
Alex laughed and put a finger underneath her chin lifting it up. 'Now why would you be embarassed?'he asked smiling and looking at her.
Nina blushed as Alex touched her and said, "Ermm because I got mad at some girl for probably no reason and now you know about it." Nina said 'you' with the upmost care and concern she didn't want Alex to think she was a bad person or anything but she had a small temper problem with people with that kind of ignorance.
Alex laughed and realeased her. ' I must say, it seems like you've been loosing your brain these last few weeks. Obviously everyone has there moments Nina. Nothing to be embarassed about silly,'Alex said smiling.
"Have I? Haven't noticed." Nina said with a small smile.
'Yeah, you have,'Alex answered sarcastically smiling. 'Yeah, fancy a walk to Astronomy?'he asked.
Nina nodded and said, "Sounds great." Nina beamed at Alex and walked with him.
'So you done this homework, I'm guessing'Alex guessed smiling. She ussually did her homework early unlike the last minute rush Alex always had.
Nina nodded and said, "Yeah but I haven't handed it in yet so..." Nina trailed off and whipped out her wand and said, "Accio Astronomy Homework," a second or two Nina's homeowrk was in her hand.
Alex looked surprised. 'Since when does nina not hand her homework in early?'he joked smiling.
"Only when its Astronomy," Nina joked around then gave him a small smile.
'Sue, sure,'Alex smilied back, before leaping onto the stairs that were moving and walking up them. He liked it when they moved.
Nina followed Alex to Astonomy and said, "Have you been studying for exams?"
'Some of them, yeah, but well, maybe not up to the min standars. I don't much care for them to be honest. I'm never gonna be that good at them in the first place. You been studying?'he asked ebfore noticing who he was asking. 'No forgot, stupid question.'
Nina was about to answer his question when he took back his question and she playfully hit his chest and said, "Hey, I am not that nerdy...I have only been studying for the hard classes..."
Alex laughed. 'Never said you were of forever wise one,'Alex said joking at the end and playfully messing up her hair.
Nina giggled then messed Alex's hair back up playfully then said, "Two can play at that game.." Nina smiled sweetly at Alex then noticed they were by the stairs and Nina smiled then stepped on to them sort of hoping they would move, she had never been on the stair case when they did.
Alex smiled and tried smoothing his hair back down but no luck. He started walking up before they moved and not in the direction he was wanting. 'Why is it everytime I get on some stairs and they are pointing in the direction I need, they move?'he wondered aloud and started drumming his fingers against his trackies.
"They never move for I guess we will just have to wander around until we find a decent set of stairs.." Nina said with a playful smile then walked up to the fifth floor corridor with Alex.
'Really?'Alex asked surprised. 'They always move for me. Ow well,'Alex said smiling. 'Wandering it is,'
[Should we just continue in this thread or start a new one?]

Nina smiled brightly and said, "You sounded surprised by that...mind me asking why?" Nina really couldn't think of anything else to say.
(whatever ^_^ )

Alex laughed. 'Nope.'he answered. 'But yeah, coz well, i dunno, i haven't really been on those stairs without them moving half the time so I just thought they didn't like newcomers if there is such a thing but aw well, all those hours of thinking have gone down the drain,'Alex said joking at the end.
Nina chuckled lightly then she took out her wand as she noticed that the corridor was rather dark and she said with a happy smile, "Lumos."

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