Empty shells of characters

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Oliver Cade Halliwell

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Curly 10 Inch Unyielding Pear Wand with Boomslang venom Core
So heres the deal. I've been so lazy with my set of characters over the last year that they have no life, no friends and one of them didn't even sign up for classes last year. Now, since i have very little to fill my day I am back and my characters are back too and they need everything.

Oliver Cade Halliwell

My main character, sort of. Oliver is a Fourth Year Ravenclaw. He's a book worm, a quidditch player, a keen potioner, and an aspiring Heeler. Oliver is a little bit odd, he's a social person but sometimes he likes to drop everything and sit in a corner and read by the fire. He may have a final, thats yet to be confirmed but they won't be getting together until seventh year and since I don't want him to be 17 when he gets his first girlfriend, I'd very much like him to meet some, maybe have a couple of relationships along the way depending how things go. He also needs friends, a best friend (not gender specific) maybe an enemy/rival to make things interesting.

Jennette Jenkins

My favourite of the roost. Fourth Year Gryffindor Muggle born, still not completly comfortable in the Magical world. She has something in the works to potentially develop in the fifth year but I don't know how thats gonna pan out. So she needs friends, best friend, enemies/rivals, maybe some potential boyfriends/flings. Jennette is a bundle of joy eight times out of ten. She very friendly when shes in a good mood but when she wants to be alone shes not shy about saying so and she has a short temper and can explode without warning, so if you think you have a character who can put up with her send them my way.

Jessie Vega

My newbie. First Year Hufflepuff So fresh off the page she han't got a playby yet, stay tunned for personality and such as I develop her. For now she needs friends/best friend. Shes too young for anything else but I'm open to friends becoming something more in later years.
I realise some of these characters may seem underdeveloped. Thats because they are, they have been neglected and are ready to be shaped. In the coming days I'll be working on their developments and bios so look out for those.
Oliver Cade Halliwell said:
He may have a final, thats yet to be confirmed
Nah. Its confirmed ;)

She has something in the works to potentially develop in the fifth year but I don't know how thats gonna pan out.

It's going to pan out fun ;)
Nice of you to pitch in :p
for youre gryf i have stefan here as he needs as much fun as possible. he could put up with her as she seems like alot of the kids that were in his care home.
Sure, coukd you start something and I'll reply after work.
yh ill start it in a min and ill pm u
I have Lola here for both Jennette and Oliver. She's super popular but that's because she's nice to everyone that's nice to her. She doesn't really get when people get mad at her though everyone thinks that her energy is ether cool or annoying. Ether way she's loves to be herself, borderline in love with herself especially since she's magic. For Oliver, they can flirt around a little bit and if they get along well it can even turn into something cool. I do plan for her to fall hard for a smexy Greek Gryffindor but that's not for another few years. Change how you want ^^
I have Ryuuji Tsukino here, a 4th year Ravenclaw, and is a quidditch player too. (Keeper by the way) He's a metamorphmagus too. He usually retains a bright, optimistic, mischiveous, and energetic personality and is a carefree, always smiling person. Sometimes though, he is thought to be a bit sadistic because of his unusual sense of humor...

And I have Sophia Leingod, 4th year hufflepuff, part-veela, as a friend for Jennette. She has a twin sister who has very short temper, so she could probably put up with her. She's an endearing girl with an innocent heart, often clumsy, and is easy to forgive. She's very honest though as she is not really afraid to point out someone else's flaws, though she would do it in a nicer way.

And for your first year, I have Raziel Kim, first year Ravenclaw. He doesn't have a PB yet too, as I'm still looking for a suitable one. Well, he's a guy who's a bit on the weird side. He loves reading books and loves everything about human. His personality is not that developed yet, so.. yeah.. hoping for RPs for him...
Lola Caracola said:
I have Lola here for both Jennette and Oliver. She's super popular but that's because she's nice to everyone that's nice to her. She doesn't really get when people get mad at her though everyone thinks that her energy is ether cool or annoying. Ether way she's loves to be herself, borderline in love with herself especially since she's magic. For Oliver, they can flirt around a little bit and if they get along well it can even turn into something cool. I do plan for her to fall hard for a smexy Greek Gryffindor but that's not for another few years. Change how you want ^^
Oliver and Lola could flirt for a while and see where it leads sounds good. Jennette and Lola are in the same year and house so they could easily be friends.
I have Gwen Graves who could be a good friend to Oliver Cade Halliwell. She is very shy but smart as a whip. Once you get to know her better she is a very friendly person and would do anything for her friends in less it is something that she decides is scary. I am still trying to figure her out that's why she doesn't have a bio and I am also lazy about some of these things.
I understand laziness when it comes to bios. Sure Oliver and Gwen could be friends.
Awesome want me to start a rp or do you want me to? I had a bio started but than my old computer died and I hadn't backed it up.
Eden we still rping with Oliver and Gwen?
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