Enjoying the Freedom

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Clyde Sumiragi

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
Clyde walked inside the great hall and felt a bit flabbergasted when he realized how grand the occasion was. He wondered if the Dark Elites would somehow find their way here again, tearing through the crowd as though they were the stars of the night. Just like how they did it last time. Clyde was glad, of course, because he wouldn't destroy this night. "It would be such a waste." he mumbled quietly.

He looked around, trying to find the girl who invited her in this dance. And then he saw her. She was just a few feet away. Clyde walked towards Snow Blaze. "Am I late or something?" he asked although Snow hadn't noticed him yet.
Snow looked behind her and saw Clyde. She felt flustered by the thought that she was going to dance with him. It would enrage Eliza, Snow was sure. Well, she didn't really expect that Clyde would actually agree to be her date in this dance. And Snow secretly meant it, she was happy that Clyde came with her. "Not really. I don't think you're late. So..." Snow looked down on the ground, thinking of anything that she could say to start a converstaion. "Where are your Slytherin buddies?" It came unexpectedly, the question. Last time they saw each other, Clyde fought against her, it made Snow so mad.
Snow's question was a bit surprising. Clyde could only look at her before he mustered the guts to answer her question. It was about the Dark Elites, of course. Snow had never met any 'Slytherin friends' of Clyde, except for Eliza, though Clyde didn't think she was counted as one of those 'friends'. He tried to think if it was wise to tell her that he'd actually quit the group. Though Snow didn't seem like the type who will look for revenge, it seemed a bit dangerous to say something about that matter in a crowded place like this. "By 'buddies', you mean Lykke and the others..?" Clyde was trying to prolong the moment, he was still deciding if he'll tell her about it.

And then Clyde sighed. He had finally decided. "I quit that group a few days ago." he said curtly and smiled at Snow. He took her hand and pulled her slowly towards the dance floor. "Let's dance." he said. It was some sort of a change topic. Though Clyde decided to tell the truth, he had no plans on telling her everything.
Snow scowled a little when she realized that Clyde was changing the topic. But it wouldn't stop Snow. She really wanted to know what happened with that horrible girl named Lykke. As they started to dance a waltz, Snow looked straight at Clyde, not caring that she shouldn't. "Why did you quit? Was there some misunderstanding?" Snow looked around then and waited for Clyde's reply.
Sinclair entered the great hall with a soft sigh. He thought it was late, and it was the first time Sinclair got late in anything. He sighed again. This week was unlucky for him, especially with the exam thing. He sighed for the third time and then caught sight of his little sister Snow dancing with... Clyde. "Oh? That's new." he muttered and walked towards them.

"Snow," he called in an unsure voice. Is it supposed to be good to call them now that they were dancing? In anyway, Sinclair noticed that some of the first years were looking at him then to Snow repeatedly. Maybe because they saw that they look like each other. Sinclair only smiled at them.
Hoshi was at the ball of course with in a unique dress that made the lights around her dim for only a moment. Her make-up was also something to be looked at but not because it made her look like an elf. In fact she had gone for the opposite effect which was wide eyed and somewhat darkly sunny. Through the crowd she saw a small girl that looked very much like her older brother. She smiled and walked towards them.

She gave all of them as she got close. "Hello Clyde-kun. You must be Snow-chan." She said looking at the girl. Sinclair had talked so much of her and she looked so much like her older brother that Hoshi could tell right off who the girl was. "Hello Sin-kun." She said her voice dropping only a note. She looked down for only a moment too before looking back at Sinclair with a brightish smile.
Snow stopped dancing and looked at the right to see her big brother looking at them. It had been days since they last saw each other in Hogwarts. It was a hard time, anyway, him being a Slytherin and a fourth year. It was hard to look for him in the palace-like school. Snow pulled Clyde outside the dance floor and went to Sinclair. "Nii-sama," she paused. "I mean big brother, you're joining the dance? With who?" As though she was heard, a fourth year girl came walking towards them. "You must be Snow-chan." Japanese? Snow bowed a little and smiled childishly at the girl. "Yes, I'm Snow. And you are..?"
"Hoshi Watanuki," Clyde answered Snow's question. He turned to look at Hoshi, who was his mentor and greeted her with a smile. "It's been a long time," he muttered with his low voice before looking at Sinclair. Ahh.. he resembles Snow so much. Clyde thought, almost asking them if they were twins. But it was impossible, Sinclair Blaze was older than Snow.

Clyde was relieved that another escape appeared from Snow's questioning. She seemed too desperate to know what happened. And Clyde too was desperate not to tell her. But if I think it through, I know I would eventually yield to her. he thought again and shoved the thoughts away from his mind so that he could somehow concentrate in this new conversation with Sinclair and Hoshi who seemed to be partners for this dance. "Oh? You two are couples?" he asked them boldly, giving a playful smile.
Hoshi burned bright red which completely destroyed the illusion of darkness that she cast around herself but then brought it back almost as quickly. "As Clyde-kun said. I'm Hoshi." She said with a renewed smile on her face. "I was here before I was just talking to my friends. I'm kind of upset though. The usual crowd isn't here." She said looking around. Then again Sam wouldn't be at a ball with how upset he was. Hoshi wished there where a way to bring him out of but there seemed to be little hope of that.

Clyde seemed a little too eager to talk to them but she wasn't going to ask anything. Hoshi knew what it was to keep secrets like that. She wouldn't force someone to give their secrets to her. "I does seem like fortune smiles on me tonight though." She said as she gave Sinclair a bright smile. She was maybe hoping for a little more under the light of the candles but then again she had learned not to hope for too much when it came to things like this.
"It's great that Hoshi here is willing to be my date tonight," Sinclair told Clyde, returning the mischievous smile. "And you? You're with my sister." Sinclair gave a low and serious tone in this statement, almost threatening. Threatening if he didn't smile quickly, indirectly telling them that it was a joke. Yes, it must be a joke. For Sinclair never got angry to anyone since five years ago.

Remembering that time, he looked at Snow. How different she now looks. She wasn't the child that he spoiled so much when they were little. She wasn't the child who he dreamed all those years with his mother. She wasn't that child, yes, and yet that child was still Snow. Sinclair tried to erase all those troubling thoughts by giving his best smile to his little sister. "You should be careful with Clyde. He's a heart breaker," Sinclair told her and gave a short soft laugh.
Hoshi laughed and blushed even though she had been very forward with Sinclair in the library. “Well with talk like this there’s not even a chance for me to say no.” She said as she crossed her arms under her chest. The blackish red sash that she wore hung around her elbows now though it didn’t seem like Hoshi was tired at all. “The looks of a heartbreaker but who knows Snow-chan may be the one that keeps a hold of him.” She said with a bright smile. She knew what it was to be protective over someone so the slight threat in Sin’s voice didn’t register in Hoshi’s mind.
Snow studied Hoshi for a long moment. She tried to check if Hoshi was really fit for Sinclair. Dark and almost proud, a common characteristic of Slytherin students. Both positive and negative at the same time. Snow thought Hoshi at least didn't seem to be the boastful type, unlike the other girl she met a few days ago. But despite the clear Yes in Snow's mind, there was a small tingling thought that she didn't want Hoshi for Sinclair. She didn't want anyone for Sinclair. Call it brother complex, Snow wouldn't deny it. It just that it seemed so long ago that they saw each other. And now there was another girl beside her in Sinclair's heart.

Snow was completely not paying attention that she was surprised when she heard Hoshi mention her name. Snow widened her dark eyes and glanced at Hoshi. "Sorry, I didn't catch that. I was.. thinking." she said with a smile and looked at Sinclair. "Onii-sama, Clyde is not a heartbreaker. What if I say that the both of you act the same??"
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