End of Year Feast

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Professor Weasley sat at the staff table discussing her vacation plans with several of the as the students sauntered in. Another year had come to an end in the castle and after all of the lessons and exams, she was fairly certain that the students were ready to leave and enjoy a couple of months free from assignments and the confines of the castle. She didn't blame them because she was looking forward to the vacation as well.

With the room decorated in Ravenclaw colors, it was obvious to everyone in attendance which house had won the House Cup. Still, she stood up to make it official. Once the students had become relatively silent, the deputy headmistress spoke. "Another year is behind us and I hope you all" her eyes swept over the tables, "have learned a lot this year. To our seventh years, farewell and best of luck as you move forward. To the rest of you, enjoy your vacation and we look forward to seeing you return." She smiled at the students before continuing. "I'm sure you all have noticed how the hall is decorated. With a total of 3,150 points, Ravenclaw is the clear winner of the Cup. Congratulations to Professor Spenser and the students from his house!" she said, clapping though she wished it was her house accepting the trophy. Professor Spenser was getting mighty comfortable with the award.

"I won't drag this out any longer, so enjoy the feast!" she said as she sat down once more. The deputy headmistress pulled a plate of chicken pot pie towards her and began to eat, once again beginning to chat with her colleagues as the swell of noise from the student's chatter began once more.
It was the last day of being a Sixth year for Ariah. Right now she wasn't sure whether to be relieved or sad that the year had literally flown by. This year wasn't a particularly interesting one. It wasn't too boring either but she found herself wishing that it was already over and she was onto her Seventh year of school. A boring year was not really something she liked to experience and she was hoping that her final year of school would not only be more interesting but finally set her down the path she needed to go down to be successful. Hell she still hadn't decided what she wanted to do with her life when she Graduated from school. There was a lot of options but really no idea from her yet as to what she wanted to do. Maybe become a Healer like her big brother was, or an Unspeakable. There was no way she'd be a Professor. That job didn't sound suitable to her at all. There was still the summer for her to really think about it so she could take the Proper classes. But Ariah wasn't so sure if the summer would even be enough for her to decide with everything else that has been going on in her life. Today was the End of the year Feast. This used to be one of the most heartbreaking days for Ariah but as she sat next to Leviathan quietly, she wondered what lied in her future for her. "Promise me that you'll write this summer." Ariah muttered quietly to Leviathan just as the Headmistress started her speech. She didn't want to go all summer without hearing from him again. If possible she'd hang out with him too but it was hard enough to get that boy to write let alone go out. For some reason Ariah felt awkward about going back to her brother's for the Summer. Perhaps it was because Gabrielle was there and she still felt awkward seeing her brother being head over heels for someone. Somewhere deep inside her bones, she also felt that something big would be happening. It didn't feel like it was going to be something good either. Ariah gave her boyfriend a soft smile before she returned her attention back to the Headmistress.

Ravenclaw won the house cup. Ariah wasn't pleased because of course she wanted her own house to win. It would be weird for someone to be happy that they had lost. Oh well, perhaps next year they would take the cup as their own again. It was a mystery every year. Unless one of the houses cheated which she was starting to think may just be possible for them to do. Even if she was displeased about her house losing she clapped softly a few times then shook her head and turned her body back toward the center of the table. Ariah wondered if Levi was in another one of his bad moods. It seemed that ever since she reminded him that she would soon be at her last year, he got grumpy a lot more easily. But she tried to make it so she wasn't ruining things for him. She even stopped hanging out with Damian because she heard he didn't like it. Ariah must have zoned out for a moment or two because suddenly a feast appeared out of nowhere and adorned the table. Her mint green eyes blinked in surprised before she started to go after some pumpkin pie. Good thing she was really hungry, because there was a lot of good things to choose from.​
Ostensia made her way into the Great Hall alongside a few other Hufflepuff classmates of hers. It felt unreal that the year was ending already! This year was absolutely amazing too so perhaps Ostensia was just expecting it go by more slowly so she could enjoy herself. After today she wouldn't be a Third year any longer and would be an official Fourth year. Still one of the youngsters but old enough to where she may get some actual respect within the school from those younger than her. Well those that weren't involved with a pack of man-eating little girly girls that held respect for no one but the designers of their clothing. Well not much could be said about all of them because she did remember Aphrodite coming up to her later and apologizing for being rude to her and stuff but she didn't want to go against Krystin's 'orders'. So she was just a pawn who was afraid of being turned against. The Hufflepuff was too soft to really be that upset but she wished the other two girls would grow some back bones and tell their leader no every once and awhile. Just as Osa was sitting down at the Hufflepuff House table, she caught sight of her boyfriend sitting at his own table. Sometimes she wished they were in the same house. When she caught his attention Ostensia blew him a kiss and smiled. He was so cute! If her parents would let her then she would definitely be hanging out with him this summer. The speech began not long after Ostensia sat down. For a moment she was a little surprised to see it was Professor Cyndi Weasley giving the speech, she had forgotten that she was Headmistress now. 'I don't see how I could forget, she was always so sweet to everyone!' Ostensia bit her lip and looked away for a moment. Her blue eyes locked onto the Ravenclaw table as they cheered. Ostensia was hoping that Hufflepuff would win. Maybe next year it would end up being their year. Their Head of House was so sweet though so it probably did not matter to her if they won or not. When the speech was over the feast began. And once it did Ostensia didn't even hesitate to get herself some mashed potatoes, before everyone else ate it on her.​
The young Slytherin didn't really like events like this. Feasts were never his favorite because in all honesty, Romaine wasn't a huge fan of food. Weird huh? A twelve year old boy not having much of an interest in food almost sounded unheard of to most people he knew. But he felt like there was so many more important things he could be focusing on than thinking about food, plus he hated when his stomach felt upset. Plus sitting in a crowded room with tons of food really sounded unpleasant to him, he almost wanted to skip it and do something else. But he'd probably get into trouble so he decided to come anyways. He walked alongside one of his friends and quietly held a conversation with him about Quidditch and whether they should both try out next year or not. Romaine liked the game but sometimes he didn't. Romaine was a weird kid pretty much. He disliked many things, he was a real sweetheart yet a jerk to people he didn't like, and he changed his mind so often it was hard to know what he was really into and what he wasn't. But people seemed to think he was interesting enough regardless of his weird flaws. Romaine waved to some others that were sitting at another table before he parked himself down near the end and waited. He was really focusing on going home. He was tired of school already so he really needed a break. Thankfully the Headmistress kept her speech nice and short and let them get to their feast. Romaine wasn't in the mood for celebrating with the Ravenclaws for their cheatingachievement. Students around him piled their plate's full but Romaine used this time to strike up a conversation with those sitting around him.​
The Sixth Year Prefect was with the other Gryffindors, unsure of what the year would hold for him. He had worked hard through the year, and now there was another year, a much harder year coming. The year of the NEWT. Unlike some of the others that were around here, Ryuu Arai did not care much for the House Cup which was won by the Ravenclaws, once more. It seemed like they were holding the victory for some time now, and he did not even know the place that Gryffindor was in. His pale eyes washed over the Gryffindor Head of House, who was now the Deputy Headmistress. What did that mean exactly? Ryuu shrugged and he glanced down to see the mountains of food that appeared before them all. He took some rolls into his plate and he started to eat on them slowly. He was not dying of hunger, but this was the last non-Japanese food that he would receive in a long while, so he had to savor it as much as he could at least. He smiled a bit, which was rare, and his eyes wondered over to where Merlina would be sitting at. Maybe she was happy that they were leaving this year, but Ryuu did not know what to think about living alone at least.
It was amazing, the long since awaited last day of school had arrived. Kamaria Zhefarovich had waited so long for this day to come, because she needed some relief from the OWLs. She glanced over at the Slytherin table to see Leviathan and Ariah, and she smiled lightly, before she felt a wash of guilt over when her eyes looked over at the Gryffindor table for Damian Metzger. She could no longer hang out with people like him and she did not know or understand why that was. Kara let out a soft sigh and she bit her lower lip. How could one think that she could hang out with others like that? Kara bowed her head and then she felt a surge of pride go through her, like electricity when she heard that Ravenclaw had earned the House Cup. She smirked like a Slytherin for a moment, before she heard the saying that they could dig in, and that was what she was waiting for. She knew that the NEWT year would be horrible on her and her year, but she did not mind it, and she was expecting it at least. But for now, she could dig in and help herself to come good food before she would go home for the holidays.
Lady Helena floated across the Great Hall stopping only once by the Ravenclaw Table to give the winners of the house cup a curtsy of congratulations before moving towards the Gryffindor Table where she would stand by her house. "Another Year has passed, though I'm sure next year we will claim the House Cup" Lady Helena said with confidence as she looked down at all the food that had been set out for the students. It all seemed quite delicious and she was sure that they all would enjoy eating the delectable feast. She moved away from the students and joined the other ghosts that had appeared for some polite conversation before returning to the 7th floor where she had begun to enjoy traveling again and again.
The young part-veela glanced around her curiously, making sure not to show any emotion on her face. She was excited that when they came back from the holidays she would be a fifth year, and hopefully a prefect, but she was disappointed that the school year was over. Next year were her OWLS, and she wasn't even sure if she would be prepared for them. She didn't expect to get the best marks, but hopefully well enough that wouldn't make the Zhefarovich's too disappointed in her grades.

She would make sure that when she got back to the Zhefarovich's place, to avoid it as much as possible as she had last time, and work at Eeylops Owl Emporium again. She was sure that Axel Zhefarovich didn't enjoy having her there, because of her being a part-veela, but only allowed her there because he and her father were friends, even though he didn't know her father was half-veela. Anyone that had glanced at Alyss while she was thinking that, wouldn't have known what she was thinking, because of her emotionless facade. Only the slight hardness in her eyes when she thought of Axel Zhefarovich and her father would've gave it away.

It was announced that Professor Spenser and Ravenclaw had won the house cup, and Alyss clapped slowly, stopping before the majority of the hall had. She glanced up at the Professor, a slight blush staining her face as she quickly glanced back down at her plate. She didn't understand all of these feelings that she had been having lately. Surely she didn't have a crush on her own Professor?
Entering into the Great Hall, Jeremy grinned when he noticed that the place was decorated in Ravenclaw colors. That could only mean one thing: the Ravenclaws had won the cup! Jeremy sat at the table with his housemates and listened to the deputy headmistress as she spoke. Thankfully, she kept her speech short and when she announced his house as the winners, Jeremy clapped heartily along with his housemates.

Pulling a plate towards himself once it had appeared, Jeremy began to think about the year he had had. It had started off a bit rough, with Jeremy alienating most of his friends and even getting into a bit of a scuffle with a third year Slytherin. His eyes scanned over the table, spotting the pretty Slytherin girl he sat behind in some of his classes and then spotting the guy who'd punched him, before moving back to his own plate. Jeremy took a bite, glad that things had improved during the second semester.

The Ravenclaw ate enthusiastically, nodding and joking a bit with several of his housemates, wondering what the next year would bring for him. He hoped to continue on the quidditch team next year, though he knew that would depend on his grades. He had a good feeling about them, but wouldn't get his hopes up too high.
The end of the year had finally arrived and Oliver was both a little happy and a little sad about this. He was now in a position to relax however he would miss being able to practice magic while he spent the summer at home. Oliver had enjoyed his first year at Hogwarts and to some extent, he was already looking forward to coming back in the fall. He would miss the friends he made particularly Adriana, although he would never admit this to her face. Oliver sat back and enjoyed the feast, the vast selection of food; he talked to his fellow housemates as everyone discussed their plans for the future. Then came the moment of truth, the announcement of the House cup winners. Ravenclaw. That truly was the icing on the cake that was Oliver's first year.
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