Enjoying the day

Bellda Mervina

Well-Known Member
Flowers. Something Bellda could relate to. The smell was sweet, the texture was smooth, and the all around visual was perfectly beautiful. Not that Bellda was comparing a flower to herself, that would be narcissistic. Each flower had a different personality and look. Flowers could mean peace, or they could mean hatred. Bellda’s favorite flower had to be a daisy. It was sunny and cheery and could mean no harm…unless you hit some one with a daisy. Which would be a little odd to be hit with a flower. Flowers were mother earth’s gift to sad people.

Bellda smiled as she walked under an awning that was clad in a veining plant. She was in her element. She was in a state of peace. She liked helping people. It was in her nature. She absentmindedly put her hair up in a low hanging pony tail. A few strands escaped from their bindings and came to rest around her face. She was wearing wide-legged jeans and a pale rose colored flow-y top. She wanted to be comfortable today and so she was. She leaned over to smell a flower, gently bringing it to her nose. She gave a polite sniff then released the flower and then stood up straight. Yes, she could get quite comfortable here. It was peaceful enough.

She found herself wandering over to a marble bench that overlooked the whole garden area. The bench looked so inviting she just had to sit down and enjoy it. ”Mmmm how beautiful.” She realized she was thinking out loud but how could she help it. She just had to express the way that she felt towards the lovely garden.

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