore head.</COLOR>
"Oh Dear! Oh, Help, Help! This Girl has been attacked by a dog! Help, Help!" called out the over dramatic, Bella. She had to make it look as if none of this was her fault. A man running over, looked from Kida to Isabella. He questioned exactly what had happened when Isabella jumped to her feet to explain - the spot light was on her.
"Oh, It was horrible! A large dog came and tackled her to the floor! She hit the door, I think she hit her head! Oh No! Please Save her!" the man was clearly clueless as to what to do, but he had obviously been to the Muggle world, watching T.V Shows. He demanded giving her CPR.​
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It was when the man said that, Isabella grinned. He was an old, dirty looking man. He's teeth had been unhealthy and were missing, and as for Kida, she was going to get a big kiss from him. Knowing that Kida was well and truly going to jump out of this state from the smell of the man, Bella grinned. She was now out side the blame zone of what had happened. Cameron was going to actually think that she had respect for this Muggle Witch thing.
Kida was surprised that Isabella touched her, when she called a man over she mentally face palmed herself.
Then she realised that the man was going to give her CPR, Oh Hell no was that going to happen.
Kida had to think quickly, her brain snapped and fangs appeared in her mouth. The Man yelped and ran off believing that she was a werewolf.

Kida made the fangs dissapear and she remained faked passed out on the ground 'Cmon Your gonna have to try better then tha' she thought to herself
Looking at the man that was about to give Kida CPR, Isabella thought herself victorious. It was then that the man up'ed and ran away. He was crying that she was some sort of Hybrid Vampire. That was when Bella, took her next opportunity. She needed this to be good, she needed a way to ensure Cameron not to go near Kida any more. They were in a Wizard world and anything was possible. Bella had been notified that there were Vampires in this world, but to say it out loud and alert her husband, this would be great.
"Ah! The man say's she is a Vampire!" Bella frantically took to the other direction and it was seen that several Witch and Wizard took to guarding their children. Looking over to the store where Cameron was, it appeared that he was more then busy trying to figure out how the Galleon system worked. She was well and truly on her way to making Kida - be the most unaccepted person in school. It wasn't that she was accusing Kida of being a vampire, it was the fact that another man had witnessed it.
"Kimba is a Vampire!" she continued to say over and over again, before correcting her self with, "I mean Kida! Kida Frost is a Vampire!" let's see you resist the temptation to get up and shut my mouth now you little wolf freak.​
Kida was so tempted to slice Isabella's face up but she had another idea.
Kida stirred letting out a small groan of pain, she grabbed Isabella's Ankle tightly "M...Mum..?" she said trying to sit herself up, still having a good grip on Isabella's Ankle. Kida made her arms shake and she gave way falling on the ground again.
Knowing Isabella would hate the fact that Kida is touching her.

The Witch's and Wizards around them just looked at Isabella one woman shook her head and another man sensed her as a muggle "Stupid Muggle Woman" he said and they walked off and moved on.

Kida silently thanked the Dark Wizards who could sill distinctly tell the difference in blood types before she stirred again tightening her grip on Isabella's Ankle.
Looking at some of the Wizard and Witch who remained to stand around, Isabella felt something on her ankle. Throwing her foot away from Kida, she used this as an advantage to her - or so she would.
If Kida was going to make physical contact with Bella, then Bella would have to take on the mental outlook instead. Looking over to the people around her, Isabella let out a cry for help once more, now with tear's streaming her face. "The Girl tried to bite me!" she called out to the Wizard's and Witches that looked on. Some of them were so convinced where as others - Dark Wizards continued off.
Looking into the store again, Isabella noted that it wouldn't be long before Cameron figured out exactly how to pay the shop-keeper. Flicking her eyes over to Kida, Bella walked into the store where Cameron was. "Kida... Kida Is a vampire or something! She is trying to bite me!" she cried at Cameron with tears building up in her eyes. When she had lead off to the store, Eyes seemed to have follow her from the Wizards and witches. Quickly, she darted her eyes back over to Kida, looking to see if she was playing dead or zombie walking around.​
Kida dropped her hand when Isabella kicked her foot away, she Ran off to Cameron for help and Kida kept her place on the ground.
A Woman moved over to Kida and picked up her head and placed it on her lap, The Woman pulled out a wand and did a check of Kida stirred again and the woman pet Her head and tried to talk to her
"Darling who are you with, are you with anyone try say something or signal" she said her voice gentle.

Kida screwed up her face and made a noise before she raised a finger very weakly and pointed in the store at a guess where Cameron and Isabella were. "F...Frost" she said weakly, still pretending.
Kida went limp again for a bit.

Isabella isn't going to be happy now.
"No you listen to me. I know what I'm talking about. This is a Galleon, that is a Drink. This Galleon pays for that drink, I don't owe you seven galleons." Cameron was arguing non-stop ever since he had gotten into the store about what a galleon was worth and why only one galleon should be the cost for what he was buying. "Now you listen here, I have limited edition Galleons, there worth more right?" he asked with a curious look on his face. The shop keeper had been glaring at him the entire time, shaking his head as if to call Cameron an idiot.
"Fine, don't expect me to help you with money when you come to the Real world." he grouched throwing the money on the bench and grabbing his strange drink. It was then that Isabella came charging into the shop.

Cameron looked at her as she shook him with her hands, and she seemed as if she was completely stressed out. "Look darling this isn't the Bold & the Beautiful. You didn't get the part when you tried out remember.?" Cameron smiled sadly in her direction, but soon enough he gained the meaning of the words that she was saying.
"Vampires - Not real. If they were real - Cant go in the sun." Cameron explained to his fake, frantic, wife. It was then that he looked outside to see Kida, half dead-ish.
"Woman! Kida is in trouble!" he growled at Isabella. She tended to stuff up a lot when Kida was around, especially when Kida was injured.
Running over to Kida, Cameron put his drink to the side and looked at the woman that was supporting her. "My wife was out here a moment ago - what happened to her?" Cameron asked in a nervous voice as he took Kida into his own arm's from the women. It seemed that this stranger had taken better care of Kida then Isabella had. Shorely Bella wouldn't be far behind now, and an explanation would be at hand. She always seemed to come to make sure nothing went wrong, but ever time she escorted Cameron - something went wrong.​
Walking in on her husband arguing with a shop-keeper - great. You could go no where with this man without picking an argument with some one. Even if Cameron didn't know the half of what he was arguing about, he would demand being the champion of the area in logical sense. Looking with an eyebrow cocked, Bella took offense to what her Husband had said 'Not the bold and the Beautiful Huh...' she growled mentally in irritation of the comment. She wasn't going to speak out about it, mainly because she needed her husband on her side from this point on, and not that nasty little Kimba.</COLOR>
Hissing at the good points that Cameron made, Bella's eyes followed him as he was alerted of the situation outside. He had called her woman, hardly acceptable in public. Darling, Isabella, Bella and Wife were the only things he could call her. That stupid bald Police Chief was starting to cross the line, and it tended to happen when they were around this Kimba Frost. Walking elegantly out of the store, Isabella gave a disgusted look to the Shop keeper. He was a feral looking man in her opinion.​
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Putting her frantic face back on, Bella rushed out her heels pitter pattering as she went - more clacking. "Oh No! Darling is she going to be alright?" questioned the falsely worried Bella. Quite honestly, if Cameron said that she was never going to wake again, she'd be happy. Rubbing her arm as if she were cold, Isabella took to a squat next to her husband, looking at Kida. Holding her rather short dress down, Bella looked around at some of the Wizard - they had shorely been convinced by her outstanding performance.
Kida stirred again, and opened her eyes
she looked at Cameron and shut her eyes again rubbing her head, she turned to isabella and her Eyes flashed to a Gold before flashing back to a Hazel so that Cameron couldn't see
Kida tried to get up.
"Uncle?" she said weakly, Isabella thought she was a good Actor but Kida was better.

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