Epic fail moments

Jake Simpson

Well-Known Member
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
So, yeah. Everybody can post their epic fail moments. It can be lot if different stuff, Like...
[li]An embarassing moment of yours</LI>
[li]An embarassing moment of a friend of yours
<LI>[li]Or just something funny you would like to share
[/li][/ul]If you're posting an embarassing moment of somebody else, don't use names. Keep it anonymous. They might not want you to share it. :)

Okay, i was in a bus one time and my friends next to me thre up on my lap. Epic fail :doh:
Oh yuck haha!

About 5 years ago now, I was in science class. My friends had finished what they were doing and moved on to something else. When I asked what, they told me they were turning Sprite into Coke. I believed them the whole lesson, everyone else knew what they were really doing too.
At the end of the lesson, they told the whole class that not only did I believe that they could turn sprite into coke, but that earlier that morning, when my friend jokingly said I had issues, I looked down at my shoes and asked what "Iz shoes" are. :tut: Not a good day for me :p
Bella White said:
At the end of the lesson, they told the whole class that not only did I believe that they could turn sprite into coke, but that earlier that morning, when my friend jokingly said I had issues, I looked down at my shoes and asked what "Iz shoes" are
:tut: Not a good day for me :p

That sounds like something i would do! :lol:

One time i had a friend over and when i woke up i had stuff drawn on my face in magc marker. Its a classic prank and i knew i should'nt have fallen asleep first. I should've expected it to happen :doh:
My mom's dancing around the living room singing to the top of her lungs, "Baby, baby, baby ooooooh!" Yeah...I'm going to call this an epic fail moment. I'm officially embarrassed xD
Whenever my Favourite band is playing, mum dances around. She does the old school moves, like the sprinkler. Its so embarassing. She even does it in public places... Like the mall. Oh god that was embarassing :shy:
Katalina Vanderhol said:
My mom's dancing around the living room singing to the top of her lungs, "Baby, baby, baby ooooooh!" Yeah...I'm going to call this an epic fail moment. I'm officially embarrassed xD
My dad does that with britney spears. In the car. He plays her CDs so loud. :doh:
Arielle Lemaire said:
Whenever my Favourite band is playing, mum dances around. She does the old school moves, like the sprinkler. Its so embarassing. She even does it in public places... Like the mall. Oh god that was embarassing :shy:
Yeah, my mum doesn't do that.She only dances to bands she likes. :r
On Christmas day, my family and I went to a family friend's house for Christmas lunch. They put so much effort into it, and it was so beautifully decorated.
Only problem was the tree was behind a seat that you had to squeeze to get through. So dad was trying to go through, and knocked the tree and all the decorations down. I quickly got up to help him decorate it all again and everyone was just like, "Oh thats okay haha, these things happen sometimes."
Of course I had to come along half an hour later and knock it down as well. "Like father like daughter." :tut:
Riley Sparkles said:
On Christmas day, my family and I went to a family friend's house for Christmas lunch. They put so much effort into it, and it was so beautifully decorated.
Only problem was the tree was behind a seat that you had to squeeze to get through. So dad was trying to go through, and knocked the tree and all the decorations down. I quickly got up to help him decorate it all again and everyone was just like, "Oh thats okay haha, these things happen sometimes."
Of course I had to come along half an hour later and knock it down as well. "Like father like daughter." :tut:
I hope you didn't break anything! :o
My dad's bad accent and his use of words. I thought I was bad at grammar, he takes the cake!

For beach= its the B word in English xD you know the naughty one
A knot=is a knottle
My daughter= me doughter >_<

There's a lot more, but man after how many years in America you thought he would improve a little more :wub: =))
Luis Alvarez said:
My dad's bad accent and his use of words. I thought I was bad at grammar, he takes the cake!

For beach= its the B word in English xD you know the naughty one
A knot=is a knottle
My daughter= me doughter >_<

There's a lot more, but man after how many years in America you thought he would improve a little more :wub: =))

That's a classic fail. :doh:
I haz permission to use Acia and Jasper's name in this, which was actually taken from Acia's facebook that post that I was tagged in. I have a lot of fail moments so this may not surprise many of you at all. xD

‎Jasper Sullivan: *after watching Jessye open five boxes of poptarts and not eating any* " What are you doing?"
Acia: "You do know that they have pictures of the flavor on the front of the box right?"
Jessye; "Oh sh!t really?" *looks at box and sighs* ".....anyone want a poptart?"
After I kissed my boyfriend for the first time I was trying to say something smooth instead I busted out with "Acorns and Fritos." Since that day I have also said such one liners as, "Don't rub salt into windows." and, "I know which shoe goes into which foot." Knowing me there will be other epic fail moments in my life.
Alyssa Chevalier said:
I haz permission to use Acia and Jasper's name in this, which was actually taken from Acia's facebook that post that I was tagged in. I have a lot of fail moments so this may not surprise many of you at all. xD

Jasper Sullivan: *after watching Jessye open five boxes of poptarts and not eating any* " What are you doing?"
Acia: "You do know that they have pictures of the flavor on the front of the box right?"
Jessye: "Oh sh!t really?" *looks at box and sighs* ".....anyone want a poptart?"

o_O That is all.
Eden Koshiba said:
After I kissed my boyfriend for the first time I was trying to say something smooth instead I busted out with "Acorns and Fritos." Since that day I have also said such one liners as, "Don't rub salt into windows." and, "I know which shoe goes into which foot." Knowing me there will be other epic fail

Smooth :lol:
Oh dear...here goes:

At the beginning of last year, I asked my father to drop me off at the library because I had to return some books. He drove me and then waited in his SUV because I was only going to drop the books off and then leave quickly. I ran in and out of the library quickly. As I crossed the street, I looked around for his blue SUV and saw that he had moved it to a spot in front of a hydrant. I went to the passenger side and pulled on the handle and was surprised when the door didn't open. When I looked up, there was no one in the car! I quickly looked around, shocked, only to see my dad's nearly identical SUV two spots back and him laughing hysterically at me. *facepalm* :shy:

Thankfully, no one was in that other SUV, but I still haven't lived that one down xD
Professor Cyndi Weasley said:
At the beginning of last year, I asked my father to drop me off at the library because I had to return some books. He drove me and then waited in his SUV because I was only going to drop the books off and then leave quickly. I ran in and out of the library quickly. As I crossed the street, I looked around for his blue SUV and saw that he had moved it to a spot in front of a hydrant. I went to the passenger side and pulled on the handle and was surprised when the door didn't open. When I looked up, there was no one in the car! I quickly looked around, shocked, only to see my dad's nearly identical SUV two spots back and him laughing hysterically at me. *facepalm* :shy:

Poor thing... :p
This might be cruel but its embarrassing for me ...

On my Sophomore year I don't know what gotten on my advisory teacher and got mad at us all, it was after flag ceremony and its English class. She was saying about trash under our seats and whose the dirties row chairs, I thought it was only a simple punishment for us but shocked because we have to eat dirty papers for about 30 min. Some of my classmates who did not get the punishment were laughing <_<
Saffron Crewe said:
On my Sophomore year I don't know what gotten on my advisory teacher and got mad at us all, it was after flag ceremony and its English class. She was saying about trash under our seats and whose the dirties row chairs, I thought it was only a simple punishment for us but shocked because we have to eat dirty papers for about 30 min. Some of my classmates who did not get the punishment were laughing <_<
That sounds so mean :erm:
I have another one. I'm one of the leader of our high school ROTC, one time when we have this early morning meeting(I mean as early as 4 o'clock) with the upcoming leaders for next year. I should be the one training the others but the S2(the one who is the second to the first in command, I'm third in command) insists to handle them, so, I was goofing around with my ipod on and I started singing. It was still dark and I wasn't embarrass to sing cause if they laugh or smile I can give them their worst nightmare punishment and so, I continue to sing when I started to gag. Not because of choking on my own saliva its because a mosquito went inside of my mouth and I accidentally swallow it, I keep coughing until I decided to drink water from the tap just outside the Home Economics room. Dang, it was an epic fail, I heard my own batchmates laughing at me, ever since then I don't sing in the dark especially outside.
This one makes me cringe all the time I think about it xD

When I was 11/12 the school I go to puts on a massive audition-only production (as we don't do whole school productions). So during one lunchtime, I decided to go in and audition for the main female role. I didn't get the part but I got a part to be in a group of eight other females to play black cats (which is odd because the production is based in a jungle.)
Our Costumes were a black top, black tights and this really short black skirt (I hated wearing) and this stupidly insane long tail. Anyway, in one of the scenes we were supposed to follow the 'jungle queen' out of stage by going down the stairs in front of the stage and walking through the audience - in the rehearsals and the first show night everything went well. On the second night (the night that they decided to record it for a DVD) this scene didn't go well. I stood on my own tail, fell face forward, rolled down the stairs and uh got back up and followed the rest of the cats offstage.

Needless to say, my stage make up was ruined when I got backstage. Needed an icepack before the next scene XP
This is not a tattoo on my body. But it is a fail

A conversation two of my friends had:

"Wow, he's hot!! Does he have a brother?"
"Yeah." Pause. "He's two."

My most recent "epic fail" of my own though was when I got baptised a couple of months ago. I was fine, up until one of my priests came up to me just before we proceeded in and asked me if I was nervous. It hadn't occurred to me that I could screw up getting baptised until then, and all the blood just left my face. It wasn't so bad though, up until the end of the service when we had to proceed out, which I hadn't expected. I had to scramble to catch up with the procession, realised I forgot my purse, ran back, grabbed, it, hurried back to catch up again, and then my phone fell out of my purse. So then in the process of trying to grab my phone, I lost my shoe, tripped down the aisle, and had to pretty much sprint to catch up to the procession. Of course, this all happened RIGHT as I passed the pew my family was sitting in, so they were all cracking up in the middle of church. I was so embarrassed. It's fun to laugh about now though.
Epic fails are... Fail. I have several, but here's one that everyone in my family seem to find hilarious:

A few years ago my aunt told me that I was adopted, and that my parents weren't my parents, and my sister was not actually my sister. Although slightly upset, I accepted this without question.
My sister and I are identical twins... Yeah, she's the smart one xD
Wow, that must have been a shock to you. I couldn't imagine that happening to me.

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