Enter the horrer

Sunako Koshiba

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut 10 1/2" Sakura core
Sunako was alone in the common room like she liked to be. There was nothing about interacting with people that appealed to the creepy girl even less when it was people like Veronica who where social butterflies. She reminded Sunako of the girl she used to be. Before the voices started and pain in her head. Before the darkness took over her soul and all she could see was the world between the strands of hair that covered her face. Sunako flipped the page to the curse book that she had on her lap and sighed. There was nothing more pleasing to her than a good curse.

Sunako had her hood up so the fact that she had her hair over her face made the illusion of a Dementor all the more potent. She wouldn't have been surprised if she remained alone in the common room for the rest of the day because people didn't want to be next to the 'Ghost' of the girl's dorms. It made Sunako think about giggling when she heard that name for herself. They had no idea what she was capable of if a name like that actually offended her.
Arial was down to the kitchens stuffing her face with anything she could lay her hands on. It had been days since she had eaten she could no longer deny her needs. Once she felt like she was going to explode from being so full she walked over to the sink and threw it all back up. So disgusting. Arial washed out the sink a few times before rinsing her mouth out. She felt disgusted with herself. A fat pig like her didn't deserve to eat let alone as much as she had. Arial hugged her sweater closer to her to keep from the cold, she was always cold these days. The hallways were abandoned because she had snuck out after hours to keep someone from seeing her stuff herself. A few times she was sure she had seen a shadow following her, she wouldn't be surprised knowing the haunting things that happened in this school.

Arial entered the common room and looked around just to make sure. No one would be up at this time would they? At first she saw nothing but then Arial did a back track and there was a black cloaked figure. Oh please no. Arial begged at the sight of Sunako Watanuki. AKA Her most feared bully, along with her brothers of course. Arial froze hoping that if she didn't move she would somehow blend into the furniture and Sunako wouldn't recognize her. Arial squeezed her eyes shut to try and fend off the tears that threatened to appear in her eyes. Thank-fully her bandaged wrists were hidden under her hoodie so Sunako couldn't make fun of her for failing once again.
Sunako, if anything, knew how to aim for the soft spot. She was not a bully per-say but there was nothing stopping here from hitting where it hurt. "Did the poor whale girl let out some water just now?" She asked her voice a sneer from behind her book. Arial was the most pathetic piece of work she had ever set her eyes on. Sunako hated people like her even though that Sunako thought that she was the ugliest creature on the planet. Still Sunako was a creature of darkness, she rejoiced in it. Her part of the room a shrine to muggle horror villeins and other things that made Sunako smile.

Yes Sunako thought herself ugly but she had grown used to her ugliness and did nothing to fix it because in her mind there was no use in doing so. Unlike this girl that was trying to turn herself into nothingness just because someone had called her fat. Sunako would have done a one eighty the other way. If people had thought she was fat she would have shown them fat. "Nothing you do is going to change the fact that your a bottomless pit. Your so disgusting I don't know why you even bother." She continued in the same soft cool voice. She didn't even do Arial the honer of looking up from her book.
Kyouhei had been wasting his time making a plan on how to torture someone else. He was the violent one in the family, he was worse than his sister and of course the eldest quintuplet, Ranmaru. Kyouhei was the only one in the family who could master all the Japanese martial art, his father had been beating him since he was little and perhaps that was why he did the same thing to other people. He knew what he was doing wasn't right but he enjoyed that. He even cast a spell on his own siblings but he did worse with people that were not his family.

The corridors were empty and it was dark, Kyouhei could hear the sound of wolves that live in the forest. He walk around the corridor and enter the common room. Kyouhei prefer being alone in the dark corridors rather than the common room. He found a sister of his sitting and reading a book but he didn't care about her. What he wanted was to meet Ranmaru and start making a plan on torturing the girls that he met earlier. He walk toward the couch and sat on it and glared at Sunako. "Wasting your time, Sunako chan?" He knew she wasn't wasting her time but he wanted to annoy her and when she was annoyed, he would probably slam her to he wall or perhaps a simple spell would hit if his mood was good.

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