Even A Cub Needs Sleep

Tybalt Archer

OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2" Sturdy Ivy Wand with Vampire Blood Core
9/2019 (42)
It was only two weeks back, and already the young gryffindor cub was feeling the pressure of the new term. As excitable, and unpredictable as he could be on any given day. There were some things that were pretty obvious. He got tired, and often fell asleep in not the best places. For that certain, day, or well night then morning, it had all started following the second herbology lesson. While he had thoroughly enjoy the lesson, and had plenty of amazing pictures, he had discovered that while he dealt with most ways of wizarding transport pretty well, there were just somethings that he didn't deal with well. And one of those things turned out to be portkeys. He had gotten back to the school, and had after a few moments walking to the library to do some work he had promptly lost his breakfast all over the floor of the boy's bathroom on the second floor. It hadn't been good, and it had left the young teen feeling incredibly drained. However, this didn't stop his day from continuing. He still had plenty to do. He had taken some extra pictures around the school for the yearbook, general pictures that could fill up the background. He knew he could use the same as the ones the year before, but he got the impression people liked looking for themselves in the pictures. So it did no harm to put new pictures in. It was nice. This had however lead him to being in the great hall, where the smell of freshly made food, caused yet more upset to his slightly weakened stomach. Which meant that the teen had left in a hurry. After this, as part of his usual daily, or almost every day training, he went for a run around the pitch, and then practiced his flying. Which took him up to dinner. The boy had been exhausted, and had planned to sleep until the next day but when he had gotten back to the dorm, the monochromatic teen had noticed that he had some extra homework to do that he'd forgotten about. He grabbed his belongings, all the stuff he would need to study, and do the work necessary. As well as switching the contacts for the glasses. Honestly the teen knew he could've left it to the next day. But, he had other plans for the next day. He had decided that enough was enough and he deeply desired to see B. So, he decided to try to get all of it done, so that he could owl her, and he could at long last spend some time with the girl that had missed holding the hand of. Although, his plan had been interrupted, when some poor first year girl had lost her cat, and had enlisted Tybalt to help out. Finally, at much too late a time, but still before the curfew, he made it to the student lounge. Setting himself down at the back, by the roaring fire, books, papers and everything else surrounding him. Although, the entire day, the past two weeks had taken it's toll on him. He was a light sleeper, he slept less and less. He was exhausted.

Beginning his work, the teen struggled to keep himself awake. He kept feeling his eyes close. Kept feeling his head bob as he drifted to sleep. Eventually, he just walked around the room an attempt to wake himself up. Left his things, and walked and walked. Hoping to get his energy up. This in the end didn't help. Instead the teen settled back on the sofa, more exhausted than before. Lay on his side and just watched the fire. He let the fire dance around in his vision. Tybalt had always known that this term would be hard. He knew that. He wasn't ever thinking that it would be easy. He did so much, he was on the quidditch team, which he worked endlessly hard. He still every so often had those small pangs of fear as he looked over the edge of his broom, staring down at the ground below. He was working through those. Making himself better, faster, stronger. On top of that, he had taken all but one elective, had taken part in maybe too many clubs, and the yearbook. He did all the homework, all the reading. When he was with others, he had to be the excited Ty. Young, full of life and always looking for fun. Tybalt was all those things but, sometimes he just needed a little bit of a break. A bit of time to wind down, and just relax. He had quickly discovered that he got very little of it with all the other things that he did. Everything he did he wouldn't change for the world. Not the sports, the friends, the classes, B. All of it, he would keep it the way it was. He just wished that he had his cousin, or his brother. He didn't have either, he was alone. With many friends around him, who were roughly in the same boat as him. The talk with Stefan about his eye sight, still played in his mind often enough that his own wonder about it grew. He often thought about if his brother would've wanted it. He felt it grow as he stared into the fire. What would he see, if he could truly see it. The teen rubbed his eyes tiredly. Stretching where he was lying. He settled back, somehow a part of him realised he should go back to the dorm. If he was to be caught, he'd be in a lot of trouble. It was pretty far past curfew, but the teen couldn't stop it. The minute he closed his eyes, the long day caught up with him, and he simply fell asleep. Becoming completely unaware of his surroundings. Letting the soft couch mess his hair further, letting the warmth the fire emitted wrap around him like a blanket. The glasses fell from where he had been holding them, falling to the floor, and sliding across part of the floor. Within seconds, the teen was deeply asleep. The soft sounds of his breathing as he slept meddling in to the noise of the fire.
Bituin was always the one who tired to work to her max. Her older sister being much lazier than her. She was in all the classes one could take this semester, and the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. She had joined a few clubs but not many, knowing she did not want to waste much of her time there. Most of these decisions had been made so that she could hope to avoid Josefina more. But now it also kept her from having time with Tybalt. She missed him, even though she hadn't ever spent much time with him before, she still had a longing within her to be by his side. Herbology had been interesting and she spent much of the trip with another Ravenclaw. She hadn't really seen the point of going to the festival but it was better than sitting in a class, however it had lasted longer than class usually did, which was annoying. Afterwards she had headed to the Ravenclaw dorms to change into normal clothing. Sitting on her bed she began to write notes about the gardens they visited that might be important. Afterwards she had gone to the Great Hall for lunch. It was enjoyable meal, plenty of delicious food around. She couldn't help but notice the lack of her favorite Gryffindor from his table. It saddened her, usually they would share secret smiles across the tables, not today however. Once lunch had passed she went to the Student Lounge to do some of her homework, however she gained a headache after an hour of work and went back to her dorm and took a nap. She slept right through dinner and didn't wake until an hour before curfew. Her stomach was growling and the girl headed down to the kitchens to get some food from the House Elfs that worked there. They were all pleasant enough and she even befriended a few and they taught her a few different tricks they had when cooking all the food for the castle. The clock tower sounding the time for curfew shook her from the fun times Bituin was having. The girl raced back up the stairs not wanting to get in trouble and made it back to the Ravenclaw Common Room perfectly fine. She headed back to her dorm and saw her bag with her books on the floor the contents spilling out. Of course, she hadn't finished her work. Picking up the bag the girl headed to the Common Room to complete the unfinished work from earlier in the day.

Finishing her History of Magic the girl noticed she had misplaced her Charms text. She knew better than to ask another Ravenclaw in her year for the book. Rushing to her dorm she looked all over her area, trying to be quiet as a few of her roommates were already asleep. Sighing the girl thought on it and the only possible choice was that she had left it in the Student Lounge when she had left with her headache earlier in the day. She had Charms the next day and knew she had to complete the assigned homework. She was disappointed in herself. It was almost unfair that she had done this to herself. Biting her lip the girl made the decision to leave the tower and head down and gather her book, without getting caught. Her shoes squeaked and Bituin decided to leave them in her room going down with just her socks on she was confident she'd be much quieter. Looking around the Common Room she waited till no one was paying any attention, all lost in their own work before sneaking out. The girl made her way to the stairs trying not to jump at every shadow as most of them were her own. It took awhile as the stairs still moved about in the night and she had to hide behind curtains and other things when a Professor or Prefect went by. She was sure she noticed the Blue crest on the chest of one Prefect when he went by. She finally made it to the room and she couldn't help but notice the fire was still going in the back of the room. Books were scattered near it on a table there. They weren't hers but she wondered who would carelessly leave their books out all night. She found her book where she had been sitting before and turned to leave when she heard a deep breath. Her own breathe caught in her throat as she turned towards the sound. Someone was sleeping there, Bituin was curious if not a little nervous, but still she went to see who it was. Almost stepping on a pair of glasses the girl leaned over and picked them up. They looked familiar and as she approached the sleeping person a smile came up on her face. In front of her Tybalt was asleep. Sitting on the floor in front of the boy Bituin smiled, wondering how he seemed even more beautiful to her sleeping then he had before. She knew it must be partly from the lack of seeing him recently that made him appear even better than she remembered. Reaching up she brushed the hair that fell on his face. She fingers traced down the side of his face where strong cheekbones were beginning to appear more, as well as a jawline that began to make him look older than just a boy. A sweet smile was on her face. She didn't want to wake him, but she had missed being with him. Her other hand took a hold of his hand that hung over the side of couch, it was almost like she was shaking his hand, but she did not mind. She was glad to get to hold his hand even if it was just for a few minutes. Bituin knew she had to get back to finish her work, and he needed to return to his own dorm. She didn't want to wake him but she had too. Her hand moved from his face to his shoulders. Leaning over the girl kissed Tybalt's lips before sitting back and lightly shaking his shoulder. "Tybalt. Ty, you can't sleep here. Ty, wake up," the girl whispered into his ear. Bituin couldn't help but to think how cute he was falling asleep doing his work. It had happened to her man times, but she was usually in the Common Room when it did. She figured the Ravenclaw Common Room was a good place to do work, much quieter than she figured the Gryffindor one must be.
Tybalt was not a heavy sleeper, on the rare occasions that he did sleep heavily, it was due to the fact that he was too exhausted to be able to wake up at the slightest sound or movement. It was becoming slightly annoying at school, but the teen was finding that it was getting better, that things were fine, that he was good and he was sleeping better and better. Maybe it was also becoming less and that much was clear because he now rarely woke up in the middle of the night because someone else in the dorm moved and the bed creaked. The student lounge on the other hand, unlike the dorm was silent. Just the small burning fire was the only thing that made noise but, the teen had been too tired to be able to tell much of a difference. He had been too tired to care. The fact that someone could come in the room and find him, didn't phase him. He would be annoyed if he got caught, but it would be okay, he was sure of that. He knew that no matter what he'd be alright. He could just say he fell asleep before curfew, and therefore didn't mean to break the rules. All in all, he could imagine himself getting away with something like that. Putting on the usual southern charm. Smile sweetly, and just try to get out of it. It would surely be alright, this sort of thing, must happened a lot. The room around him had began to grow slowly cold, and though he was in pretty deep sleep, he was in the first stages of waking up. Unless the room would get warm again. He snuggled into the couch further, and then a few minutes later, he felt a small pressure running down his cheek, and then another in his hand. In his still half asleep state, his mind believed it to be someone else. He would've muttered in his sleep, unaware of himself really, but the pressure in his hand, no matter how distant in his asleep mind, seemed familiar. Almost like his mind already knew who it was. By, this point, the teen could almost feel someone watching him, in his dream, he could feel someone watching him. His dream, had been an odd thing, he had turned up at his old house back in Georgia looking like he did now, and his brother had been there. Yelling and screaming at him. Telling him how unfair it was. It had been disturbing. Ty didn't often dream like that. His were pretty harmless, but every so often, he had dreams of his brother. Sometimes they stayed as dreams, and other times they drifted into something which resembled nightmares. Always ending the same way, with the lake, the boat. However, this night it wouldn't reach that point. His mind too tired to even do that, he was reluctantly waking up, but the feeling of exhaustion would be even great than it had been before he shut his eyes. Oh, it would be horrible.

There was a small pressure on his shoulder, and a small voice in his ear. This stirred the young teen, though he was slow in his waking, needing to be told several more times to wake up. Slowly the teen opened his eyes, bright blue eyes straining to see glad for the darkness in the room, but that didn't stop the small groan from escaping. He closed his eyes tightly and stretched his legs slightly. Reopening his eyes and finding the room all too dark, all too blurry. There was someone sitting directly in front of him, from what he could tell, the person was currently staring at him. His eyes were still too blurry, they weren't adjusting too quickly to the lack of light in the room. Dark circles under his eyes, and the redness of them showed how tired the teen was to whomever had awoken him. He moved to rub his eyes with his hands, but found one was currently being held by someone. Ty blinked several times, looking at the person. It was easily to see that Tybalt just wasn't able to focus on the person in front of him. It was blurry, and they appeared to blend in with the dark background, in his sight, the person was blocking out, almost completely the light of the fire. He needed his glasses. But, as he blinked several more times, and considered who it could be, it occurred to him. "B?' His voice was rough, it sounded like it had dropped a couple of octaves. He cleared his throat, and then was sure it was her. He moved her hand to his lips and kissed it lightly. He knew he should sit up, get up, gather his things and go but, he couldn't move just yet. Tiredness, and having just woken up made it difficult. Made him feel stiff, and sore. He gave her a small smile, "Hey" He said, "Listen, you wouldn't happen to have my glasses there would you? I can barely see" He asked her, his voice was quiet, softer than usual. The accent less pronounced. He was clearly a lot more calm than he was normally. This was Ty calm, tired, and less like his usual friendly, hyperactive self. Tybalt took his free hand and used it to help push himself up into a sitting position. His movements were slow, careful. He still felt a little sick from the morning. Which would hopefully go away if he slept more. He wondered if the next day he should just take a break. Relax, and just catch up on much needed rest. Although he had B, he wanted to make plans with her. Rubbing his head, the teen felt like the room was spinning. He thought that it was very possible he was coming down with something. Though he didn't think he had the time for that. He just assured himself that it was just the tiredness talking. He closed his eyes, and groaned slightly. Had he known this would be the side effects of sleeping in the student lounge he decided he'd never study their at night ever again. "I've missed you B. You look beautiful B" He said, as he reopened his eyes and looked up at her, since he was sitting, and her beside him, they were at roughly the same level.

Reaching out with his free hand, he gently ran his finger along the side of her face. Smiling at her as he did so. Even though his body, and mind screamed for more sleep, he had B in front of him. They were alone, they weren't going to be disturbed. They were able to spend time together. "I hate the fact we can't even sit together in class" He muttered, his voice still quiet, lower than normal. "Indiana's my best friend, and I care a lot about her, but, I'd rather you and I could sit together" He stopped himself. Leaning in slowly and kissing her very lightly on the lips. "Can we just sit for a while? I know it's late, and we could get caught, but you're worth the risk B" He leaned back, still smiling, "Plus, I'm so tired, I don't know if I can stand just yet. We'll just have to stay here a bit, we can catch up"
Bituin watched as Tybalt stirred when she touched his cheek. His skin was soft to the touch and Bituin wished she could stay all night with her hand there. But the last thing she wanted was to get into trouble or have Tybalt get in trouble. Detention was something she did not want to experience during her school years. She had missed being this close to Tybalt, the last time she had even gotten a kiss from him was when they had been at his cousin's house. And Christmas Day had been a long time ago. He began to stir slowly but she gave him the time he needed. He seemed to have been sleeping deeply, and she didn't mind it meant she got a few extra minutes being able to openly watch him. Once he opened his eyes she felt the hand she had been holding get pulled back but he had stopped, probably when he noticed it was being held by her. Bituin grinned as she heard his voice, much deeper than usual say the nickname only he used. She didn't have much time to respond as he began to ask for his glasses. Have them, she did. Reaching her free hand down she picked up the glasses and handed them over. She was glad she had found them on the floor, but it made her wonder how they had gotten so far from him. He must've been very tired when he had taken them off. She was glad however he hadn't fallen asleep with contacts in, that wouldn't be very fun at all she thought. The girl waited as he woke up more and got his glasses situated. The Ravenclaw couldn't help but notice how tired he did seem. Under his eyes were dark, darker than she had seen on anyone else before. It made her worried about him. She knew she could handle all the work she was doing, but he was doing much more than her. She knew he had a lot to do with being the photographer, the only one she knew off. Then he was also in a few other clubs, maybe a few too many. He was pushing himself and obviously it seemed he was forgetting school work until the last minute. He sat up on the couch he had been sleeping on and she moved to sit on the edge of the couch next to him. He wasn't looking his best as he groaned and rubbed at his head. She wondered if he had a headache, or if he was sick. She thought about taking him to the hospital wing, but then how could she explain herself being with a Gryffindor? It would make more sense if they were of the same house and she brought him from the Common Room after not finding the Head of House. From the student lounge, they'd both be in big trouble being out after curfew. She smiled as he said that he missed her, it was the same for her. However she was sure she looked less than beautiful. After having practice and taking a nap she was sure her hair was a mess. She was just glad she hadn't gotten into a habit of wearing makeup yet, that would be all over as well. Bituin could feel her cheeks turning red as Tybalt touched her face. "I missed you a lot. Every time I see you, I wish I could be with you, holding hands," the girl admitted. Despite it having been her decision to remain secret it wasn't really something she wanted. But she knew her sister would begin to be cruel to both once again if the truth came out before they were ready to take her on. The next words from Tybalt complimented her statement very well. Thinking on it she wondered if they could sit next to each other. If she could brave the back row then her sister would always be in front of them. Whenever the Slytherin turned and looked they could be friendly, just merely friends. It would be the test to see if her sister minded them appearing as friends. Indiana had already sat next to her in one class. She could always say the girl convinced her to join them in the back. But she knew Josefina wasn't fond of her having friends that she knew about. Which was why she had kept to herself so much during her first two years there.

She felt his lips on hers pulling her from her thoughts. The girl was tired, it was hard to stay concentrated on one thing for very long she found. His kiss was almost like a ploy to get her to say yes. Now he was asking her to break the rules. To stay with him there, if only for a while longer. Did she trust those patrolling not to come into the room and find them? Not really. But she had already seen one on this floor going down a floor when she first came down. The next patrol through might not be for awhile, or ever. She wasn't sure exactly how many times the Professors and Prefects had to go through the castle each night. The girl herself was very tired, hardly saying anything out loud. She was still observant however, Tybalt didn't seem to be his chipper self either. She figured it had to be the late timing getting to them both. Bituin hardly wanted to say no to Tybalt. Her heart ached at the knowledge she'd have to say good night at some point in the near future. Looking down at their locked fingers she wondered if she tried to leave if he'd even let go. He'd probably just start to kiss her the second he thought she was going to say no. She thought about her charms homework, she had to finish it before class the next day. And she wondered how much more work Tybalt had to do himself. But he wanted to spend time with her. He wanted to risk getting in trouble to be with her. They did not have to fear her sister now, not at this late hour. It was one of the few times they could be together. She didn't want to leave at all. She had to prove it to herself that she could think of others before herself. Tybalt wanted her to stay she should, for him; for them. Smiling her free hand went to the one on her cheek. He had a soft touch, like how his skin was itself. She wondered if there was anything about him that wasn't angel like. His face wasn't as close as before so this time she had to the leaning to kiss her boyfriend back. She was still on the edge of her seat and he fully rooted in his. It meant she was practically laying over him just to kiss his lips. She was sure if she wasn't tired she would've found herself to be rather funny and laughed at herself. Her hand not locked with his moved to his cheek during her kiss. Pulling back the girl smiled, "Catch up?" She questioned and playful smile on her face. "Catch up on missed kisses?" She grinned as she leaned in and kissed Tybalt once more. After which she gave up holding his hand to wrap her arms around his torso moving herself back onto the couch. She pulled her legs up as well so that her knees touch his nearest leg and her feet were on the couch pointed the other way. Her head was nearer to his chest now and she could hear his heartbeat. It sounded wonderful to her, calming in the way that slow music always tended to calm her. "Why, why were sleeping in here?" Bituin asked, curious as to why she had found him on the couch, however she had been about to ask why he looked to terrible. Though that wouldn't be the nicest thing to ask someone who had called her beautiful moments before she realized. The girl watched his face, he did look sickly in a way. She wasn't sure however it was from sleeping in a colder room on a couch. She hoped it was, she had just been kissing him, getting sick wouldn't be very fun, especially if they were both ill. The girl wished she was better at picking out signs of sickness, but she hadn't ever been very sick in her life, nor Josefina. They managed to stay very healthy, despite their poor living conditions. Bituin was worried but she tired not to show it on her face as she looked up at Tybalt waiting on his answer.
The world was out of focus until B handed Ty his glasses. Which he very gratefully slipped on. The world was still not perfect to his eyes, but at least nothing was blurry any more. He felt his eyes adjust more and more to the lack of light, aided with the glasses. They seemed to then be able to actually focus on Bituin, rather than look in her direction without really seeing anything. He was glad he had made the decision to switch from contacts to glasses. The world might've been in focus, but his eyes hurt when he did that. It was uncomfortable, and he wasn't too interested in being uncomfortable when the girl in front of him, was just the girl he had been waiting to see. Well, waiting the long game, since even this hadn't exactly been planned. A stroke of luck, in which the usual Archer luck played very little part. However, as he smiled at B, he could only think of his eyesight, of how it would be nice to not have to struggle to get his glasses, and then still not be able to properly see her. See the colour of her eyes, or the colour of her hair. Not see the real way her eyes lit up, or anything like that. He at least had some perspective, she was beautiful to him no matter what. She could have a green and blue face, and he would stil find her beautiful. She was stunning to him, and that was really all that matter. Though he couldn't help but think about how much he would want to really see her. Or how much he would really her to know that finding her eyes truly beautiful wasn't a half lie because it was often too dark. He thought about seeing if it was possible to fix his eye sight more and more. If it would be something that could be done about it. He thought about it more often than he would care to admit, he didn't bring it up, mostly because he had no intentions of getting his hopes up. It just wouldn't be possible, so he was thinking it too much. Her words, caused him to look down to their hands, he nodded along. How much he longed to be able to just join her for breakfast, or lunch. Just sit down next to her, take her hand and drag her to do something he had decided would be fun. To sit with her in class, so that he could lean over and make jokes during the lesson, kiss her on the cheek. Not caring about those around them. But, they had to be careful. Her hand fit his perfectly, he thought, but it had to stay a secret. Meeting her eyes, he smiled, a little sadly. He just wanted them to not have to worry about her sister. They couldn't. They had to think about it. Tybalt was sure if she did ever find out, he would plead with her to not harm her sister, just him. He wouldn't mind. For B, for her to be safe, Ty would go to pits of hell without a second thought.

Tybalt thought it wouldn't be too hard to get her to sit at the back of the classrooms, with him and Indiana. Sticking Indiana between them. She still didn't know that they were even friends. She knew nothing. Which he felt a little bad about, but it seemed a fail safe that no one knew about them. Not even that they were friends. Though the small smiles and waves were pretty obvious that they were being nice to one another, they didn't mean that they were friends. Which was a good thing. Since that was what they both wanted. "You should join us up the back. At least in the classes where your sister isn't there. It'll just look like friends sitting with one another." He said, his voice still quiet. Still pretty rough, he cleared his throat, which brought out a pretty chesty cough that Tybalt didn't remember having before he fell asleep. He smiled at her simply, hoping she wouldn't mind that he was sort of using the kisses to get her to stay. He thought it was a little selfish of him to do such a thing. But he would've understand had she said no. But, it was clear to him that she was making no move to leave. Tybalt wasn't bothered about being caught. It would be annoying, but it didn't matter too much. He had already amassed quite an amount of points for Gryffindor House. He did a lot around the school, hopefully that would sway things his way. He didn't know. If they heard someone coming, they could just try and hide. Though hiding his books might be harder. He leaned forward, to attempt to tidy up the books, when he began to feel dizzy again, the ache in his head grew just a little bit. So, he stopped. He hadn't been getting that much sleep to begin with. He wasn't very good at time keeping. So, that was probably mostly to blame. The teen was not very keen on going to hospital wing, he was much more of a ride out the storm kind of guy. He was just glad in that moment to be with B. She was with him. He laughed at her statement, shrugging his shoulders, "Maybe" He leaned in and kissed her once more, "I don't see you complaining about it" He gave a laugh, his voice still quiet, though less rough than before. He watched as she got herself more comfortable beside him, it looked like she was staying then. He leaned back slightly giving her more room. "I guess I've persuaded you," He muttered to her as she leaned her head against him. He leaned down and very lightly kissed her head. He was so glad to have her. In that moment he couldn't believe how lucky he was.

The Archer luck was gone, this was surely the sign. Bituin made him feel so happy with no effort. The softness of her head against him. The way he could feel her breath on his shirt. He couldn't believe how amazing she was, how perfect. He stopped at the question, trying to rack his brain as to why he was actually asleep in the student lounge and not the dorm room, or at least the common room. He looked away from her to the fire, to the books and papers in front of him. Slowly it was coming back to him. He looked back down at her and gave a smile. "I was going to take a nap after the quidditch training I did today, but then I saw that I had homework to do. I was going to Owl you in the morning to meet up, and I wanted it all done, so that we could hang out and all that. Then, i decided that I should work on it here, the first years were being noisy in the gryffindor common room, and then on my way here, I got stopped by some girl who had lost her pet, and I helped her look for it. Which was a school wide search. I found it eventually, it scratched my arm when I picked it up, but, I got it back to her, then I came here, and started working. Must've fallen asleep while studying. I don't really remember when, or why I didn't just head back to the dorm" He gave a small shrug. As if it didn't matter, since he was actually pretty happy with the decision since he was now with B. Which he wouldn't have been had he made the decision to leave. "How come you were still awake?" He asked, almost returning the question to her. He wrapped his arm around her, and held her close to him. Using the other hand to rub his eyes, as he gave a long yawn. He had been so tired. He was still tired. He wasn't sure how he could be this tired, still. Even though he had slept for a good few hours. He put his arm back around her, and smiled slightly. This term was proving more difficult than the last. He wasn't making it easy on himself either. Having a lot of things on, a lot of classes, and training hard in quidditch. He wanted to be the best and he wasn't quite that yet, in anything. So, he had no time to relax during this term, well not as much. Though all the free days he had, he had filled up with different things. Exploring the castle, racing through the grounds. Lots of fun things that were catching up to him. He leaned his head towards her slightly. "I'm so tired, B. I wish I could be more lively for you, I've no energy. But, I'm so glad to see you. It's worth it."
Bituin looked to the ground as he told her the exact thing that had been in her head a moment before. She shrugged her shoulders. She wasn't sure if she could handle the temptation of being so close, but surely no Josefina in the class meant less of a chance being spotted. Plus, she figured Tybalt was keeping their relationship completely silent from Indiana, if she was to be the medium between them. She might be able to focus in class. But she would miss the way he'd touch her shoulder in passing whenever she got to a class first. And the thought that she hadn't ever been farther back then the first two rows was unnerving for her. Could she even pay attention with so many people in front of her? Would she be able to see the board? So many questions and she was to tired to figure them all out at the moment. Bituin glanced at him as his coughed. It made her hope that it was a simple cough, meaningless. The last thing she'd want would be for him to get sick. She'd see even less of him and worry much more. Bituin knew she'd probably be found out, in at least liking the Gryffindor boy if he were to become sick. She had a way a talking to herself in the dorms sometimes when things were clouding her mind, she feared her worrying would break everything they were trying to have. She did not want to loose him. More than ever she wanted Tybalt to stay right where he was, by her side. "I can try, I'll ask Indiana how she thinks of the back, compared to the front. Hopefully she'll think the back is better and I should join her, or else I'll have to come up with a reason to sit with you two in the back." Bituin's mind, even though it was tired, was already coming up with various tactics to get herself in to the back of the classroom of the one class she didn't share with her sister. Arithmancy.

There was no way the girl could hide her happiness as Tybalt kissed her. Bituin would probably still be smiling when she made it back to her dorm if she left at that moment. She did not have the intentions to leave then however. Her grinned widened as he accused of her being pleased with what she had said before him. The girl was, she was much wider awake than he, if she wanted she was sure she could easily play the trick he had done to her in his cousin's house. Plant a kiss on his lips and leave him wanting more. But she was certain that he wasn't up to chasing her about. And she wasn't sure she'd exactly be able to run very far without running out of breathe. It always seemed harder to do things when she was tired. Which was why before matches she always made she got plenty of rest, she was the seeker after all. As he said allowed what was very true Bituin just cuddled into him more dipping her face more towards his chest. He smelled nice she noticed, like the school's soap and other of things that she couldn't place. She felt the kiss on her head and smiled into his chest. Wishing she could stay like that forever the girl listened for his answer to the question she had asked. It very much explained why he would seem so tired. She knew he hadn't seemed to look very upbeat after their prolonged class that morning in Herbology. She was pleased to hear that he had planned on owling her. She was sure they could sneak down to the kitchens one of these days for a private breakfast. She had been watching him speak as he looked out towards the fire. Admiring his natural beauty. She was lucky to have him by her side, she knew it. She realized then that his cousin's friend may have given her first gift in a tangible way, but he had really giving her her first present, himself. Neatly wrapped in a Christmas outfit. Bituin wasn't sure why she deserved him, she hadn't done anything great, except the apologizing for her sister.

With his arm around her Bituin felt completely at peace. "I left my Charms book here earlier when I had been studying. I needed it tonight, to finish my work for class tomorrow," she said suddenly remembering she had work to do for her class. But it did not seem as important as spending time with Tybalt now. She was glad she had sneaked down after curfew for her book. However now it just laid on the floor collecting dust. Glancing down at the floor she could just see a tip of her book from over the edge of the couch. Tybalt was speaking again. He was tired, she could hear it in her voice. But she was sure that she didn't mind his lack of energy. It was nice in a way to just sit with him. The girl was sure that any other time it would be impossible to get Tybalt to sit there long enough to be this comfortable. It made her wonder where he got all his energy from. She clearly could see that he got none from sleeping on the couch. Her breathe came out heavy before she replied, like a sigh with no noise. Looking up to his face that was pointed down towards hers. Bituin could see the darkness under his eyes, it was natural not for someone would should be well rested. "You need to go sleep," she murmured, knowing she did not want to admit it. Though in their close quarters no matter how small her voice might be she was talking to his ear. He had to of heard her, even if she didn't wish it. The girl felt her eyes becoming heavier and she hated sleep then. Wishing she didn't need it, she had taken a nap after all. Why must she also be tired when she had the chance to spend time with Tybalt? She moved her head up and kissed his lips once more. The young Ravenclaw knew it would be another long wait till her and Tybalt could be complete in private again and share kisses. Her hand had moved up and was placed on his shoulder. Pulling back it, she felt a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach, like she had been saying goodbye. The night was growing late and she was much too tired to carry on. She was sure she'd end of missing a step on the stairs back to the Tower and cause a ruckus and get caught. The girl fear the punishment that would follow. Her mouth only made things worse for her, as if it was trying to fix the sense of dread of leaving it decided to blurt out something she wasn't sure was even right to say at her age. "I, I think I really do love you Ty." It came out much too quickly for her to even realize what it was that she was saying. Then she had to wait in silence, fear his rejection. Not that she feared him pushing her completely away, she had to fear him saying he wasn't at the same stage, he only liked her. Or something along those lines. It would be terrible awkward for her of course, she hadn't ever said those words to a person before, let alone a boy.
The young teen had always sat in the back of the classroom. Since the first day. Ever since the seats were no longer decided by the alphabetical order of the student's last name, which had always meant that Tybalt Archer sat at the front. Where all the other students could make his life miserable in class. He hadn't wanted that to be repeated, so like anyone else would do, he had moved to where he - even with his eyesight - could see everyone. It just hadn't ever been an issue, or a second thought about it. He hadn't ever thought he'd have a secret girlfriend who enjoyed sitting up front. But, it was understandable, she was a Ravenclaw, and loved to learn. Whereas he liked to learn from a distance. He didn't want to force her to sit up at the back just because he did, that seemed unkind of him to try to force her to do such a meaningless pointless thing. Where he could just easily move to the front to sit with her. Though that might look pretty obvious to anyone who really knew Tybalt, and would note that his lack of presence at the back of the room. The only class it was even possible for them to sit together was in the Arithmancy class. Which was good for him. Though it was also the class that Indiana had decided to sit with B. Which he liked, but it left him alone at the back of the room. Well, not alone just void of friends. Which wasn't good, but he wasn't so bothered about it. It may be difficult for those who knew Ty now, but he had grown up with very, very few friends. He'd had one or two in his entire time at muggle primary school. Both of whom had left when they realised that they too would be picked on for being the freak's friend. Ty was doing a lot better at hogwarts. He was more confident, so sitting alone didn't phase him. He realised that if she couldn't figure a reason for moving to the back with him, then he had the perfect excuse for moving to the front. "If you're not convinced, then I could see about moving to the front. Pretending that I can't see from the back. The professor would have to let me, and people would believe it. I mean my eyesight is horrible," He gave her a smile, as he removed the glasses away from his face and held them out in front of them both. Showing, or almost showing her, how they were pretty thick. Demonstrating that he did in fact have really awful eye sight. Which he didn't mind. He shrugged at her, before putting the glasses back on. Covering his mouth as he coughed again, not as bad as the last time, but still coughing. "Your sister would believe that easily too" He said with a smile, despite the fact that it was what she had been mostly mocking him for. She had no idea about how truly awful his eye sight was, but she'd made fun of it. She hadn't cared.

There was a part of his mind that honestly couldn't believe that B was related to her. In any way shape or form. The two looked alike, but he could never imagine liking Josefina, in the same way that he really like B. Being with her, kissing her soft lips made him so incredibly happy. A happiness that he had not yet known. It felt good to press his lips against hers. To hold her against him, the feeling of her head on his chest. The warmth from her body that spread to his. He could barely believe that B wanted to spend time with him. While Tybalt was confident and was always claimed to be brave, but he had very little belief in himself still, he saw himself as a massive failure. Which was why he trained so intensely in Quidditch. Why he had never expected to even be on the team in the first place, never mind for two years. Why he was so happy to be on the yearbook, despite his disadvantage. He couldn't believe he was so lucky as to have her even wanting to spend any time with him. Ty was happy to have her in his arms. He was glad his day would end after spending time with her. Kissing her on the lips, holding her in his arms. The day would end on a positive note, and he was happy about that. She made his day so easily. Every time he saw her, increasingly he had just desired to be with her. He hadn't spent alone time with her in so long that he was just glad she was there with him now. He didn't think that any other person would matter to him as much as she currently did. It had only been a matter of time before he'd cracked and demanded to see her. Ignoring his mind telling him that, that action would lead to their discovery. Instead, Ty just looked at her, his eyes staying on hers, as he smiled at her. This was a much calmer Ty smile, not the excitable one he usually gave, just a calm, smile that just showed how much he cared. The kind of smile reserved for that special someone. As she spoke he nodded along. Briefly looking away so he could cough once more. Before looking at to her. It made him glance round his shoulder to the door behind him, generally such a thing would wake him. He was a light sleeper, he knew that. "You must be very quiet, I sleep pretty lightly most of the time" Tybalt did realise that it was probably more that on this occasion he hadn't been sleeping lightly, rather than the fact that she had been quiet. But, he looked back at her and grinned. Leaning in and lightly kissing her again. He just loved being with her. Spending time with her. "I'm glad that you left your book in here" He gave a small laugh, knowing that it was impossible that she had done it on purpose, but it was funny to him. How it would just be on this night, that by accident the two had run into one another.

The laugh, caused Ty to cough once more. He covered his mouth as he coughed. It seemed to be getting worse. Even in those few minutes, though it seemed to be less chesty than the first. He let the silence wash over them. Hoping that his coughing wouldn't draw attention to the room. He knew he was probably keeping B from her studies, but he was glad she wanted to stay. It was a good feeling. She told him he needed to go to sleep. He shrugged, he knew as much. He had just said had no energy. He nodded, "I know, B." He muttered quietly. Not one hint of his accent. The tiredness in his voice, the roughness still clear. "But, I'd rather be here, with you" He smiled at her. Meaning what he said. They hardly got to spend together, just them. Which wasn't what he wanted, but if that was what it took, he would. She looked up at him, and then leaned in and kissed him. He returned the kiss, keeping her close to him. Letting her control it. Pulling away when she did. Where after a brief silence she spoke. The words rung in his head. He couldn't really believe it. He had really no way of describing how he felt about her. He really liked her, like really really liked her. But, did he love her? Ty knew love, well he thought he did. He knew his mama loved his da, he knew that he loved his sister, that she loved him. That he loved his cousin, and he was sure his cousin loved him. He knew what it felt like to love something and lose it. The abscess it left in his heart. He knew what it was like to love someone who then didn't love him back. He let his eyes stay on hers, he loved every moment he spent with her. The way she smiled, the way she was ten times smarter than him. The way she was a better flyer than him. The way her smiles would brighten his day. Everything. "B" He whispered quietly, pausing, could he say it? They were young, surely it was too soon. But, really when Tybalt thought about it, really looked in her eyes, he knew the answer. "I think, I might just love you too," He stopped. Letting his eyes look down, glancing at her lips before then looking down at his legs. "to think, you were worried about not knowing much about me, now look at us?" he gave a small quiet laugh. "What are we going to do? What have we gotten ourselves into?" He smiled at her, meeting her eyes once more. This would become trickier and trickier. Harder and harder to hide. Ty could only see the now. He was sure that everything would work out, as long as they worked at it, and never gave up.
Bituin looked at Tybalt as he suggested his moving to front, she realized of course Indiana had already sat with her there, his reasoning made since. He could only want to be with Indiana, Bituin on the other side. It would be more of a risk there, where everyone could see them. She was sure to slip up and give him a secret smile when Indiana wasn't paying attention. But who's to say that someone behind them wouldn't be. Then word could get around, gossip seemed to spread like wild fire at the school. Bituin wasn't sure if she could handle the tormenting from her sister, but she did very much want to be with Tybalt. He was risking the unwanted attention of Josefina as well. And he seemed to actually want to be with her, more than she felt like she showed. She knew he would have reason to doubt how much she cared about him, she was the one who asked him to keep quiet even from his best friend. But she knew that she did care about him, more than anything else. That was why she feared her sister, the older girl would hurt Tybalt if she knew about them, if she ever found out. Bituin wasn't sure what she'd do if Josefina ever hurt Tybalt again. She feared more her sister driving a wedge between the two, making Tybalt not want to be around her any longer. She also knew her sister, the girl wasn't easily fooled by anything. She was sure that she had some of the younger students working for her as well. The ones she found suitable that is, others weren't so lucky.

Bituin smiled as he said she must've been quiet not to wake him. She knew she had been trying to be but she also knew from trying to wake him that he had been sleeping very deeply. Her smile grew more as Tybalt kissed her once more. She was still lost in the moment of the kiss when he was telling her his opinion on her forgetting her book in the room. She had been about to tell him he had been very much asleep more than he thought so when he began to cough. Instead she had mumbled about him sleeping. He really did need too it was evident that it wasn't just a passing cough from waking up. She feared he was getting sick and the lack of sleep of him staying up with her would only make him more vulnerable. She wished she hadn't found him then, he needed his sleep and she was sorry to have woken him. But she was also happy beyond belief to have some time with him. Comfortably attached to his side like she fit there perfectly. It was easy while she waited his reply to to not look at him. Her head on his chest having looked away, nervous at what her mouth had let out from her head and heart. She wasn't sure if she was really breathing staying so still. She closed her eyes at hearing her nickname. Just for a moment. Then she looked up to his face for his words. Surely something had to follow. She sucked in a breath a smile on her face now. He returned her possible, maybe love. She wanted to never let go of him now, no fear of whoever they would have to face. She hated being in a different house from him. She wasn't even sure if she really was a Ravenclaw, she just tried her hardest to fit in. There was no way she wanted to stand out in the house, full of judgmental eyes for those who did not do well.

A small laugh escape her as he talked. She was beyond happy in the moment with him. She knew she was young it was crazy to think that she could even feel that way. But she knew Juliet had been right around the same age when she found her Romeo. Why could Bituin not be the one for Tybalt then? Of course, Bituin had no plans on killing herself or putting him in a position to do the same over her. "I don't know, I really don't," she said as she glance down at their bodies and the couch beneath them. When had she turned into the type of girl that needed to sneak around to have happiness and hide that happiness away from the world. She had changed by a landslide since the Yule Ball. Yet she had to pretend she was the same, ever logical Ravenclaw she had been since first year. But, Tybalt. He made her loose all sense of direction, sent her spinning. Looking back to his face with his ever beautiful smile Bituin placed her hand on his cheek once again. Leaving a small kiss on the other. "But I like where we are," she said before putting her head back on his chest her eyes watching the fire. But she only felt the warmth that Tybalt gave off. And the girl was tired, Tybalt's heart and breathing were relaxing her and she felt like she was falling asleep. She knew in the back of her mind somewhere that it was wrong. She should be leaving, going back to her dorm. But she knew she'd be caught if she left now, when tired she would a klutz. Probably end up knocking over one the metal knights that seemed to be everywhere.
Tybalt Archer had been bullied a lot during his life. People who were an awful like B's sister. So, he was in part used to it. He preferred when it wasn't happening, but there was little he could do about it if it did. He had wished that at least they would be careful enough to not get caught out, until they were certain of one another. And of their relationship to be out in the open about it. Mostly the teen sort of figured that eventually they would have to face the music. That they would have to eventually tell people, because things never really stay hidden. Though, this made him think of his cousin, the lies his granda had spread. That was enough to think that even the darkest of things didn't stay secret. He wanted to sit with her so bad during class. Be able to hold her hand, and tell her the different plans he had for each day. Bring her flowers and buy her various things, but he couldn't. It took only one person to find out and tell everyone and they wouldn't be ready. He wasn't sure what would happen, he was sure that Josefina would come after him, and while he hoped it would be him rather than her he wasn't exactly interested in that being something that was about to happen soon. Rather he liked the idea that it was pretty far away. That it was a while away, that he had plenty of time, to just enjoy her. Not have anyone know. No one to judge that they were young and in a relationship. No one to have a go at him because he was with a girl, which was something still not often talked about in the dorm room. He looked down at B, who was still leaning against his chest. He could see her chest rise and fall, her arms, that were on him. He was so glad that she had awoken him. Of all the people who might've, he was glad that it was her. He felt awful in that moment. His brown hair stood out at all ends, the darkness of tiredness around his eyes, but despite it all, he was happy that she had woken him and not just left him there. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. Feeling like he could climb montains. Conquer all his fears, with her by his side. But, this was just when they were alone. He couldn't at this point imagine how he could've gone much longer without at least holding her hand. He missed her. Being so close, but unable. He noticed that she had looked away from him, as he had thought about what to say to her. He felt a little bad, but it made sense to just be somewhat silent for a little bit. To decide how best to describe how she made him feel. Though most of him didn't believe her feelings could be true. How could someone so amazing, be falling for a guy like him.

At his words, she laughed, and it made him laugh. A small laugh. It was such an incredible sound. He loved hearing her laugh. He liked making people laugh, there was nothing better to him, than just making people laugh. Than telling a joke, or doing something, and watching the faces of the people light up. The same way that hers did. He nodded with her. The smile staying on his lips. Never leaving it. He couldn't imagine not smiling when looking at her. She placed a hand on his cheek. Ty leaned into it. Letting her kiss his cheek, while he leaned into her slightly. Giving a small brief cough, he turned away from her, and took a few deeper breaths to compose himself before looking back at her. Kissing her on the top of the head, and smiling down at her. She seemed to be getting more and more comfortable in his arms. Tybalt couldn't imagine how cold his side would be without her. How It would be annoying to see her the next day, and just not be able, to wrap his arms around her, and hold her close. He was barely listening to her words, though agree, "I like where we are too. We just got to be careful B" He said, looking ahead of them, into the deeps of the bright fire. He looked back at her, and noticed that she seemed to be drifting off to sleep. He shook his head. He wanted to stay there with her, sleep with her by his side, but they couldn't. It wasn't safe, if they got caught. That wouldn't be good. It could at least be kept secret, but he didn't want to run the risk, and he was sure she didn't want to either. "B" He started, "We can't sleep here, you can't sleep here" He leaned in to her, speaking softly as he did so. Smiling slightly. "We don't have to move just yet, but, we should still go soon" He finished, looking away from her and to the stuff he had spread over the table in front of him. He knew that they shouldn't stay. Ty was sure that while it wasn't going to be too serious if they got into trouble, but he didn't want that. Knowing the Archer luck it would be horrible what would happen. Someone would catch them, and they'd be doomed. For her though, it seemed worth it. Tybalt had missed her so much, and this had just reminded him of that. "You know, when I first realised that I wasn't like the other kids, not because of the magic but because of the eyesight it was the first day of nursery" Ty wasn't sure why he was telling her this, but it seemed like something to bring up, they had said they needed to get to know one another, and there was probably no other time that Ty would ever find the courage to tell her this.

"For my family it was never a big deal, just something that was. My da has it, my brother had it, and I got to the elementary the first thing we did was colour in. Simple? But, then I noticed all the other kids had no problem picking the colours they wanted, you know they picked them almost without looking." He paused, looking away from her, almost smiling at the memory, "I had to pick up the colours, and look at what was written to be sure I had the right one. That was when it occurred to me, what I had. That I would never understand why people always said I had beautiful eyes, but to me they looked the same as everyone else's. Things made sense. But, I was annoyed, why me? Why my family?" He stopped again. Meeting her eyes, "My brother, he came to get me, to take me home once the day was over, I told him, Mason, how come we're different? Why'd it need to be us?" Ty smiled at the memory, he missed his brother. He had put on a sort of voice for his younger self, pushing the accent and raising it a few pitches. "He told me, after getting down to my level that it was good that it was us. Nothing would ever appear ugly to us. Then he told me that if ever people gave me grief that he'd beat the sh!t out of them." Tybalt laughed lightly, looking down at B and smiling. "When my brother died, I lost sight of that. It's been a struggle to get it back ever since. Meeting you, being with you, you've reminded me of how incredibly beautiful this world is." Tybalt was an honest guy, he rarely saw the point of just keeping things to himself. He wanted to let her know how she made him feel. Which he hoped explained why he liked having her in his arms, how much he loved kissing her, and why despite the fear that they would get caught he didn't want to move. He just wanted to stay in that moment for a little while longer.

So, this is a little all over the place. Sorry!

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