Open Encores

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Derek Tahana

kiwi - half maori - woolongong warriors chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 11 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Acromantula Web Core
5/2034 (19)
Derek had sent two roses, two important roses, but he knew that he wouldn’t really get to act on one without the other being finished. He had decided despite the important conversation he would hopefully have the next day, that it would be important to go to the valentines feast. He had been looking forward to spending the time at it, and he knew that it was better to go and have a less than perfect time than not go and regret not going to the event. He was wearing a suit for the event and had immediately found a space in the hall to just enjoy a few snacks in and just not bother with most people. He wasn’t feeling depressed or saddened by the event, he wouldn’t mind even if he didn’t see Athena, it would been likely that he would’ve still gone to the event. He was just looking to have a bit of fun watching everyone else in the room and make the most of the relaxing celebration that they were to have at this event.
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